lake mead water level, the truth..


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I was standing on the ramp at vegas wash, a guy in a suit was out there poking around..

so I asked him... whats going on?? he said .. were gonna drop this lake 150'

I said ,How come...he said, were gonna put a new water intake in and they
won't let it happen till the lake drops to that level..

seems the piss'match is between the water athority and blm...

blm won't let them do it till the lake gets to 1000'+/- (forgot the level he said)

so since the W A controls the level, they dumped it....

they are close to where they need to be, but, I heard monday that they will
be dropping it 6" aday for a couple weeks...

do you realy think they new 10 yrs in advance of the drought, and moved vegas wash marina????

well, 5 years after talking to the guy at vegas wash.... I see him at lake mead marina..

guess what he said....were gonna close this ramp too....

well, guess what???? it's closed... only south side ramp open is hemming way...

just on the lower basin they closed

government wash, vegas wash, and lake mead marina...

so the deal comes down to this, water athority controlls the water...

blm controlls the land... the W A can't put a straw in till the lake drops..

so..... they dropped the lake..


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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dumb as it sounds... what he did was pretty smart...

you see, the high level of the lake was man made,and so,
so is the low level we see today...

if the W A would have waited till a drought and usage dropped it to
that level we would really be in bad shape..

right now we can control the level by stopping it from going down river..

same as powel just did...

what they did was dump powel in to mead, then mead tryed to dump down the river..

you all remember the floods down river about 10 or more yrs ago???

so now they start filling powel back up.... slows the water comming to mead..

havasu bitched the whole year cause of too much water coming down and
water levels tooo high....

well guess what... the level at havasu is gonna go back down.....you guessed it,
channel 's not gonna be too deep...

so havasu needs to dredge or no channel....

so lets recap the last 10+ yrs...

powel dumpped.... claimed drought..

at the same time mead over flowed.... claimed el ninyo monsoons...

parker flooded....

now fast foward.....

powel is filling back up as planned....how could that happen in a drought???

mead is down to the 1000'+/- ...... just as planned...new straw in progress..

the next thing to happen... mead will start to come back up... parker will get to an all time low
as will mojave...

if mead was at the level it is cause of drought, powel would be down... not up
and you would be able to drive rhinos in the keys at parker...( coming soon)

so.... powel is up, parker up... mead down

think about it.. :blah::blah::blah:


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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We were down there on Tuesday, I have never seen the water that low..

The lake was great but the ramps (or should I say dirt and gravel roads into the water) are sure getting real bad...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Ya'll think what you want, the way I look at it every drop of water in Powell and Mead is for sale, whether it be for consumption or power. The Feds. are gonna dance around any explanation to any concerned citizen just to passify them. The water will be adjusted as they see fit to keep the rates in their opinion competitive. Unless there's a massive drought that occurs I don't see the level at Mead changing much whether higher or lower.

I've heard so much B.S.(recently) from alleged FED guys that I stopped listening to them. Everyone of them has or had a different opinion/answer.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Ya'll think what you want, the way I look at it every drop of water in Powell and Mead is for sale, whether it be for consumption or power. The Feds. are gonna dance around any explanation to any concerned citizen just to passify them. The water will be adjusted as they see fit to keep the rates in their opinion competitive. Unless there's a massive drought that occurs I don't see the level at Mead changing much whether higher or lower.

I've heard so much B.S.(recently) from alleged FED guys that I stopped listening to them. Everyone of them has or had a different opinion/answer.

Hahaha...good points!

I watched a show on Discovery a few weeks ago. I was thinkn this is just NUTS!!! The whole show was about how they were gonna replace Hover Dam and raise the water level 1000 feet. They talked about the new technology available that was gonna solve all kinna water flow problems. It was an hour long show, and they have this all figured out! Enginering is done. Computer models are done. It all ready to go.


The last 2 min of the show was about how its never gonna happen. With all the approvials they need, the law suits they would have to fight, it would take 15 years to get it approved. And by then it would be too expensive.

