New California license plates


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I was at the Surfing Heritage & Cultural Center yesterday and come across something that I thought many of you would be interested in. There is currently a drive to create "Endless Summer" plates for California. They have reached the first goal of 7500 signatures and are trying to move it to the next phase now.

Bruce Brown films has given permission to use his iconic design for this new plate and all the proceeds will go the support the SHACC. www.surfingheritage.org

You can provide support or stay informed here... http://surfplate.com

Endless ummer plate.JPG
Endless summer plate .JPG


Essex Affectionado
Aug 4, 2014
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That's pretty cool looking.
It would be nice to have the proceeds used to clean up the beach.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Fucken A... Can we talk plates and leave the BS political shit in the political forum?

While I get what most are saying, it gets old hearing it woven into every topic.

I thought it was a cool plate and I would love to get one for one of my cars if it comes to be - that is why I posted - not to start another CA sucks thread.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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That's pretty cool looking.
It would be nice to have the proceeds used to clean up the beach.

The whale tail plate uses their money to do that. I have one of those and part of the reason I support it is for that reason.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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It would be nice to have the proceeds used to clean up the beach.

Oh sure, that's the "plan" but the reality is the legislature will appropriate those funds and spend them. So long beach clean-up!

Sorry but the reality is there's NO GUARANTEE that the $$$ from the plates will go to SHACC, the organization on the petition. Absolutely none.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Just to be clear regarding my thoughts on California, here is a repost from a recent thread...

I like California

I like the weather

I like the way it looks

I like the fact that city streets have curbs and someone mows the grass on the side of the road

I like seeing snow while standing on the beach

I like the beach

I like the mountains

I like the desert

I like seeing the horizon

I like most of the people

I like the restaurants

I like the incredible amount of things to do

I like the nice cars

I like the nice women

I like the equity in my house

I like the big cities

I like not having to wash my car because it snowed or rained

I like not having air conditioning

I like rarely turning on the heat

I like the "cool" factor

I like the "vibe"

Are there things I don't like about it - YES. But I like these other things better...

I used to feel the way many of you do about leaving California. So I left. And I could not wait to get back.

I've lived in most of the other places being talked about or have spent a lot of time in those areas - I speak not from some fictitious wish or dream but from real knowledge or having experienced those other places.

I like California.

To those of you that are leaving - I wish you well. I'm staying as long as I can afford it.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Fucken A... Can we talk plates and leave the BS political shit in the political forum?

While I get what most are saying, it gets old hearing it woven into every topic.

I thought it was a cool plate and I would love to get one for one of my cars if it comes to be - that is why I posted - not to start another CA sucks thread.
As mentioned earlier, the money will never go where it's sposed to. So for me. Standard plates. I refuse to pay more for anything here.

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Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Hey SirBob - here's my responses...

I like California - it's the politicians I can't stand

I like the weather - it's great most of the time!

I like the way it looks - if you aren't looking at homeless people.

I like the fact that city streets have curbs and Mexicans mow the grass on the side of the road

I like seeing snow while standing on the beach now that you can see the mountains.

I like the beaches - we can visit them.

I like the mountains - we can visit them too.

I like the desert - we can visit them.

I like seeing the horizon - see beaches above.

I like most of the people when they leave me alone.

I like the restaurants when I find ones that aren't chains.

I like the incredible amount of things to do except paying all the taxes and regulations and red tape.

I like the nice cars - you can see them anywhere.

I like the nice women - on the beaches.

I like the equity in my house - that's why you like Kalifornia.

I like the big cities - LA is not a big city like other big cities around the world. LA is sprawl with some high rises downtown.

I like not having to wash my car because it snowed or rained - you're not a SoCal guy if you don't wash your car.

I like not having air conditioning - you must live near the beach.

I like rarely turning on the heat - you must have a newer house with good insulations.

I like the "cool" factor - sure, it's "cool" here in Kali.

I like the "vibe" - what drugs are you taking? Do you have some you can share?

Are there things I don't like about it - YES. But I like these other things better...

I used to feel the way many of you do about leaving California. So I left. And I could not wait to get back. You must have gone to the wrong place.

I've lived in most of the other places being talked about or have spent a lot of time in those areas - I speak not from some fictitious wish or dream but from real knowledge or having experienced those other places.

I like California. I like that you like California.

To those of you that are leaving - I wish you well. I'm staying as long as I can afford it. At this rate you'll be moving soon.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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As you can see, we really agree on most of this ...

Hey SirBob - here's my responses...

