Never thought I would.......wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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After 17+ years with the same company, I'm headed to sit down with another company this morning and talk employment.

Preparing a resume felt so weird, but it made me realize I have a pretty impressive track record, when condensed down to one page.
I can see why they say to always keep your resume updated.

Feels like I am about to cheat on my wife.....but this has been a long time coming.

Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
After 17+ years with the same company, I'm headed to sit down with another company this morning and talk employment.

Preparing a resume felt so weird, but it made me realize I have a pretty impressive track record, when condensed down to one page.
I can see why they say to always keep your resume updated.

Feels like I am about to cheat on my wife.....but this has been a long time coming.

Wish me luck!
Good luck, I spent 17 years in a dead end job and then 23 years at one that really improved my life, but when I made the change I was scared shitless.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Good luck.
I have been playing the field as well. Usually avoid head hunters, but I have been listening more these days. Biggest thing I have found; while the offer in salary has been better, the health insurance sucks compared to what I have, so I have stayed put.


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Good luck and don't cheat on the wife, you have a good one. :D

74 spectra20 v-drive

74 spectra20 v-drive
Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
Good Luck! I know exactly how you feel, its something that many of us have in our DNA, or maybe just how we were raised, I watched my Grandpa, Uncles and My Dad all work the same job and stay faithful to the companies that took care of them, hell my Grandpa, two Uncles and now my Cousin all worked for the same company (Heavy Transport / Bragg) I have been with my company for 30 years, started when I was 21 years old. They have done good buy me but I had opportunities to bounce but chose stability over change or maybe I am just a pussy! I wish you luck sir, and a big pay bump!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Good Luck! I know exactly how you feel, its something that many of us have in our DNA, or maybe just how we were raised, I watched my Grandpa, Uncles and My Dad all work the same job and stay faithful to the companies that took care of them, hell my Grandpa, two Uncles and now my Cousin all worked for the same company (Heavy Transport / Bragg) I have been with my company for 30 years, started when I was 21 years old. They have done good buy me but I had opportunities to bounce but chose stability over change or maybe I am just a pussy! I wish you luck sir, and a big pay bump!

I have found the younger generation (those under 35) jump at titles and maybe a little more pay then us older folks. I have jumped a few times - PwC to KPMG (got caught in a PwC RIF), KPMG to Intuit (got a 50% total comp increase), Intuit to LifeTechnologies (another 30% bump plus more responsibilities and only 2 miles from home), Life to DIrecTV (life got acquired and I was severed out), DTV to Oracle (working in LA, family in Carlsbad, was not good). Best move I made was Oracle, I turned down more $$ for seeing my kids grow up. Best decision I have made in life.

That said, I have been told more often then I can count a team member was leaving to jump for a title and maybe 5-10k in pay. Each time I would match pay, but they wanted the title and left (I am old school when it comes to title). Hell, I had one kid jump at a title and less pay. Told him, jumping for a title means nothing, focus on core responsibilities and work/life balance. He called me a few months ago asking if I was hiring, said he did not care about title, but wanted what I was paying him 5 years ago. The younger workforce are not focused on the future, just the now.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
I have found the younger generation (those under 35) jump at titles and maybe a little more pay then us older folks. I have jumped a few times - PwC to KPMG (got caught in a PwC RIF), KPMG to Intuit (got a 50% total comp increase), Intuit to LifeTechnologies (another 30% bump plus more responsibilities and only 2 miles from home), Life to DIrecTV (life got acquired and I was severed out), DTV to Oracle (working in LA, family in Carlsbad, was not good). Best move I made was Oracle, I turned down more $$ for seeing my kids grow up. Best decision I have made in life.

That said, I have been told more often then I can count a team member was leaving to jump for a title and maybe 5-10k in pay. Each time I would match pay, but they wanted the title and left (I am old school when it comes to title). Hell, I had one kid jump at a title and less pay. Told him, jumping for a title means nothing, focus on core responsibilities and work/life balance. He called me a few months ago asking if I was hiring, said he did not care about title, but wanted what I was paying him 5 years ago. The younger workforce are not focused on the future, just the now.
Guys would jump ship based on the plate on their desk or door? I pretty much quit roofing 10 years ago. It didn't matter if I was a laborer, a contractor or the business owner...I was a "roofer".