Pretty crazy how much work they have done, on a project they know aint gonna happen. 10 differnt people, 10 different answers for sure.


Banned Inmate #2584...Now Inmate #20161
Jan 7, 2009
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I posted an article today from the NY Times about this very subject (the water levels). It goes well with this thread.
Link: http://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37626

I suggest you all get involved in everything that affects your life and the lives of your families. Whether it's local politics (see the city of Bell if you need to know why this is important - it's not only Bell that has that problem), education (see the schools LAUSD just built - Taj Mahal schools that cost incredible money while the teachers aren't paid), federal takeover of lands and water (and how they dry up the water to the farmers - hey, it's only FOOD!), etc.

Get involved before it's too late!

I'll be surprised if a thread(s) on water isn't a sticky - what's more important to boaters than water (well except beer and babes)?!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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and all the while they are coming down hard on NV residents. pull out your lawn, water shrubs on certain days only, raise your rates to offset the loss of income due to the lower consumption and so forth.

BTW, how could they possibly raise the level of the lake 1000'? that woud flood Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, and the greater Las Vegas area. There would have to be an additional damn built to contain water at the west side of the lower basin to contain the water.

If I had my way, i would put a damn up past temple bar and flood half the grand canyon. How cool would it be to be able to reach deep into the grand canyon by boat, just like lake powell.

The last 2 min of the show was about how its never gonna happen. With all the approvials they need, the law suits they would have to fight, it would take 15 years to get it approved. And by then it would be too expensive.

the new bridge at the damn was tied up for years. then 9/11 happened. now the bridge is almost done. I believe if you cut through all the BS and the need really is there, something will happen.
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Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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the new bridge at the damn was tied up for years. then 9/11 happened. now the bridge is almost done. I believe if you cut through all the BS and the need really is there, something will happen.

Agreed. I'm hard pressed to belive they did all that groundwork for nuthin.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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and all the while they are coming down hard on NV residents. pull out your lawn, water shrubs on certain days only, raise your rates to offset the loss of income due to the lower consumption and so forth.
BTW, how could they possibly raise the level of the lake 1000'? that woud flood Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, and the greater Las Vegas area. There would have to be an additional damn built to contain water at the west side of the lower basin to contain the water.
If I had my way, i would put a damn up past temple bar and flood half the grand canyon. How cool would it be to be able to reach deep into the grand canyon by boat, just like lake powell.
the new bridge at the damn was tied up for years. then 9/11 happened. now the bridge is almost done. I believe if you cut through all the BS and the need really is there, something will happen.

I believe the 1000' remark depicts actual altitude from sea level, not 1000' of additional water...... There was some talk a few years back about Vegas building another reservoir down in the lower Az/Cal desert to supply water to the housing boom in Vegas.... A water trade off with the Imperial Valley farmers...... And also some talk about reflowing through the Salton Sea to clean up that cesspool..........



Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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They are putting the straw in right now, so far they have a ~500' deep vertical shaft bored that is big enough to lower the pieces for a tunnel boring machine into. A buddy of mine does motor controls and was just at the job site a couple days ago to start up the giant ventilation motors for the shaft and tunnel. I don't know about the water authority controlling the water level, i don't think so, that's no BLM either, that's controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation, they control all the dams from Glen Canyon, to Mexico, they control all the water flows. Water authority may control how much water they actually suck from the lake, but they don't control how much gets passed through for power generation.

They also need the water level to just to physically bore the straw, you see ever foot of water is more and more diving pressure against the front of the tunnel boring machine (because the water seeps through the bottom of the lake) apparently they have to send guys out in front of the machine periodically to inspect and replace the cutting tools, and i what i was told is that since it's wet they actually have to go out in diving gear through an airlock/hyperbaric chamber. so 500 feet of water is much more saturation to dive in than 350' as far as time spent in a chamber etc..... This is what i was told.

