Good Ol' CA


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
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LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign a bill Thursday adding California to the growing list of states allowing immigrants in the country illegally to obtain driver licenses.

Immigrant advocates have long lobbied for the change in the nation?s most populous state so immigrants can drive without fearing being pulled over for a ticket, which could wind up getting them deported.

?This is really a historic day for California,? said Marielena Hincapie, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center. ?This is really simply about driving and ultimately about being able to engage in everyday activities that every American does.?

Over the last two decades, immigrant advocates have pushed to get licenses restored in California. The effort took on new significance in recent years as immigrants caught driving without a license began seeing their cars impounded and wound up being screened by federal immigration authorities for deportation.

Most states don?t allow immigrants in the country illegally to obtain licenses. But a growing number, including Colorado and Oregon, have passed similar measures to issue marked licenses for driving purposes only.

In California, the bill authored by Democratic Assemblyman Luis Alejo would grant licenses to anyone who passes written and road tests, regardless of immigration status. The licenses would carry a distinction on the front of the card and state that the document may be used for driving, not as federal identification.

Several immigrant advocates initially raised concerns that the marker will contribute to racial profiling. The bill includes protections against discrimination.

State officials estimate 1.4 million drivers will apply for licenses under the law, which was supported by the state?s Police Chiefs Association and insurance authorities.

It isn?t clear whether entities like local government offices, libraries or banks will accept the license as a form of identification. The licenses are expected to be issued starting in Jan. 2015.

It isn?t the first time the California legislature passed a measure giving licenses to immigrants in the country illegally. Led by former Democratic state lawmaker and current Los Angeles city councilman Gil Cedillo, the legislature passed license bills that were struck down by Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Under Brown, immigrant advocates saw a new opportunity to get a bill signed. The bill is one of several immigrant-friendly measures passed by the legislature this year, including overtime pay for domestic workers and an effort to scale back collaboration between local law enforcement and federal immigration officials.

Brown has enjoyed strong support among Latino voters, whose numbers are growing in California, and appears to sense how the broader public has become more welcoming toward immigrants even as the debate over an immigration overhaul has stalled in Congress, said Jaime Regalado, emeritus professor of political science at California State University, Los Angeles.

?The timing seems to be there in a sense, and I think Brown is very good at understanding votes and understanding timing,? Regalado said. ?He wants to be ahead of the curve.?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
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It's all about $$, who cares if they can read, write, or speak English.

who wants to bet insurance rates for CA go thru the roof!


Sep 25, 2008
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This is really simply about driving and ultimately about being able to engage in everyday activities that every American does.?

I don't get this, shouldn't you be a citizen or legal immigrant to enjoy those activities here in America? :fsakes I'll say it's a historic day :rolleyes


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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I bet most wont go get a license anyways for fear of that document being used to deport them.


Formerly Old School Ultra
Feb 5, 2008
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This is all smoke and mirrors, Only a small percentage will have what it takes to get one of these provisional licenses. From what I heard you can't just walk over the border from TJ into a DMV and get a license.


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
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90% of me says fuck you, you're here illegally you get nothing and you should be deported! The other 10% says let them if it means they will have to have insurance. I hope a mandatory sr22 will be required when they apply. If not then they should just get nothing more then an ID and and it should indicate that no proof of citizenship is on file. Idk. It sounds a lil hitler jewish without the death but they should be separate and identifiable. Then escorted back to their home country with a felony attached to their name.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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I actually support this.

Unless someone is going to balls forward and round them up, then we need a path to collect their taxes. Everyone is from somewhere so their identity is not unknown.

No government in this country will send them home and the care for these folks will only get better. They need to pay their share.

Along with a drivers license they will need a ITIN.

The illegal thing is bad enough but skipping out on their taxes really gets under my skin. I see this every once in a while some contractor paying painters cash, etc. Pisses me off. I have to match SS taxes, so can every other employer.

OR - Send them home. Either way but this "Living in the middle" is making everything worse and I am fucking tired of paying for it.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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What part of illegal do they not understand?

When you're ready to purchase a country I will partner in. I am ready to try something different.

Our law makers here turn a blind eye and then over tax us with the open eye.:thumbsdown


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
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From what I heard you can't just walk over the border from TJ into a DMV and get a license.

Why not?

They can jump the border have 20 kids, be on welfare, food stamps, free health insurance, get free phones, & reduced housing costs. The license is the least of CA's worries but it doesn?t make it right.


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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I don't support the illegal immigration but the reality is they are in the workforce being paid under the table with no taxes being paid or insurance, etc.. If we are not going to throw them out make them pay taxes on their payroll. Well at least payroll taxes or some income taxes because you know they are not going to file a tax return like the rest of us. :p

I also see it as leveling the playing field between those employers that pay illegals under the table and those employers that are legitimate. It would gives a mechanism to get illegals on the payroll and pay taxes and get the proper insurance. In other words make those employers that hire illegals screwed like the rest of us in CA. :p:D

This living in the middle is bullshit :thumbsdown We don't have to legalize their status to tax them...

