Nganga confronts the CHP


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
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cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Let the cop bashing begin [emoji13]


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Wait who does rdp hate more bikers or cops [emoji15]


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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Bikes belong to the right, not out in the middle of the lane!!!!

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Bikes belong to the right, not out in the middle of the lane!!!!

Correct. If you watch the video, the beginning shows the guy in front right on the line. He's in the correct position. I have to assume the guy following, was also on the right since he insisted to the officer :)D) that he was.

There are plenty of douchebag cyclist, there are plenty of douchebag everything's. I am a very polite (read scared) cyclist. I really do fear someday my wife will get a visit from the Peoria PD telling her she's a widow and my sons an orphan. I take this shit, life and death serious. But when tools like Grads and others come on here and brag about giving us close shaves with their mirrors or using their train horns to scare the shizzle out of us, that's plain douchebag behavior.

If half of you got on a bike and tried to "walk a mile in our shoes" you would see a different world, through a different prism. I spent the last two weeks in Ca. (all over, north to south) on a Motorhome vacation. California has a very complete and well maintain bike lane strategy. I only wish Phx./Peoria/Glendale would learn. I try to pick where I ride, use bike lanes. Problem is texting knows no bounds.

I always laugh at this shit, people get so damn worked up over a guy in tights riding his bike.

BTW, where is that road, looks like a great ride. :thumbup:

edit; watched it again, he's not ON the line but where he is isn't a problem, he is close enough to the right for anyone to pass, specially on a vacant roadway. BTW WTF is a CHIP doing there?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Correct. If you watch the video, the beginning shows the guy in front right on the line. He's in the correct position. I have to assume the guy following, was also on the right since he insisted to the officer :)D) that he was.

There are plenty of douchebag cyclist, there are plenty of douchebag everything's. I am a very polite (read scared) cyclist. I really do fear someday my wife will get a visit from the Peoria PD telling her she's a widow and my sons an orphan. I take this shit, life and death serious. But when tools like Grads and others come on here and brag about giving us close shaves with their mirrors or using their train horns to scare the shizzle out of us, that's plain douchebag behavior.

If half of you got on a bike and tried to "walk a mile in our shoes" you would see a different world, through a different prism. I spent the last two weeks in Ca. (all over, north to south) on a Motorhome vacation. California has a very complete and well maintain bike lane strategy. I only wish Phx./Peoria/Glendale would learn. I try to pick where I ride, use bike lanes. Problem is texting knows no bounds.

I always laugh at this shit, people get so damn worked up over a guy in tights riding his bike.

BTW, where is that road, looks like a great ride. :thumbup:

edit; watched it again, he's not ON the line but where he is isn't a problem, he is close enough to the right for anyone to pass, specially on a vacant roadway. BTW WTF is a CHIP doing there?

??? Wouldn't you have to unclip to walk in those things?:D:D


Active Member
Apr 22, 2014
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I cycle as well, and for a cop to pull that crap is ridiculous. I know there are the tools out there that block the whole road, but this was on a mtn road with no one else up there and you cant tell me he couldn't slow down for a second to pass more safely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
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In my neck of the woods most of these cyclists are liberal elitist pricks that start biking just to bitch about how close "hicks" get to them on the road. Then they upload the footage to social media to shame the drivers or some other dumb shit.

Here's my take. If you wanna ride in the street you have to understand that not everyone knows the laws that pertain to cyclists. You are also sharing the road with 2 tons metal missiles.

If the cyclists wanna take that risk then by all means go for it.... I ain't gonna stop you.

But if you ride 3 deep in a lane and think that's cool you're an asshat. If you run red lights in the city because you want to keep momentum up your an asshat.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2008
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Correct. If you watch the video, the beginning shows the guy in front right on the line. He's in the correct position. I have to assume the guy following, was also on the right since he insisted to the officer :)D) that he was.

There are plenty of douchebag cyclist, there are plenty of douchebag everything's. I am a very polite (read scared) cyclist. I really do fear someday my wife will get a visit from the Peoria PD telling her she's a widow and my sons an orphan. I take this shit, life and death serious. But when tools like Grads and others come on here and brag about giving us close shaves with their mirrors or using their train horns to scare the shizzle out of us, that's plain douchebag behavior.

If half of you got on a bike and tried to "walk a mile in our shoes" you would see a different world, through a different prism. I spent the last two weeks in Ca. (all over, north to south) on a Motorhome vacation. California has a very complete and well maintain bike lane strategy. I only wish Phx./Peoria/Glendale would learn. I try to pick where I ride, use bike lanes. Problem is texting knows no bounds.