Also there has been some talk about if the Lake remains under a certain height for x amount of time in drought condition the state will get funding somehow to run a pipeline from north (pioche, ely) to relieve some strain from the lake and supply Vegas with alternate sources of water.....

High water is like 1219' above sea level, and we are currently around 1087' i believe, down about 135 feet...

As far as Parker going dry/down that low, i doubt it, parker is basically water in, water out, it doesn't have enough of a volume to create any change whether it's full or empty, it's water in, water out.
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Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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They are putting the straw in right now, so far they have a ~500' deep vertical shaft bored that is big enough to lower the pieces for a tunnel boring machine into. A buddy of mine does motor controls and was just at the job site a couple days ago to start up the giant ventilation motors for the shaft and tunnel. I don't know about the water authority controlling the water level, i don't think so, that's no BLM either, that's controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation, they control all the dams from Glen Canyon, to Mexico, they control all the water flows. Water authority may control how much water they actually suck from the lake, but they don't control how much gets passed through for power generation.

They also need the water level to just to physically bore the straw, you see ever foot of water is more and more diving pressure against the front of the tunnel boring machine (because the water seeps through the bottom of the lake) apparently they have to send guys out in front of the machine periodically to inspect and replace the cutting tools, and i what i was told is that since it's wet they actually have to go out in diving gear through an airlock/hyperbaric chamber. so 500 feet of water is much more saturation to dive in than 350' as far as time spent in a chamber etc..... This is what i was told.

Also there has been some talk about if the Lake remains under a certain height for x amount of time in drought condition the state will get funding somehow to run a pipeline from north (pioche, ely) to relieve some strain from the lake and supply Vegas with alternate sources of water.....

High water is like 1219' above sea level, and we are currently around 1087' i believe, down about 135 feet...

As far as Parker going dry/down that low, i doubt it, parker is basically water in, water out, it doesn't have enough of a volume to create any change whether it's full or empty, it's water in, water out.

Awesome. Can you get any pics?? That would be something to see...


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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They are putting the straw in right now, so far they have a ~500' deep vertical shaft bored that is big enough to lower the pieces for a tunnel boring machine into. A buddy of mine does motor controls and was just at the job site a couple days ago to start up the giant ventilation motors for the shaft and tunnel. I don't know about the water authority controlling the water level, i don't think so, that's no BLM either, that's controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation, they control all the dams from Glen Canyon, to Mexico, they control all the water flows. Water authority may control how much water they actually suck from the lake, but they don't control how much gets passed through for power generation.

They also need the water level to just to physically bore the straw, you see ever foot of water is more and more diving pressure against the front of the tunnel boring machine (because the water seeps through the bottom of the lake) apparently they have to send guys out in front of the machine periodically to inspect and replace the cutting tools, and i what i was told is that since it's wet they actually have to go out in diving gear through an airlock/hyperbaric chamber. so 500 feet of water is much more saturation to dive in than 350' as far as time spent in a chamber etc..... This is what i was told.

Also there has been some talk about if the Lake remains under a certain height for x amount of time in drought condition the state will get funding somehow to run a pipeline from north (pioche, ely) to relieve some strain from the lake and supply Vegas with alternate sources of water.....

High water is like 1219' above sea level, and we are currently around 1087' i believe, down about 135 feet...

As far as Parker going dry/down that low, i doubt it, parker is basically water in, water out, it doesn't have enough of a volume to create any change whether it's full or empty, it's water in, water out.

funny i thought we were drying up all because of global warming and a drought, then donate to Al Gore so he can get a bigger jet (maybe even a DCB). we also need to buy water smart appliances, and in general change the way we live.

now we hear one govt agency is trying to be proactive and head off a problem before it is a problem and another agency has a cow. i just love politics.

Awesome. Can you get any pics?? That would be something to see...

there's not much too see becasue everything is going on underwater. There is a barge with a crane/boom and some sort of rigging you can see, thats about it. I can get a pic up next time i am out there.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Just took these less than an hour ago...


