Put a mask on, it's the law


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
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Was on a jobsite on San Bernardino today. Working on top of a 6' high wall. Climbed down for a second ,turned around and the Super was standing there with his mask down around his neck. Told me to put on a mask, I say I'm not working near anybody. He says put it on, maybe i havent heard its the law. I ask if i can wear it like him,he says he just smoked a cig and forgot to put it back up. WTF this shit is so stupid.Here are a couple pics of my view in each direction. Nobody in any of those vehicles.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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That's lame. Glad I don't have a boss! (actually I have like 10 bosses, who are my clients). But I try not to ever see them in person haha


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
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Lol, they're a day late. Yesterday was my bday. I actually put it on out of respect for my customer. I didnt want them to hear some B.S. , but i wore it like he did. Down around my neck


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Seriously what are they gonna do? Take away your birthday if you dont wear it? lol

Are you asking what a job site super is going to do if he gives reminds you of the job site rules (Law or no law) and you nicely tell him to piss off ? 🤔

My experience tells me he's going to run your ass off HIS job, then call your company and explain how you won't be allowed back on site.
And unless his company owner or PM has some serious pull with the GC and you make amends, you won't be back. 😳


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
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Are you asking what a job site super is going to do if he gives reminds you of the job site rules (Law or no law) and you nicely tell him to piss off ? 🤔

My experience tells me he's going to run your ass off HIS job, then call your company and explain how you won't be allowed back on site.
And unless his company owner or PM has some serious pull with the GC and you make amends, you won't be back. 😳
This ^


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
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That's lame. Glad I don't have a boss! (actually I have like 10 bosses, who are my clients). But I try not to ever see them in person haha

Haven't had a boss for over 30years, but was working for my best customer,no need to get them involved.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Your boss probably drinks White Claw. 🤣

By the way, I agree with you. Retarded being forced to wear a mask when you are the only person within 100 square yards. 🙄

Should have told him you were just getting ready to light up like he did. That's why you didn't have one on. 🤣


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Your boss probably drinks White Claw. 🤣

By the way, I agree with you. Retarded being forced to wear a mask when you are the only person within 100 square yards. 🙄

Should have told him you were just getting ready to light up like he did. That's why you didn't have one on. 🤣

Thanks to OSHA, lawyers and construction insurance companies, there's a lot of mandatory safety regs today that depending on what you're doing and where, don't make sense.
When I started in construction in the mid 60's, it for the most part, like real life required us to be responsible for our own individual safety.
You might remember, you know, before everything we own became plastered with warning stickers and labels and consume half the volume of any owner's manual.
Progress and the demand by many for others to protect us from our own stupidity has released us from that burden of individual responsibility.
If we get hurt or God forbid, dead, as a result of our own ignorance, it's no longer our fault, we can blame and collect compensation from another or several others.

So imagine the all encompassing construction job site mandatory safety regulations if you can. That superintendent, the one who's job used to be overseeing the actual material and workmanship to ensure a quality installation is now a combination of a Mall Cop and School Principle.

Those huge white signs at the job site entrance and that thick book stating the site safety regulations aren't suggestions as they once were, they're mandatory and strictly enforced. Then there's all the safety meetings to remind us of these rules and regs. and the required documentation of those meetings.

State inspectors and lawyers are lined up just waiting to open the gates of hell upon that General Contractor and everybody else they can blame should those regs be violated.

Currently, with these new COVID19, rules, should somebody be spotted and photographed (By some snitch busy body) without their mask (As an example), that entire job site could be shut down and everybody sent home.

I retired 8 years ago, it's only gotten much worse, I feel sorry for job site supers, it's hard for me to imagine how a project even gets completed in this nanny culture society. 🤔 😖


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Was on a jobsite on San Bernardino today. Working on top of a 6' high wall. Climbed down for a second ,turned around and the Super was standing there with his mask down around his neck. Told me to put on a mask, I say I'm not working near anybody. He says put it on, maybe i havent heard its the law. I ask if i can wear it like him,he says he just smoked a cig and forgot to put it back up. WTF this shit is so stupid.Here are a couple pics of my view in each direction. Nobody in any of those vehicles. View attachment 869305 View attachment 869307
This is so ridiculous & people are drinking the koolaid like it's Coors Light. I have a doctor friend who quarantined south of Rosarito all this time & he says they're open but smart about it. The restaurants clean your hands with sanitizer when you walk in, seat you a good 5 feet away from others, wipe every thing down constantly, etc.

I swear this is starting to look like a wartime occupied country.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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This is so ridiculous & people are drinking the koolaid like it's Coors Light. I have a doctor friend who quarantined south of Rosarito all this time & he says they're open but smart about it. The restaurants clean your hands with sanitizer when you walk in, seat you a good 5 feet away from others, wipe every thing down constantly, etc.

I swear this is starting to look like a wartime occupied country.

How does a restaurant clean ones hands?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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New health order in SD county starting May 1.
if you can’t maintain social distance (6-8 feet), you must wear a mask when out in public (unless out with only your family).


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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New health order in SD county starting May 1.
if you can’t maintain social distance (6-8 feet), you must wear a mask when out in public (unless out with only your family).
Sounds totally easy to enforce. Next they’ll want everyone to have a red or green card attached to a lanyard around your neck, with your test papers of course. Little brown shirts with cameras running around trying to snitch out the reds.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Sounds totally easy to enforce. Next they’ll want everyone to have a red or green card attached to a lanyard around your neck, with your test papers of course. Little brown shirts with cameras running around trying to snitch out the reds.

you watch Contagion? Movie is getting closer to reality then I would ever think


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2011
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Sounds totally easy to enforce. Next they’ll want everyone to have a red or green card attached to a lanyard around your neck, with your test papers of course. Little brown shirts with cameras running around trying to snitch out the reds.
San Diego County’s savior, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is gonna save us all. Mofo telling all San Diegan’s to wear masks, yet he does his briefing without one himself. This dude is as bad as Newscum, just at a lower level...trying to make a name for himself. Dude has a major identity crisis to boot; was republican, then Independent, now Democrat. He so badly wanted to show how diverse he was, he divorced his first wife to marry a Hispanic chica and he took on her last name (hyphenated) of Gonzalez-Fletcher. Now he and his fuctard new wife are doing wonders in SD. We’re phucked!!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Sounds totally easy to enforce. Next they’ll want everyone to have a red or green card attached to a lanyard around your neck, with your test papers of course. Little brown shirts with cameras running around trying to snitch out the reds.

You are confusing those colors with the little red and green lights that tell us when we can stop and go, the horror.:eek:


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Just had this discussion with a site inspector yesterday at one of the public schools were working on. OSHA is NOT citing or enforcing a mandatory mask rule. They are just checking and making sure all personnel know what are the proper procedures to follow and that there are correct hand washing stations available for the crews.

This is in Arizona though so we still have SOME rights here.

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