I always laugh at this shit, people get so damn worked up over a guy in tights riding his bike.

BTW, where is that road, looks like a great ride. :thumbup:

edit; watched it again, he's not ON the line but where he is isn't a problem, he is close enough to the right for anyone to pass, specially on a vacant roadway. BTW WTF is a CHIP doing there?

See the Glendora Ridge Road crash thread... There are tons of cyclist and sportbikes on these mountain roads on the weekend. The cyclist should be pretty jaded from all the sportbike traffic up there. I am sure you would only get a few inches space from a lot of them, it would make a foot from the CHP seem like a comfort zone.




Oct 29, 2007
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Driving and killing pedestrians or cyclists is close to the perfect crime, and jail time is extremely rare...not just for cops, but for anyone.

Freakonomics covered it in detail:

I know all to well. I'm named after my mother's bother who was ran over and killed while on his bicycle. The lady who was drunk with her kids in the car didn't spend a single day in jail. ...But let's not stray away from the fact that cops suck. :)


Warlock Performance Boats Merchandise Connections
Oct 4, 2010
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is there a previous video or something? by the time the front guy turns around the cop is like 6 feet away from the rear bicyclist. i dont get where "a foot and a half" came from especially since both parties were traveling towards each other.


Oct 29, 2007
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is there a previous video or something? by the time the front guy turns around the cop is like 6 feet away from the rear bicyclist. i dont get where "a foot and a half" came from especially since both parties were traveling towards each other.

The cop went up the mountain then turned around.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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In my neck of the woods most of these cyclists are liberal elitist pricks that start biking just to bitch about how close "hicks" get to them on the road. Then they upload the footage to social media to shame the drivers or some other dumb shit.

Here's my take. If you wanna ride in the street you have to understand that not everyone knows the laws that pertain to cyclists. You are also sharing the road with 2 tons metal missiles.

If the cyclists wanna take that risk then by all means go for it.... I ain't gonna stop you.

But if you ride 3 deep in a lane and think that's cool you're an asshat. If you run red lights in the city because you want to keep momentum up your an asshat.

You clearly haven't found your way down to the political crater. :D

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Cops are allowed to run over and kill cyclists. They can do whatever they want. Don't you people know this?


NGE, you're correct. I haven't looked but I would be willing to be that the motorist who killed the two bike shop owners in Havasu, will only be charged for some minor traffic violation. I maintain, that if they find out it was phone related, it should be manslaughter.


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
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I'm still trying to figure out why the cyclist was so upset? At 0:09 seconds, you can clearly see the CHP Explorer approaching & hugging the other side of the shoulder, giving the cyclists plenty of room.

He was upset at what transpired before they started recording. They waved the CHP to come back to discuss what happened and turned on their camera at that point.

Cray Paper

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2012
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Just like most things, video of the near miss or incident would prove out right or wrong. No vid, every side gets in the trench and defends. In Seattle, tard bikers (and Mayors) ignore common sense and take the bicyclists side every time and the lawyers do to with great results. Where else in the country can a thousand bicyclists F up traffic, attack motorists and their vehicles and post it online as proof of being marginalized? I don't have much sympathy for bicycle riders, guess it has to do with what I experience in my environment. Arrogant riders that use the sidewalks, crosswalks in downtown then dive in to traffic at the last minute to maintain momentum. The there are the large "races" or rides that plug up two lane roads out in the sticks. When you get 20 -30 in a pack and they take up one of the two lanes going 20MPH in a 50 MPH zone and are offended when you finally get a dashed line and are doing 60 when you pass the leader and tuck back in, well, to F'ing bad. Pay for the road ( plate, registration, gas taxes, insurance) and stay close to the speed limit then they can bitch. Burning up your personal time idling behind them doing half the recommended speed for the road is just selfish on their part.

Would be interesting to see what happened with the CHIP, did he needlessly buz them? Was the bicycle rider being obnoxious and trying to crowd the approaching car? Who knows. I didn't see a bike lane on the road and it was a one way road?

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Say what you want. To me, no bike lane no bike.

We are actually in agreement. When I ride or (dare to ride) in areas with no bike lane, I know I am taking my chances. That is why I always default to being polite, aware, no music, be 110 percent in tune with my surroundings.

I just find it odd that something so pure, human powered and nearly perfect in its form, garners so much hate and disdain.

These things saved my life, gave me a future, gave me comfort and a family. Without them and their 100 percent loyalty, I would not be here right now.

I'm not a religious man, but this is my church.




Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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It may not be you. But im am so tired of their holiwr than thou attitudes and the complete douche nozzle attitude. Friday night i 3 douches were riding along santiago canyon. They were in the bike lane hugging the white line. Fuckers had about 4 feet on the other side of them. Then just as i get about 50 ft away 2 of the fuckers cross into my lane to pass the other guy. I had to lock up the brakes. What the fuck. They have a death wish or something


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I give bikers plenty of room when I have it, when I don't they better have eyes in the back of their head cuz I won't damage my car for their selfishness.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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It's 2015... get a car :D

I don't mind them, as long as they mind the cars around them. You always get the dumbasses trying to ride next to each other, or over into the lane. Cracks me up when they want same rights as a car, yet blow through all the stop signs around my area.


Oct 29, 2007
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We are actually in agreement. When I ride or (dare to ride) in areas with no bike lane, I know I am taking my chances. That is why I always default to being polite, aware, no music, be 110 percent in tune with my surroundings.

I just find it odd that something so pure, human powered and nearly perfect in its form, garners so much hate and disdain.

These things saved my life, gave me a future, gave me comfort and a family. Without them and their 100 percent loyalty, I would not be here right now.

I'm not a religious man, but this is my church.

View attachment 419834

View attachment 419835

I don't understand the hate either. I suppose that some people just need something to be upset about.

It's my church as well. Rain or shine, running and cycling are my two ways to escape life. There's a high that I get while doing it that can't be explained. There's a lot scenery and nature which can't be experienced from a the seat of a car or a screen of a computer. You either get it or you don't.

When you're a runner or a cyclist, you start to get a feel for how inconsiderate others can be out there. If some of the guys in this thread had it their way, we'd be confined to treadmills and bicycle trainers.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Looks more like the CHP came back to have a word with the dipshits who started recording after the fact to "prove" they were right on the line.

Who wants bet they were two wide, in the center and the CHP came around a blind corner close to them?

I came very very close to clipping one of those assholes riding with his pack of dipshit wannabe Tour De Fwance 'tards. He was on the double yellow on a blind sharp turn, he screamed, I'm sure he thought he was dead.


Oct 29, 2007
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It's 2015... get a car :D

I don't mind them, as long as they mind the cars around them. You always get the dumbasses trying to ride next to each other, or over into the lane. Cracks me up when they want same rights as a car, yet blow through all the stop signs around my area.

I don't blow through them, I slow down or speed up so I try to go at the same time a car is going through in my direction so I don't have to stop peddling. Now if it's 4 way stop and there aren't any cars at the intersection, of course I'm going to pass right through it.

Like mentioned earlier in this thread, there's dumb-asses in everything. There's several members on this website who can't drive a boat for shit.

It comes down to the person. Are there some riders that hog up lanes? Yep... I drive by them occasionally and when I do, I wait til I can safely pass them. Big deal! So it took 6 seconds out of my day. Better than killing or injuring a person and having that on my conscious for the rest of my life. Or having to drive a lame rental car while my truck is in the body shop.

It's also like the people that take their sweet ass time crossing the street. I'd rather just wait for them. I'm not going to let someone else who is inconsiderate or clueless to their surroundings change the person that I am.

Just because someone is a dick, doesn't mean you have to be a dick back. :)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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It may not be you. But im am so tired of their holiwr than thou attitudes and the complete douche nozzle attitude. Friday night i 3 douches were riding along santiago canyon. They were in the bike lane hugging the white line. Fuckers had about 4 feet on the other side of them. Then just as i get about 50 ft away 2 of the fuckers cross into my lane to pass the other guy. I had to lock up the brakes. What the fuck. They have a death wish or something

I agree with this. I travel Santiago all the time from RSM to the 241. There are a lot of bicyclist and motorcyclist. From Cooks corner to the 241 it's not bad. From Cooks corner to RSM on Live Oak there is no bike lane and it is narrow. Very aggravating when they ride in the road and won't pull over to let vehicles pass and the switchback at Holy Jims is death waiting to happen. I enjoy seeing people out and about on their bicycles and motorcycles and being active but the few bold ones are enough to get anyone going.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I don't blow through them, I slow down or speed up so I try to go at the same time a car is going through in my direction so I don't have to stop peddling. Now if it's 4 way stop and there aren't any cars at the intersection, of course I'm going to pass right through it.

Like mentioned earlier in this thread, there's dumb-asses in everything. There's several members on this website who can't drive a boat for shit.

