lemon law lawyer


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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Anyone have a referral for a lemon law lawyer? I have had it with our 2012 explorer. It has something in the electrical system wrong that intermittent has a squelch squealing sound. It sounds like a bad ground through the stereo but when it does it I can turn the stereo and navigation off and it still does it.the dealer has had the car 3 times and has not figured it out since they cannot get the car to do it when they have it of course. We recorded the sound multiple times but still no luck. It went away for 3 weeks then started back up interment again. So needless to say Im done fucking around as they cannot figure it out .


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
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I have done the Lemon Law on two vehicles and a Toy Hauler. I used Norman Taylor for the first vehicle and was not happy with them. The process took over 6 months and their customer service stunk. They also required a retainer for them to get the case going. A majority of that cost was ultimately paid by the car manufacturer, but I was out of pocket for some of the attorney's fees. There was also some shady stuff going on at their office that I would be more than happy to discuss with you. PM me if you're interested...

On the second vehicle I simply filed a complaint with the BBB and within a week I had someone from Chevy calling me. They made an offer of an extended warranty, which I refused. The BBB then set up a hearing for the case which was scheduled two weeks out. Over that time, Chevy made many other offers, non of which entailed replacing the car. I stood my ground and the day before the hearing they called to offer replacement of the car. The entire process took less than a month and was a hell of a lot easier than my first vehicle. As long as you vehicle has been in to the shop for the required repair attempts within the time window outlined in the law, the car manufacturer knows they have to recourse except to replace the car. They will do what they can to get out of it, but if you stand your ground it will get handled. Ultimately, if a lawyer is needed (if you have a case that is not clear cut), the BBB will refer one to you.

As far as the Toy Hauler, I handled everything myself and Fleetwood reimbursed all costs including tax, license, etc... (I didn't want another one)..

Good Luck and hope everything works out.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I have done the Lemon Law on two vehicles and a Toy Hauler. I used Norman Taylor for the first vehicle and was not happy with them. The process took over 6 months and their customer service stunk. They also required a retainer for them to get the case going. A majority of that cost was ultimately paid by the car manufacturer, but I was out of pocket for some of the attorney's fees. There was also some shady stuff going on at their office that I would be more than happy to discuss with you. PM me if you're interested...

On the second vehicle I simply filed a complaint with the BBB and within a week I had someone from Chevy calling me. They made an offer of an extended warranty, which I refused. The BBB then set up a hearing for the case which was scheduled two weeks out. Over that time, Chevy made many other offers, non of which entailed replacing the car. I stood my ground and the day before the hearing they called to offer replacement of the car. The entire process took less than a month and was a hell of a lot easier than my first vehicle. As long as you vehicle has been in to the shop for the required repair attempts within the time window outlined in the law, the car manufacturer knows they have to recourse except to replace the car. They will do what they can to get out of it, but if you stand your ground it will get handled. Ultimately, if a lawyer is needed (if you have a case that is not clear cut), the BBB will refer one to you.

As far as the Toy Hauler, I handled everything myself and Fleetwood reimbursed all costs including tax, license, etc... (I didn't want another one)..

Good Luck and hope everything works out

Thanks a lot for information man! Hope u guys are doing well! I just realized my car is 2 years old and I think lemonlaw is 18 months. I Definitely Have To Do More Research. Do u know any details about if I have a case. Car has 24k miles on it.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Thanks a lot for information man! Hope u guys are doing well! I just realized my car is 2 years old and I think lemonlaw is 18 months. I Definitely Have To Do More Research. Do u know any details about if I have a case. Car has 24k miles on it.

Nahh you're still good very eligible.
We recently Lemon lawed an RV and several in the family LL'd their new Mustangs and a Powerjoke.

We got kicked around by a few of the bigger LL firms that just want low hanging fruit quick and easy settlements.

The guy to roll with is :
Rene' Korper



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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Nahh you're still good recently Lemon lawed an RV and several in the family LL'd their new Mustangs and a Powerjoke.

We got kicked around by a few of the bigger LL firms that just want low hanging fruit quick and easy settlements.