  • Lake Mead Hem Marina.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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and all the while they are coming down hard on NV residents. pull out your lawn, water shrubs on certain days only, raise your rates to offset the loss of income due to the lower consumption and so forth..

yet another W A fuck up...

what happened was everyone pull'd their lawns.... now no water is returning to the water table...so ground water is gonna dry up...:blah:


Bad MFer
Dec 21, 2007
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I took a tour of alfred merrit smith water treatment facility a couple of months ago. that is where they are doing the boring and going to eventually connect the tunnel to the water pumps to feed las vegas. they also told me that las vegas water usage has decreases greatly due to people removing there lawns and alot of homes empty. he said that were are down to 1992 water usage levels and they are not going to be connecting the tunnels to the pump station untill the water demand goes up. they will finish the tunnels just not hook them up. foe every foot of 2.31 feet of water there is 1 psi. just thought i would throw that in there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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yet another W A fuck up...

last night at my HOA meeting, there was talk of the common areas pulling out the grass, becasue of a very sizeable rebate by the WA.

what blew my mind is the new unknown little law that goes with the rebate: if you take the money and pull your law, you forfeit the ability to replace your lawn, EVER.

Now the govt has the ability to control what you plant in front (or back) of your home on private property!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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hey shane now do you fuc'n rember???? you need some fresh air my friend...

and this is as far as my computer will go back:rolleyes


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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They are putting the straw in right now, so far they have a ~500' deep vertical shaft bored that is big enough to lower the pieces for a tunnel boring machine into. A buddy of mine does motor controls and was just at the job site a couple days ago to start up the giant ventilation motors for the shaft and tunnel. I don't know about the water authority controlling the water level, i don't think so, that's no BLM either, that's controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation, they control all the dams from Glen Canyon, to Mexico, they control all the water flows. Water authority may control how much water they actually suck from the lake, but they don't control how much gets passed through for power generation.

They also need the water level to just to physically bore the straw, you see ever foot of water is more and more diving pressure against the front of the tunnel boring machine (because the water seeps through the bottom of the lake) apparently they have to send guys out in front of the machine periodically to inspect and replace the cutting tools, and i what i was told is that since it's wet they actually have to go out in diving gear through an airlock/hyperbaric chamber. so 500 feet of water is much more saturation to dive in than 350' as far as time spent in a chamber etc..... This is what i was told.

Also there has been some talk about if the Lake remains under a certain height for x amount of time in drought condition the state will get funding somehow to run a pipeline from north (pioche, ely) to relieve some strain from the lake and supply Vegas with alternate sources of water.....

High water is like 1219' above sea level, and we are currently around 1087' i believe, down about 135 feet...

As far as Parker going dry/down that low, i doubt it, parker is basically water in, water out, it doesn't have enough of a volume to create any change whether it's full or empty, it's water in, water out.


when you google this shit you have to remember some of it...

so how come they had to drop the water lever .....ha ha ha:D


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Steve I think you are talking to urself in here. Lol [emoji12][emoji202]


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Steve I think you are talking to urself in here. Lol [emoji12][emoji202]

raceys having a fuc of a time googling an answer...... but as long as I've known him,.. 1 year... he has never been wrong... knows it all about everything...

and will respond with something way the fuc out their to why he is right......

guess that why I like the kid... determination:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::D


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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when you google this shit you have to remember some of it...

so how come they had to drop the water lever .....ha ha ha:D

Steve, maybe you need to read a little better. Where exactly did i say anywhere in that post that they dropped the level because of the straw????? Please, quote and bold it.

My post provided information, it does not state anywhere the reasoning for lake drop. Which is the point you are trying to argue with me. That there is no drought, and the lake was dropped purely for the straw.

In fact here is my original post that started you down this warpath....

The Bureau of Reclamation controls the water levels at Powell and Mead, not the SNWA (Southern Nevada Water Authority).

Vegas uses hardly any of the water from Mead, and much of what they do use is reclaimed, and reused, or put back into the Lake.

It's like 1% of the total flow of the river.

