I should write a f*ckin country song.


The Other White Meat
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
So the last week of my life has been utter chaos.

On Monday I was informed by my employer that a position (I was promised by my manager 7 months ago) had been given to another employee. His job performance is nowhere near what mine is but his previous experience at another company they felt made him more qualified for the position.

I woke up at 6am last Tuesday with a super stiff back and could hardly move. I proceeded to pop some Ibueprofen and lay flat for on back for a couple hours. After laying out for 2 hours I got up and did some stretches, my final stretch was followed by a popping in my back that resulted in one of the most painful experiences in my life I immediately buckled over and couldn't move for about 2 hours. 2 visits to the doctor later I was diagnosed with an acute lumbar strain and told that if I dont start seeing a chiropractor and doing pilates on a regular basis this problem will only continue to worsen. I spent Tues-Thurs laid out in a pain killer and muscle relaxer induced coma.

Thursday night my gf came home and looked like she got hit by a train. After several attempts to get her to tell me what was bothering her she informed that she is 5 weeks pregnant. You know that 85% effective rating they advertise for birth control... Well.. we're officially part of the 15%. I really hadn't planned on being a father yet and quite frankly I'm scared shitless.

Friday night my grandmother called me. She first said she called to inform me that two of my cousins would be in town next week for a short visit and wanted my gf and I to come over dinner Wednesday night. She then informed she has cancer and is dying, she also informed my great grandmother (who's now 91) just broke her back.

Today I returned to work after being cleared to return by my doc I met the guy who got my promotion. After introducing ourselves he asked me if I smoked pot, and if so he wanted to let me know he's got the "connect." To bad I gave that sh*t up because my new boss has the good stuff apparently. After spending an hour here at the office I recieved a call from my mother who was crying hysterically. Our family dog of 15 years has cancer that's slowly eating away at her and is going to be put down this evening.

F*CK! I think I might just take up my new boss on his proposition for the good stuff.

Like they say when it rains it pours. I'm hoping from here things can only get better. On a positive note it's not me with cancer or a broken back but man it sure does suck to have to see my family members go through this shit.

Nothing a night out with my buddy Jack Daniels can't help. :swear:(:swear

Sorry for the rant but with everything going on this is the only place I can vent right now.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Now that is a busy week. Sorry for all the bad news hitting at once.
some days, it is best to just not answer the phone.
At least if you wrote a country song, you could play it backwards and reverse the bad fortune.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
I hope things get better for you. With the way your week has been I may stay away from the pot as your new boss may narc you out or you may be asked to piss in a cup next week. Good luck with everything.

SoCal Detail

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
WOW sounds like my life 5 years ago. Dont worry it could only get better. Hang in there.

Phat Matt

Box Pimp
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like a tough week for sure. It always seems to pile up at one time. Before you know it though something good will come along and you can smile remembering you made it through the week from hell.

Or you can just go get some coke and hookers and forget about it now. :D


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I'm sorry to read it boozer.. :( I hope things get better for ya.



Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Holy Shit! reading that makes me feel like i just hit the lotto. Hopefully all the bullshit works itself out sooner than later.

Hang in there brother :cool: :beer

On a side note, congratulations on being a soon to be dad :p expected or not :smackhead


The Other White Meat
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
So I just got home... Walked in the house, opened up a beer, headed upstairs and let the dogs out. After the honorary 2 minutes of hysterical doggy excitement I head down stairs to sit back down for 5 minutes, drink a beer and relax before I take the dogs out.

One of the dogs is a 14 week old American Eskimo pup I got the gf two and a half weeks ago. Cute dog and smart as hell. After being with us for just two weeks I can already get him to sit, stand up, and give high 5's on command. Unfortunately he doesn't pee on command because he jumped on the couch and pissed all over me! F*ckin Shit! :smackhead


This is... Legendary!
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score

To say you're going through a lot right now would be an understatement.

Lynch is right, stay away from your new boss, and if he offers you anything homemade like "brownies" politely decline.

Hope everything works out for you :thumbsup


Bean Counter
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
So I just got home... Walked in the house, opened up a beer, headed upstairs and let the dogs out. After the honorary 2 minutes of hysterical doggy excitement I head down stairs to sit back down for 5 minutes, drink a beer and relax before I take the dogs out.