Nowadays, I'm just a "handyman"...I'll work on anything with a wrench or a hammer. (Fun days take both ;)) Been called a lot of things, some good, some not so much. The only two titles I'm proud of had nothing to do with money. Father and Husband.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Good luck . I hope the new job helps you get to the river more .

Good Stuff

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
After 17+ years with the same company, I'm headed to sit down with another company this morning and talk employment.

Preparing a resume felt so weird, but it made me realize I have a pretty impressive track record, when condensed down to one page.
I can see why they say to always keep your resume updated.

Feels like I am about to cheat on my wife.....but this has been a long time coming.

Wish me luck!
Not sure your situation but my wife kind of just went through a similar thing. She’s around #6 in the United States for her company on the sales team. Just recently things started to get weird with a new president at the company kind of driving the whole thing off a cliff. A recruiter hit her up and she ended up having a conversation with them about pay and how they operate. I made a move early in my career for pride/management issues when I probably should have stayed and voiced my concerns and other offers I was getting. Pushed my career back about 3 years and we talked about that together when she got this offer. She decided to speak to her longtime company VP about how things were going. That conversation along with some from other top reps got around the new president and back to the board of directors. In addition to a nice counter to the other company offer today she woke up to the great news that the crappy president had been canned. 16 years with the same company for her and even though she’s not in management knowing she’s got a voice in how things are run feels pretty good. The other company had some pretty unique ways to handle a few of the current issues and now hers is implementing some that just make sense but wouldn’t have come to light for the rest of the employees had she just taken the new deal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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title means nothing to me, call me the head shit head for all i care, pay me for what i do. i have been with the company im with for coming on 9 years. i was the owners 2nd hire. im the longest employee here besides the owner now. I was offered more money and what some would consider a better title just before covid kicked off and a few times before. when i looked at the whole package it couldnt compete with what i have now. i want to take the kids to school, pick them up, go to the river for a days. no problem no approvals needed. i hear friends of mine jumping from job to job almost yearly for title or another the most recent one was 1500 a year bump, they always bitch that if they come in late or leave early they get bitched, but the office has free snacks and a ping pong table, makes no sense to me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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I'm glad you posted this, in 2 weeks I leave my job ad a paramedic in hemet to take a paramedic job in blythe. I'm nervous as hell, after 17 years I'm comfortable and the change is nerve racking, makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one in that boat


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
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I have done it 2 times now. Both jump up in pay big time. Taking 20-30%. Get a feel of where the company is headed and the health of the company first


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2017
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I'm getting near the retirement point of my career but really only worked for two companies with two different paths to get to where I am now.

1. With minor skills and no college degree (in an industry that requires both) got an entry-level job at a huge computer company that lasted 18 years. That company had 140K employees when I started and laid off down to 24K by the time they got me. Given the size of the company it did allow me to learn skills and jump jobs within it, they even paid to send me to night school to get a bachelor's degree which helped me advance but sadly they didn't improve my pay much. Best thing that ever happened was getting laid off at this point.

2. Taking those skills, experience and degree I got a job at a small fast-growing tech company that over the years has grown into a huge money maker. At first I didn't make much more than before but both pay and position grew exponentially over the last 20 years, at any time I could have job-hopped and made a bit more but staying with this growing company always proved to be the best move I didn't make. Each employee contributes to $2.5M of revenue of a product that has over 80% margin, so they try hard to retain us with salary/performance bonuses and stock (which has grown from $5 a share to almost $700)...as you can imagine everyone works their asses off to ensure we all succeed.

Good luck with your opportunity, moving for money isn't always the best move but moving for an opportunity with a growing business can give you the runway to be your best.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2015
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If you've made it to the sit down interview you are over 90% of the way there. Good luck and hope the new job gives you a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.


On Vacation
Nov 25, 2015
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I have found the younger generation (those under 35) jump at titles and maybe a little more pay then us older folks. I have jumped a few times - PwC to KPMG (got caught in a PwC RIF), KPMG to Intuit (got a 50% total comp increase), Intuit to LifeTechnologies (another 30% bump plus more responsibilities and only 2 miles from home), Life to DIrecTV (life got acquired and I was severed out), DTV to Oracle (working in LA, family in Carlsbad, was not good). Best move I made was Oracle, I turned down more $$ for seeing my kids grow up. Best decision I have made in life.