The water has dropped because of the extremely weak snow fall on the west side of the rockies, and southern Utah for the last 8 or so years. They did not drop the lake to 40% just so that Vegas gets another straw. Nevada has the absolute lowest priority of Colorado river water. I think Mexico gets allocated more water than Nevada does from the Colorado.

Bureau of Reclamation DOES control the water level at Mead.

There are no SNWA guys at Hoover dam running the valves. It's the feds.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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I don't know how to link, but you can go to Bureau of Reclamation, Water operations, Lower Colorado Division, Click on Lake Mead historic levels from 1935 to present, monthly levels should answer any questions about levels.:thumbup:


Sep 20, 2007
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[emoji30] [emoji21] [emoji37] [emoji99]


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I don't know how to link, but you can go to Bureau of Reclamation, Water operations, Lower Colorado Division, Click on Lake Mead historic levels from 1935 to present, monthly levels should answer any questions about levels.:thumbup:

I know it's just a coincidence ,,, but the water started dropping in 2000 and dropped 150' just like the guy from the W.A. said....

and he did say "we are going to drop the water" ,... so who know who else was involved



No Bad Days
May 8, 2014
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I know it's just a coincidence ,,, but the water started dropping in 2000 and dropped 150' just like the guy from the W.A. said....

and he did say we are going to drop the water ,... so who know who else was involved

That is a great chart. Thanks for posting! :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I agree that there is a drought that can lead to this issue, but I've always said that since the FEDS control every drop in Mead then any number/chart can be manipulated for better or worse. I have also spoke with FED representatives at Mead and some of the shit I've heard come from their mouths is crazy, plus my SIL works for the FEDS and ya'll don't wanna know what she wishes would happen with Powell, Mead, Mojave and Havasu, she'd have a target on her head, but there are many that agree with her that control the water.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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LAKE POWELL ? The water is rising at Lake Powell about a foot a day and by mid-August it is expected to reach an elevation of 3,665 feet ? a level not seen since 2001.

As of Wednesday, the measurements of flows from rivers that feed into Lake Powell show them at nearly 257 percent of average and half the snowpack is left to melt, according to the Bureau of Reclamation.

Adding 28 feet of water over the past two months means new places to explore and additional areas to dock houseboats.

"The higher water levels are opening hundreds of Lake Powell's back canyons to boats, giving visitors access to areas that have not been accessible for 10 years," said David Sloma, vice president of operations for Lake Powell Resorts and Marinas.

Overall, the 2011 water year has bumped storage at Lake Powell by nearly 2.2 million acre feet of water and rivers that feed into it are still running high. Measurements at the San Rafael River near Green River, for example, show it flowing at 1,430 cubic feet per second, when the average on July 6 typically is 194 cubic feet per second. That drastic difference puts it at a little more than 742 percent of average.

The extraordinary volumes promise to turn the Lake Powell area into a water wonderland this year for boaters and other explorers who for years have experienced expanding and parched shorelines created by receding water levels.

Lake Powell's gains come at a time, too, when the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has completed revisions to a draft environmental assessment on what standards would have to be in play to trigger high flow releases from Glen Canyon Dam, which impounds a long stretch of the Colorado River.

Those releases, which would be between 2011 and 2020, would be during sediment-rich conditions and designed to better determine whether or how sand conservation can be improved in the Colorado River corridor within Grand Canyon National Park.

A summary of the proposal by the federal agency says the redepositing of sand downstream helps to build better sandbars and beaches and can be a boost to key wildlife habitat.

The analysis examines possible impacts to recreation, area Native American Indian tribes, endangered fish, non-native fish, cultural resources and air quality as well as water quality.

The high flow experiments, according to the bureau, would have minor short-term impacts on the water quality of Lake Powell and the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam. In addition to a slight reduction in downstream temperature, there would be a slight increase in salinity levels, as well as minor increases in the murkiness of the water.

Motivation behind the creation of standards or protocols that should be in place before the high flow experiments are conducted is based on a desire to build on lessons learned in previous experiments done in 1996, 2004 and 2008.