One of the dogs is a 14 week old American Eskimo pup I got the gf two and a half weeks ago. Cute dog and smart as hell. After being with us for just two weeks I can already get him to sit, stand up, and give high 5's on command. Unfortunately he doesn't pee on command because he jumped on the couch and pissed all over me! F*ckin Shit! :smackhead

lmao, poor guy! The other stuff got me bummed, but I read this and started cracking up. I hope things get better for you buddy.


I Love BoBo!!!
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
That is really sad. I'm sure things will begin to get better very soon. My week so far has really sucked so don't feel alone!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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What the hell kind of birth control is 85% effective? Pulling out and shooting on her face is like 92% effective.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I hate to kick you while you're down, but I read that a country song is required to involve a pickup truck also...so sorry, you don't qualify...:D

If someone where to find out your new boss was dealing, there might be a job opening...or it might be why he was hired. Maybe let that go...

Sorry about the illnesses...the baby thing will be OK though, no one's ever ready for that.


this ***** sux
Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
im lucky ive used to pull out method my entire life and im 100% kid free.....as far as i know (i better knock on wood) im probably gonna be getting "that" phone call tonight now:eek:


"B" team gardener
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
im lucky ive used to pull out method my entire life and im 100% kid free.....as far as i know (i better knock on wood) im probably gonna be getting "that" phone call tonight now:eek:

it might the knock on the door:eek:


this ***** sux
Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
nice well that would be my dream come true than:beer


this ***** sux
Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have a funny story....I used the pull out method all thru highschool and had one girlfriend for the most part. Banged a couple other chicks, but never really dated them. But, the GF and I f'd like rabbits for the most part.

Anyway....my old girl friend and I eventually break up. She thinks she is infertile because she never got pregnant. She couldn't believe that I was able to time it perfectly each and every time. She gets married and gets pregnant on her wedding night. Then has two more kids after that. So...we think it is me that is probably shooting blanks.

While courting my current wife, I knock her up the first time we did it. And then like clock work, we have had a total of 4 kids every two years. Just as soon as she stops breast feeding...bam, she gets pregnant. By the way, she just stopped breast feeding our youngest.

holy crap are you ready to pop some more out than or ya gonna get the ol choppy chop the family jewels


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I have a funny story....I used the pull out method all thru highschool and had one girlfriend for the most part. Banged a couple other chicks, but never really dated them. But, the GF and I f'd like rabbits for the most part.

Anyway....my old girl friend and I eventually break up. She thinks she is infertile because she never got pregnant. She couldn't believe that I was able to time it perfectly each and every time. She gets married and gets pregnant on her wedding night. Then has two more kids after that. So...we think it is me that is probably shooting blanks.

While courting my current wife, I knock her up the first time we did it. And then like clock work, we have had a total of 4 kids every two years. Just as soon as she stops breast feeding...bam, she gets pregnant. By the way, she just stopped breast feeding our youngest.
Isn't your youngest like 16 now?:hmm:eek:


Yo Mama
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
I am sorry to hear of everything going on.

My philosophy is the greater the breakdown, the greater the breakthrough you are going to experience.

Chin up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Hang in there, all this will only make you stronger, the important stuff is what you need to focus on, your family is number one, all the rest doesn't really matter when you compare it to family....Good luck to you!:thumbsup

Deleted Account

I have a funny story....I used the pull out method all thru highschool and had one girlfriend for the most part. Banged a couple other chicks, but never really dated them. But, the GF and I f'd like rabbits for the most part.

Anyway....my old girl friend and I eventually break up. She thinks she is infertile because she never got pregnant. She couldn't believe that I was able to time it perfectly each and every time. She gets married and gets pregnant on her wedding night. Then has two more kids after that. So...we think it is me that is probably shooting blanks.

While courting my current wife, I knock her up the first time we did it. And then like clock work, we have had a total of 4 kids every two years. Just as soon as she stops breast feeding...bam, she gets pregnant. By the way, she just stopped breast feeding our youngest.

Is that why you bought the family a "Compound"? :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
So the last week of my life has been utter chaos.

On Monday I was informed by my employer that a position (I was promised by my manager 7 months ago) had been given to another employee. His job performance is nowhere near what mine is but his previous experience at another company they felt made him more qualified for the position.

I woke up at 6am last Tuesday with a super stiff back and could hardly move. I proceeded to pop some Ibueprofen and lay flat for on back for a couple hours. After laying out for 2 hours I got up and did some stretches, my final stretch was followed by a popping in my back that resulted in one of the most painful experiences in my life I immediately buckled over and couldn't move for about 2 hours. 2 visits to the doctor later I was diagnosed with an acute lumbar strain and told that if I dont start seeing a chiropractor and doing pilates on a regular basis this problem will only continue to worsen. I spent Tues-Thurs laid out in a pain killer and muscle relaxer induced coma.