I like California - it's the politicians I can't stand - I agree

I like the weather - it's great most of the time! - I agree

I like the way it looks - if you aren't looking at homeless people. - I agree

I like the fact that city streets have curbs and Mexicans mow the grass on the side of the road - I agree

I like seeing snow while standing on the beach now that you can see the mountains. - I agree

I like the beaches - we can visit them. - I do almost daily

I like the mountains - we can visit them too. - I like seeing them not just visiting them

I like the desert - we can visit them. - I agree

You can't live at the beach / mountains & desert at the same time - but living in CA they can be visited in the same day.

I like seeing the horizon - see beaches above. - No you can't if you live in the south (which is what was being talked about is the thread this was originally posted in)

I like most of the people when they leave me alone. - I agree

I like the restaurants when I find ones that aren't chains. - I agree - Very few chains where I live.

I like the incredible amount of things to do except paying all the taxes and regulations and red tape. - I agree

I like the nice cars - you can see them anywhere. - No you can't

I like the nice women - on the beaches. - I like them every where

I like the equity in my house - that's why you like California. - I agree

I like the big cities - LA is not a big city like other big cities around the world. LA is sprawl with some high rises downtown. LA has become a great city downtown - the gentrification of the city in many areas has been terrific. I wish I had bought property there a while back.

I like not having to wash my car because it snowed or rained - you're not a SoCal guy if you don't wash your car. My car is very rarely dirty, I pride myself on my stuff looking good - it is washed as needed to keep it in top shape

I like not having air conditioning - you must live near the beach. - I live near the beach

I like rarely turning on the heat - you must have a newer house with good insulations. - I have an old house with single pane glass - the ocean keep sis cool in the summer and warmer in the winter

I like the "cool" factor - sure, it's "cool" here in Cali. - California is spelled with a C and nobody I know calls it Cali - thats an east coast term

I like the "vibe" - what drugs are you taking? Do you have some you can share? - I keep certain things to myself - no

Are there things I don't like about it - YES. But I like these other things better...

I used to feel the way many of you do about leaving California. So I left. And I could not wait to get back. You must have gone to the wrong place. - I would challenge my list of places lived or worked in my life to most anybody, I feel like I have a VERY well rounded view of the other perspectives

I've lived in most of the other places being talked about or have spent a lot of time in those areas - I speak not from some fictitious wish or dream but from real knowledge or having experienced those other places.

I like California. I like that you like California. - we agree

To those of you that are leaving - I wish you well. I'm staying as long as I can afford it. At this rate you'll be moving soon. - That my well be true - but Im going to enjoy it as long as I can

Did I mention that I thought the new proposed plates were really cool and I want them?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Always loved that design, it would be a killer plate, hate to show off, but this set of boards was from early in my hobby, it really was the first time doing something completely different, thanks again Lunatic Fringe, it was a pleasure.



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I remember when you made those - I thought they were cool then and really liked how you customized it to the boat owner!

Always loved that design, it would be a killer plate, hate to show off, but this set of boards was from early in my hobby, it really was the first time doing something completely different, thanks again Lunatic Fringe, it was a pleasure.

View attachment 632767


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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I remember when you made those - I thought they were cool then and really liked how you customized it to the boat owner!

Yep, definitely not a generic boat in a cove, its a magic, and its a specific one, cool design, like the original, can tell what it is from very far away, very clear picture.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2013
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The Hodad's can't wait to get one of these new plates...


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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For the most part I don't care for personalized plates anymore.
Some are very clever, but I don't need your license plate to tell me that you are driving an M6 BMW.
But..... If I didn't have black and yellow plates on the 59 Volkswagen convertible, one of those would be pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
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Florida has offered this plate for years

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Florida is under a cease-and-desist for using this design. Bruce Brown films which owns and commisioned the design got legal with them and made them change from using his design.

Florida has offered this plate for years

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Fucken A... Can we talk plates and leave the BS political shit in the political forum?

While I get what most are saying, it gets old hearing it woven into every topic.

I thought it was a cool plate and I would love to get one for one of my cars if it comes to be - that is why I posted - not to start another CA sucks thread.
Right on. :thumbsup:
Too many don't have anything nice to say but still have to say something, and usually it's pissnvinegar .


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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The real designer is not Bruce, the designer Bruce commissioned was John Van Hammersveld. They allow the hb international surfing museum to use their design for years on the museums t shirts. Very gracious folks to non profits.


Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Fucken A... Can we talk plates and leave the BS political shit in the political forum?

While I get what most are saying, it gets old hearing it woven into every topic.

I thought it was a cool plate and I would love to get one for one of my cars if it comes to be - that is why I posted - not to start another CA sucks thread.
Can non ca peeps sign the ballot? I’d like to snag one for my garage wall it’s a bad ass looking plate


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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The real designer is not Bruce, the designer Bruce commissioned was John Van Hammersveld. They allow the hb international surfing museum to use their design for years on the museums t shirts. Very gracious folks to non profits.

Good call on the owns vs designed !