It comes down to the person. Are there some riders that hog up lanes? Yep... I drive by them occasionally and when I do, I wait til I can safely pass them. Big deal! So it took 6 seconds out of my day. Better than killing or injuring a person and having that on my conscious for the rest of my life. Or having to drive a lame rental car while my truck is in the body shop.

It's also like the people that take their sweet ass time crossing the street. I'd rather just wait for them. I'm not going to let someone else who is inconsiderate or clueless to their surroundings change the person that I am.

Just because someone is a dick, doesn't mean you have to be a dick back. :)

If you want the same laws as vehicles then obey the same laws, blowing through stop signs is total BS.


Oct 29, 2007
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If you want the same laws as vehicles then obey the same laws, blowing through stop signs is total BS.

It's a yield.

Phil, come over to my house and I'll give you a bike to ride around my residential neighborhood (full of 4-way stops). Then you come back and give me your experienced opinion. I highly doubt you would stop at every intersection like a car does. Apples to oranges. Much easier to push car peddles down while sitting on your butt to get moving again than it is on a bike.

If it was bullshit, the cops would stop people for it. Everyone rides bikes at the beach. If you lived where I do, you'd have a nervous break down. :D


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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It's a yield.

Phil, come over to my house and I'll give you a bike to ride around my residential neighborhood (full of 4-way stops). Then you come back and give me your experienced opinion. I highly doubt you would stop at every intersection like a car does. Apples to oranges. Much easier to push car peddles down while sitting on your butt to get moving again than it is on a bike.

If it was bullshit, the cops would stop people for it. Everyone rides bikes at the beach. If you lived where I do, you'd have a nervous break down. :D
Diesnt matter. You are still required to obey the same laws as cars. Douchebaggery at its finest.[emoji57]


Oct 29, 2007
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Pulled this of CA's website for those of you that think we should be confined to the gutter:


Ride to the Right, But Within Limits - When riding slower than the normal speed of traffic, you are required to ride as far right as ?practicable? (meaning safe). You are not required to ride as far right as possible, which may not be safe. You are allowed, but not required, to ride on the shoulder. CVC 21202, CVC 21650, CVC 21650.1

Take the Lane - If a travel lane is too narrow to safely share side by side with a motor vehicle, you can prevent unsafe passing by riding near the center of the lane. On two-lane roads where it?s illegal or unsafe to pass, you must turn off the roadway at a designated or safe location to allow a line of 5 or more vehicles behind you to pass. CVC 21202 (a)(3), CVC 21656



President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Traffic laws aren't yet designed to help make things easy for cyclists to get around. They're designed to allow the maximum number of vehicles to share the road and avoid carnage.

A breakdown in "who" obeys "what" traffic laws is one thing that causes accidents...IMHO it's not an accident - its negligence - if traffic laws aren't obeyed by everyone on the road, and result in a crash.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2013
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21656 says get off the road so I can pass. Why is it that bicyclists can't figure that out?

Just so you bicyclists understand, going 7mph in a 45 zone? That would be slower traffic.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Diesnt matter. You are still required to obey the same laws as cars. Douchebaggery at its finest.[emoji57]

Will never happen. Most of em think they are some kinna pro rider training to be in olympics. They can't be bothered with traffic laws and common sense, they are not in the same league as us mere mortals.

Damm posers. :p


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Do the tights with all the sponsors all over them actually make you ride faster / better? :D Like adding stickers increases HP?:skull
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aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
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I don't get the hobby. To me it's just gay. Just my opinion. I know it's great for health but on the same token it's bad for your health when you get ran over. I'm not sure I wanna die wearing spandex from head to toe. :p


Motor Boating
Dec 20, 2007
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I hope you guys don't lose a family member who was hit from behind while riding in the bike lane.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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Sure is a lot of whining going on in that video.

Cops suck and so do men in tights riding bicycles.:rolleyes

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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I don't get the hobby. To me it's just gay. Just my opinion. I know it's great for health but on the same token it's bad for your health when you get ran over. I'm not sure I wanna die wearing spandex from head to toe. :p

The first flaw in your logic is that this is a hobby. This is a lifestyle. Playing with trucks is a hobby;)

I hope you guys don't lose a family member who was hit from behind while riding in the bike lane.

Sorry to hear or your loss.

Sure is a lot of whining going on in that video.

Cops suck and so do men in tights riding bicycles.:rolleyes

Go ride a bike without em, report back. You'll have blue balls and walk funny for a week.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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I don't get the hobby. To me it's just gay. Just my opinion. I know it's great for health but on the same token it's bad for your health when you get ran over. I'm not sure I wanna die wearing spandex from head to toe. [emoji14]
And wearing tap shoes.