The draft assessment was prepared in line with required environmental regulations, with comments being accepted through July 19.

Written comments may be provided to the agency at the Bureau of Reclamation Upper Colorado Regional Office, 125 S. State, Room 7218, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138. They may also be submitted via email to protocol@usbr


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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It's always weird to hear conflicting stories about snowfall in the Western Rockies, some say low some say high, all I know is my buddy was a GM at a private CC in that area and resigned because golf became a 4-5 month deal due to so much snow. Again the water in Mead is for sale, it's not for sale in Powell, Mojave or Havasu.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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this is what the dumb fuc did....

they dumped water out of powel in record amounts..... then dumped it out of mead... thinking that there was a drought coming.... powel would be able to store the water..

here a quote from july 2011
As of Wednesday, the measurements of flows from rivers that feed into Lake Powell show them at nearly 257 percent of average and half the snowpack is left to melt, according to the Bureau of Reclamation.

so now ...powell is gonna over fill be fore they can finish the straw project....

this is where we bull shit the public.....

they do a 100 yr man made flood........... for what you ask???? to save the cottonwood trees.....:rolleyes

so all the 257% went down the river to mead...for some fuc'd up sience project...lmao...ever hear of a drought with 257% over snow fall?????lol

so now .... mead is screwed... gotta get the water level down.... got powel back down.....but the snow melting and rain fall are filling mead back up....
sending water down from boulder dam at record amount... and the water is still rising at mead (look at the chart..2011)

2011 the lake went up 50' anyone wanna guess what kinda drought would raise a lake with 500 miles of shoreline 50'

took them 4 years dumping the water as fast as the lower lakes would allow to get rid of the water from the drought



Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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After witnessing the debacle around the floods of the early 80's and the incompetence exhibited by the people who run our dam's and control the water flow , I would just about believe any theory as to why things are happening ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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After witnessing the debacle around the floods of the early 80's and the incompetence exhibited by the people who run our dam's and control the water flow , I would just about believe any theory as to why things are happening ...

I can't wait to hear their BS IF El Nino hits, oh the water was bad so we let it out, oh we had no idea so much would come, so we let it out, could you imagine if we had too much water, shit the FEDS maybe forced to lower prices or re-open marinas, LOL


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I tried to find a better gragh... but if you compare the two,... mead and powell

you will see that as powell was headed to record low......mead was headed to record high...

and by the yr 2000... the year the WA guy said to me that they were gonna pull the plug....

mead started to empty....



Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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as you can see.... there is still water at mead...LOL doom and gloom:p

I like Mead for some solitude once in a while , but where can you launch now ? Last time at Temple Bar , almost got stuck ...noticed a tractor next to the ramp to pull anybody out of the mud if they got stuck . Good thing I have a limited slip diff ! Hemminway is too shallow .

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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The Boulder Harbor ramp is bar far the best ramp. The ramp is where Lake Mead Marina use to be. This ramp in its current state is better then the ramps when the lake was full!


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
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Pretty sure there's a member on here who's involved in the next pump getting installed at Mead to pump that bitch dry! Perhaps he will chime in.


Essex Affectionado
Aug 4, 2014
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My wife grew up boating on Mead with her Pops. He still has the boat. A '74 StarCraft 18' fish and ski with a 115 merc.

When our Havasu house is done we want to venture out farther and do some boating on Mead and Powell.
Never been on either myself.


Sep 20, 2007
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You will let us know if the lake does get fuller again ...right? I'd hate to be land locked by such a tiny little patch of water;):)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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well well well,... at the rate the water was dropping, it was supposed to be dry right about now...LOL :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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anyone else see that when I said it was gonna drop... it did..and dropped to where I said...and now it stabled at the level they said.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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the guy told me in 2000 they were gonna drop the lake level 150' took them 10 yrs... but got it done...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I kinda wish I would have seen little green people at area 51.....did anyone here ever see them.....:D