The guy to roll with is :
Rene' Korper


awesome man thanks a bunch.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Here's a question have you made an appointment with the GM and service director to discuss your options with them? Most dealers today will bend over backwards to keep a customer loyal. They know even tho it's an MFG issue that they can loose the customer for life. Off the top of my head I can think of a couple of times that we have worked very hard and lost considerable amounts of money (got the mfg to put on good will $$$'s) to get the customer out of there and into another just to keep the customer happy. We also recently had one that we helped the customer at every angle navigate the lemon law process and got his vehicle bought back. On the other hand if a customer even says the word attorney I instruct my staff to say your attorney can contact are attorney and discontinue any talks or negotiation or assistance. If the do get an attorney at that point even if we are in the wrong or the mfg we will fight it to the bitter end and try to shut the customer down out of pure principal for them bringing an attorney into the mix.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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I'd think that Jimmy, Joe, JoJo, you and I could intimidate the fuck out FoMoCo and get this shit handled...



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Here's a question have you made an appointment with the GM and service director to discuss your options with them? Most dealers today will bend over backwards to keep a customer loyal. They know even tho it's an MFG issue that they can loose the customer for life. Off the top of my head I can think of a couple of times that we have worked very hard and lost considerable amounts of money (got the mfg to put on good will $$$'s) to get the customer out of there and into another just to keep the customer happy. We also recently had one that we helped the customer at every angle navigate the lemon law process and got his vehicle bought back. On the other hand if a customer even says the word attorney I instruct my staff to say your attorney can contact are attorney and discontinue any talks or negotiation or assistance. If the do get an attorney at that point even if we are in the wrong or the mfg we will fight it to the bitter end and try to shut the customer down out of pure principal for them bringing an attorney into the mix.

What the fuck does GM care about an Ford Exploder?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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Here's a question have you made an appointment with the GM and service director to discuss you're and ptions with them? Most dealers today will bend over backwards to keep a customer loyal. They know even tho it's an MFG issue that they can loose the customer for life. Off the top of my head I can think of a couple of times that we have worked very hard and lost considerable amounts of money (got the mfg to put on good will $$$'s) to get the customer out of there and into another just to keep the customer happy. We also recently had one that we helped the customer at every angle navigate the lemon law process and got his vehicle bought back. On the other hand if a customer even says the word attorney I instruct my staff to say your attorney can contact are attorney and discontinue any talks or negotiation or assistance. If the do get an attorney at that point even if we are in the wrong or the mfg we will fight it to the bitter end and try to shut the customer down out of pure principal for them bringing an attorney into the mix.

very good idea thanks man. When I go to the dealer this Monday I'm going to ask to talk to the gm and go that route first before going to bbb or attorney.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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Lol CaCampbellCarl;1783449]I'd think that Jimmy, Joe, JoJo, you and I could intimidate the fuck out FoMoCo and get this shit handled...


Lol Carl worse case we could tear the fucker down


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
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The attorney I used on several vehicles is in SoCal it's Delsack and associates. He's good at what he does and he gets the job done.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
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I lemon lawned a Range Rover and did not need an attorney. As long as you document your case and stand our ground they will replace the vehicle. My RR was an 06 and the replaced it with an 08. They will offer you everything in the book other than a replacement vehicle because they know most people will fold and take an offer of a few payments but if you stand strong they will replace it. I told them that if I didn't have a response Ina certain time would call the BBB and refer the case to am attorney. They complied before that time period. Good luck

Mike Honcho

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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I also did the lemon law deal on a 08 BMW 7 series that was a cpo and I used Barry Law Firm in L.A. and he would always call back answer questions ect. really was an easy deal also prepared me for everything that would happen so I was more then happy with him. Ask for David.