That said, I have been told more often then I can count a team member was leaving to jump for a title and maybe 5-10k in pay. Each time I would match pay, but they wanted the title and left (I am old school when it comes to title). Hell, I had one kid jump at a title and less pay. Told him, jumping for a title means nothing, focus on core responsibilities and work/life balance. He called me a few months ago asking if I was hiring, said he did not care about title, but wanted what I was paying him 5 years ago. The younger workforce are not focused on the future, just the now.

I agree but... there are a lot of people who say "Oh wow, you were [Insert Job Title] at [Insert Known Company]. That's really impressive." This usually involves hiring decisionmakers with bad social and interview skills. So they cling to what they know: titles and known companies. The good interviewers stop and say, wait a second, why is this person leaving their current position and when interviewed, why do they seem to have half the experience they claim to have. Something seems off.

I can say that title and previous employer are huge in the legal industry. But I wouldn't say most attorneys have great social, hiring, or managerial skills to begin with.

All of this causes people to focus on title.

Caydens Cat

all I got was a t-shirt
Feb 11, 2010
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Wishing you the best of luck! Change is GREAT after that long of a stay.

My story was similar, 17 years in and finally said, “I’m done!” When word traveled and everyone asking where and who got me, the look on their face was great… “ no one “. I was done ( for the time being). After some time off, went back in refreshed and a new look at things.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Hit it out of the park!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
Reaction score
I'm glad you posted this, in 2 weeks I leave my job ad a paramedic in hemet to take a paramedic job in blythe. I'm nervous as hell, after 17 years I'm comfortable and the change is nerve racking, makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one in that boat
Good luck with those Blythe customers. You should start a thread on all the crazy shit you see.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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Good Luck with yore search. The longest employer I have ever been with was just around 17 years also. It was the scariest thing ever to turn in my notice and begin a career of contract engineering. In hindsight it was the best career move I could have ever made back then! Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith in yourself to move forward in yore career. A lot of times employers become complacent and fail to truly embrace the success they have enjoyed because of the dedication of some of their team members. When that happens it's time to turn the page IMO!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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I have found the younger generation (those under 35) jump at titles and maybe a little more pay then us older folks. I have jumped a few times - PwC to KPMG (got caught in a PwC RIF), KPMG to Intuit (got a 50% total comp increase), Intuit to LifeTechnologies (another 30% bump plus more responsibilities and only 2 miles from home), Life to DIrecTV (life got acquired and I was severed out), DTV to Oracle (working in LA, family in Carlsbad, was not good). Best move I made was Oracle, I turned down more $$ for seeing my kids grow up. Best decision I have made in life.

That said, I have been told more often then I can count a team member was leaving to jump for a title and maybe 5-10k in pay. Each time I would match pay, but they wanted the title and left (I am old school when it comes to title). Hell, I had one kid jump at a title and less pay. Told him, jumping for a title means nothing, focus on core responsibilities and work/life balance. He called me a few months ago asking if I was hiring, said he did not care about title, but wanted what I was paying him 5 years ago. The younger workforce are not focused on the future, just the now.
You’re not kidding about the title thing. Our HR team was going to change our teams tittles a few years ago. Some of the younger team wanted more initials. Killed it before it got anywhere. Nothing shouts servant leadership like a cooler tittle

LHC Kirby

LifeTime Member
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
I'm glad you posted this, in 2 weeks I leave my job ad a paramedic in hemet to take a paramedic job in blythe. I'm nervous as hell, after 17 years I'm comfortable and the change is nerve racking, makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one in that boat
Retired… from a department that had plenty of guys come in like you…. Or .. we absorbed another department….

Try your best NOT to say…. “Well in Hemet we did it this way”. It might be a better way… but…

Consider saying “have you guys ever tried it this way…..” you will get the normal hazing and harassment but if their doing that… they like you. But you know that already.

Congratulations on the move


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
The first dealership I worked at I was there for eleven years. Left cause they folded it up (owner retired).

It was strange moving on from that job.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2020
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I left my brothers company after 30 years. Been at this one 3 years. Pretty strange making a resume. Very happy I made the move. Should have done it way sooner even though I was happy. Better pay and Benefits. Wish you the best


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
Reaction score
I'm glad you posted this, in 2 weeks I leave my job ad a paramedic in hemet to take a paramedic job in blythe. I'm nervous as hell, after 17 years I'm comfortable and the change is nerve racking, makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one in that boat
thats one hell of a move!!
blythe is amr right?