Thursday night my gf came home and looked like she got hit by a train. After several attempts to get her to tell me what was bothering her she informed that she is 5 weeks pregnant. You know that 85% effective rating they advertise for birth control... Well.. we're officially part of the 15%. I really hadn't planned on being a father yet and quite frankly I'm scared shitless.

Friday night my grandmother called me. She first said she called to inform me that two of my cousins would be in town next week for a short visit and wanted my gf and I to come over dinner Wednesday night. She then informed she has cancer and is dying, she also informed my great grandmother (who's now 91) just broke her back.

Today I returned to work after being cleared to return by my doc I met the guy who got my promotion. After introducing ourselves he asked me if I smoked pot, and if so he wanted to let me know he's got the "connect." To bad I gave that sh*t up because my new boss has the good stuff apparently. After spending an hour here at the office I recieved a call from my mother who was crying hysterically. Our family dog of 15 years has cancer that's slowly eating away at her and is going to be put down this evening.

F*CK! I think I might just take up my new boss on his proposition for the good stuff.

Like they say when it rains it pours. I'm hoping from here things can only get better. On a positive note it's not me with cancer or a broken back but man it sure does suck to have to see my family members go through this shit.

Nothing a night out with my buddy Jack Daniels can't help. :swear:(:swear

Sorry for the rant but with everything going on this is the only place I can vent right now.

If you're REALLY lucky, it won't be yours...;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Lots piled on your plate all the sudden, Danny.
It sucks when the dump truck backs up like that and offloads in your lap.
I can say from my own experience that there is NOTHING like back pain, it just flat ruins your day(s).
Deal with one thing at a time, bud. It sounds easy, but ony worry about the shit you have control over. Stressing about things you can't fix or change will wear your ass out faster than anything.
Hope the world slows down for you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
So the last week of my life has been utter chaos.

On Monday I was informed by my employer that a position (I was promised by my manager 7 months ago) had been given to another employee. His job performance is nowhere near what mine is but his previous experience at another company they felt made him more qualified for the position.

I woke up at 6am last Tuesday with a super stiff back and could hardly move. I proceeded to pop some Ibueprofen and lay flat for on back for a couple hours. After laying out for 2 hours I got up and did some stretches, my final stretch was followed by a popping in my back that resulted in one of the most painful experiences in my life I immediately buckled over and couldn't move for about 2 hours. 2 visits to the doctor later I was diagnosed with an acute lumbar strain and told that if I dont start seeing a chiropractor and doing pilates on a regular basis this problem will only continue to worsen. I spent Tues-Thurs laid out in a pain killer and muscle relaxer induced coma.

Thursday night my gf came home and looked like she got hit by a train. After several attempts to get her to tell me what was bothering her she informed that she is 5 weeks pregnant. You know that 85% effective rating they advertise for birth control... Well.. we're officially part of the 15%. I really hadn't planned on being a father yet and quite frankly I'm scared shitless.

Friday night my grandmother called me. She first said she called to inform me that two of my cousins would be in town next week for a short visit and wanted my gf and I to come over dinner Wednesday night. She then informed she has cancer and is dying, she also informed my great grandmother (who's now 91) just broke her back.

Today I returned to work after being cleared to return by my doc I met the guy who got my promotion. After introducing ourselves he asked me if I smoked pot, and if so he wanted to let me know he's got the "connect." To bad I gave that sh*t up because my new boss has the good stuff apparently. After spending an hour here at the office I recieved a call from my mother who was crying hysterically. Our family dog of 15 years has cancer that's slowly eating away at her and is going to be put down this evening.

F*CK! I think I might just take up my new boss on his proposition for the good stuff.

Like they say when it rains it pours. I'm hoping from here things can only get better. On a positive note it's not me with cancer or a broken back but man it sure does suck to have to see my family members go through this shit.

Nothing a night out with my buddy Jack Daniels can't help. :swear:(:swear

Sorry for the rant but with everything going on this is the only place I can vent right now.

Things could be worse..... You could have just convinced 2 21yr old hotties who love to fuck dirty like you've only imagined and found that you used your last little blue pill 2 days ago and forgot to fill your prescription :D
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