Attorney David Barry
520 Broadway
Santa Monica, California

Parker Dreamin

Can I get a what what ???
Oct 23, 2007
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I submitted a complaint with BBB as well and was contacted by Chevy area manager- said bring the Tahoe and we will have your full check for down payment and all payments made the last 12 months.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Again these are all good suggestions, but the old saying you get more flies with honey plays true in the car world. Dealers care about the long term relationship with a customer and have the inroads to work with the mfg. When a customer comes to me with a problem needing extra attention or dollars the first thing I do is look up the customers survey history for sales and service. That is number 1 above and beyond how many vehicles he has purchased or how much service has been done. If the customer has always given 100% surveys his value has gone up huge. Next I look up sales history. I take into account how many vehicles. Next very important every deal has notes was this a local customer doing business with us with a good relationship, or were they an internet shopper and a grind hard to deal with. After that service history. Profit is last and the least important in going the extra mile. The demeanor when purchasing the car, and survey history go miles. I will do everything in my power to go above and beyond to help a customer who meets that criteria. I do not respond to a customer who threatens with an attorney or BBB. It's one thing if we try to work it out and are unable to come to an agreement and the customer goes and files. I can respect that. It's another thing to use that as threat to make me do something I do not respond well to that. Also one thing I forgot we also now check review sites such as Yelp, and 4 Square for any negative reviews.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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A little off topic but I had two Tundra's come in with about 65k on them both had the bottom end go out. We submitted to Toyota to good will the repairs since they were only 5k miles out of warranty. About a $6500 repair bill. The first one Toyota asked what we the dealer were willing to chip in the owner said 75% of the labor without hesitation this customer was a long term good customer. Toyota said great we will good will 100% of the parts. The other customer lived near us had serviced a couple of times but did not buy the truck from us. When we submitted for goodwill Toyota flat denied it. Didn't even ask if we were willing to chip in. When I asked the rep why he said that the truck was bought nearly 200 miles from his home dealer when they ran him thru their database 30 days before he purchased the truck his email popped up getting price quotes from every dealer within 1000 miles. Service history showed that he went wherever he had a coupon to go. So this customer has a relationship with price not with a dealer or the brand therefore the standard warranty applies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Thanks 26Lavey525, that was very informative :thumbup:

My service adviser never recommended that I score every survey question with an "Excellent" or ELSE :yikes

So much for being honest in my survey reviews, guess I need to seriously lower my expectations and or just lie my ass off in the future :D

Wonder if there's anyway I can revise a few previous surveys ? :cool


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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It's nice to see the stealer doesn't want honest feed back, but rather wants their ass kissed. What a load of crap.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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It's nice to see the stealer doesn't want honest feed back, but rather wants their ass kissed. What a load of crap.

Here's the deal with the survey's they are usually a reflection of the over all history of your relationship with the dealer. I low survey doesn't mean your necessarily a bad customer, but if you look at a bad survey and the situation was it honest feed back or a customer that you just can never make happy. The dealer can tell the difference. Again we are also talking about situations that require the dealer to go above and beyond not just effort but also in dollars. A recent one that we took care of for a customer we the dealer bought a car back and sold a car at a giant loss all in all we lost about 8k the customer could have possibly gone thru lemon law and may or may not have won but due to the over all relationship with the customer I was not willing to put him thru that and run the risk of loosing him for life. I felt in this case I was buying a loyal customer and it was a worthy investment in the future relationship. Just like you want to buy a good product we are willing to buy a good customer. When I was in sales I had a guy right at the end if the year give me all 5's in a survey. It dropped my average 1% below the needed requirement for bonus this month was when they paid out the bonus for the year we called it X-Mas club. That one survey personally cost me about $6500. I saw the customer in service and asked him nicely what happened? Never mentioned I lost out even tho I had treated him great and it was all I could do not to punch him in his mouth. I told him I want every customer happy and when I get a less then perfect survey I reach out to correct the problem because the customer as a repeat is important. He said that he never gives 100's because he hates buying cars and it's just part of the deal that since a salesman gets in his pocket and earns a commission selling him one he does that just as a way to get back in the salesman's pocket. When he came back to buy a car two years later I declined to help him. When he wanted to buy new floor mats he came and asked me if I could get him my employee discount I declined. So yes looking at a survey to determine the strength of your relationship with the customer is a necessary tool to determine if you are throwing time, energy, and money at a customer who won't be happy and will buy his next car from whoever spits out the lowest price on the internet. Or are you spending money on a customer who will recognize the efforts you put in and return the same loyalty.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2013
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I filed for a lemon law when my truck was 4 years old. I dealt with krohn and moss. I believe the website is www.krohnandmoss.com. I basically got a refund check and got to keep the truck. I didnt pay anything until i recieved a settlement. They took a small portion of the settlement check.
Just make sure you have the service documents showing that the vehicle was in for the same issue more than 3 times. I believe from start to finish I got it all taken care of within a 3 month period.