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Retired… from a department that had plenty of guys come in like you…. Or .. we absorbed another department….

Try your best NOT to say…. “Well in Hemet we did it this way”. It might be a better way… but…

Consider saying “have you guys ever tried it this way…..” you will get the normal hazing and harassment but if their doing that… they like you. But you know that already.

Congratulations on the move

Yeah, and being a lead FTO and preceptor for the local medic programs for the past 10 years I know I'm going to struggle with wanting to go into teaching mode. I just have to remind myself that I'm in their sandbox


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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You’re not kidding about the title thing. Our HR team was going to change our teams tittles a few years ago. Some of the younger team wanted more initials. Killed it before it got anywhere. Nothing shouts servant leadership like a cooler tittle
So, we can't call you Sr DWC II ?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
Reaction score
After 17+ years with the same company, I'm headed to sit down with another company this morning and talk employment.

Preparing a resume felt so weird, but it made me realize I have a pretty impressive track record, when condensed down to one page.
I can see why they say to always keep your resume updated.

Feels like I am about to cheat on my wife.....but this has been a long time coming.

Wish me luck!

So, we can't call you Sr DWC II ?

Only in really important meetings.


Nor Cal Delta
Apr 10, 2017
Reaction score
Good luck, on June 3rd different situation I lost my job after 47 years. The company closed, I start my new job this coming Monday and you never know what opportunities are out there. Hope it all works out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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Good luck! 17 years is a long time. I’m one of the newer generation types that jumps ship every 3-4 years. Has worked out great thus far, but I’d really like to stay at the current place for a while. Lots of stress, but a lot of learning.

LHC Kirby

LifeTime Member
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
After 17+ years with the same company, I'm headed to sit down with another company this morning and talk employment.

Preparing a resume felt so weird, but it made me realize I have a pretty impressive track record, when condensed down to one page.
I can see why they say to always keep your resume updated.

Feels like I am about to cheat on my wife.....but this has been a long time coming.

Wish me luck!
Update ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Yep. Blythe used to be river medical but AMR bought everything from riverside to Phoenix.
Is AMR the Russian guys? About 15 years ago I met some guys that owned hundreds of ambulances in LA. They seemed pretty young and definitely from Russia. I was wondering if they were Russian mob that were taking over an industry.


Jun 1, 2012
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Is AMR the Russian guys? About 15 years ago I met some guys that owned hundreds of ambulances in LA. They seemed pretty young and definitely from Russia. I was wondering if they were Russian mob that were taking over an industry.
It wasn't AMR (at least back then), I can't remember what the Russian guys owned anymore.

Edit: it was either Gerber or Ameri-Care


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Well with the labor market being what it is good workers have plenty of great opportunities to make moves. It sounds weird but most people I associate with are getting approached monthly with the famous “ you know we are hiring and can beat you total package here, right?”
I am happy to see it this way for workers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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I get head hunters reaching out to me fairly often.
I have twice turned down $84hr fully remote position.
It’s a 1 year contract. But after a year then what?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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I'm glad you posted this, in 2 weeks I leave my job ad a paramedic in hemet to take a paramedic job in blythe. I'm nervous as hell, after 17 years I'm comfortable and the change is nerve racking, makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one in that boat
BB500, SoCC,

You two guys will be fine. Exciting. I always looked at even just going to a new site to ply my trade, as an adventure, like Covered Wagons on the Prairie!

Had an HR rep tell me my resume was too long. 😆 30 years in construction you have to go where the work is. 4 pages of work history for Tile Contractors is too much, apparently. "So, what? Cut it out?"

Flip side of that is a Tilesetter I met in BAC Local 18 LA, who went from bagging groceries in HS, to into the LA Tilesetter Apprenticeship. 25+ years with 1 employer.

He was the one who said of every weekday morning as a Used Tilesetter,

"Bouncing off the hallway walls in the dark, heading straight to the kitchen for the Folgers and Advil."

He was hired away from Tile Trends by Customs Building Products. Smart move, as both Tile Trends, and SelecTile folded after the 2008 Destruction of Construction debacle.
Good move John!

A 1 employer carreer is unheard of in the Trades, where I come from.

Good Adventure Gentlemen!! Dominate!