I actually support this.

Unless someone is going to balls forward and round them up, then we need a path to collect their taxes. Everyone is from somewhere so their identity is not unknown.

No government in this country will send them home and the care for these folks will only get better. They need to pay their share.

Along with a drivers license they will need a ITIN.

The illegal thing is bad enough but skipping out on their taxes really gets under my skin. I see this every once in a while some contractor paying painters cash, etc. Pisses me off. I have to match SS taxes, so can every other employer.

OR - Send them home. Either way but this "Living in the middle" is making everything worse and I am fucking tired of paying for it.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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So basically...the term "illegal immigrant" doesn't really exist anymore. Clearly, there's nothing "illegal" about it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
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I am not one to get into political debates, just not my deal. But I think this new bill is absolute horseshit! Our state along with a few others is now setting a new standard that being illegal and driving along with having kids and taking advantage of the system in CA is okay. It's a total slap in the face for everyone else that does what they are supposed to for this state. As much as I love California, I hate it and this is just another reason why.

Yes there will be more revenue coming into the state by making them pay for licenses but I would think it's minimal.

What about developing a program where a temporary license will be issued but with some structure put into place. They need to renew the license on a 6 month basis. With the agreement that they are actively trying to become a US Citizen within an allotted time frame (taking classes, etc... showing proof). If they complete the steps to citizenship then great, if not the license gets revoked and they get deported.
Not only does this increase more revenue by making them pay to renew every 6 months but it also shows they are taking steps to become citizens where they will eventually get SS cards and pay taxes like the rest of us.

I am sure Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or Gloria Allred will swing this into some sort of civil rights issue and pull the race card...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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It's all about $$, who cares if they can read, write, or speak English.

who wants to bet insurance rates for CA go thru the roof!

Not really. What pisses me off about this is that the cost to issue the licenses will be 150 mil. The fees collected will be 50 mil. Guess who pays the difference.

Technically rates should go down because they're supposed to be able to get insurance now. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Not really. What pisses me off about this is that the cost to issue the licenses will be 150 mil. The fees collected will be 50 mil. Guess who pays the difference.

Technically rates should go down because they're supposed to be able to get insurance now. We'll see.

Yeah they will get auto insurance....Just like their immigration documents required to be present in the US.

The government, on a state and federal level has failed us, yet again.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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If health insurance is mandated, under penalty of fines...why not auto insurance?

Oh wait...it already is.

Who gets to determine which laws are enforced, and which laws aren't?

And how come middle-class people with jobs seem to be the only ones law enforcement targets?


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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If health insurance is mandated, under penalty of fines...why not auto insurance?

Oh wait...it already is.

Who gets to determine which laws are enforced, and which laws aren't?

And how come middle-class people with jobs seem to be the only ones law enforcement targets?

Cause we are the only ones that can afford, and will, pay the fines.

Fuck Brown and his liberal minions. :thumbsdown


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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We don't need no stinking license, no insurance and registration. and no impound my car either. see' what a great state. liberal/ socialist politics at its best.


Lavey Me Alone
Sep 26, 2007
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I hope they're just telling them this so they all show up at the DMV, where they are promptly ushered into a van, and ultimately dumped in TJ.... I really hope that's what this is about!


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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I hope they're just telling them this so they all show up at the DMV, where they are promptly ushered into a van, and ultimately dumped in TJ.... I really hope that's what this is about!

Remember that youTube video where they did that?? Holy crap that was funny!!! :thumbsup:D


Lavey Me Alone
Sep 26, 2007
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Remember that youTube video where they did that?? Holy crap that was funny!!! :thumbsup:D

LOL... I'll look for that! I saw one, where the guy picked a bunch of them up in his pick-up truck at home depot and drove them to INS, where starting yelling and honking the horn. :D


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
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This should be the least of your worries if you live in CA. Not sure how many of you have kids in school but Brown passed a bill last month http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140AB1266
This bill allows kids to choose what sex they "feel" like being and if they want to participate in the opposite sex sports or school programs they have the right to and they have the right to use the facilities i.e locker rooms, bathrooms, etc.
ya the illegal license thing is bullshit but the things they are passing regarding legal citizens is even worse.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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What amazes me is how so many don't want any part of politics, and some don't even bother to vote. But if their spouse overwrites the balance of their check book or maxs out the plastic, they stop them and remove their ability to spend. If they get taken advantage of and overcharged or get poor service they paid for, they go after the people mishandling these affairs.

Yet they will barely lift a finger to vote out or work to remove politicians who daily make poor decisions which cost the tax payer lots of money.....

Someone please explain to the populace who isn't seeing this simple reality, there is no difference. If folks are incompetent to handle money and responsibility, remove them.