??Go to Joey’s on a sat and seat in the bar
Joeys is a restaurant
No bailCaught 3 in LA after a chase. Very tan folks.
This isn't just a Cali issue, they just happen to be the one in the news today I think. This is a nationwide issue. Good people being raped or killed by people that shouldn't be here. Not an F' Cali thread, an FJB thread maybe.Is this fuck California thread? Because if it is I’m in!
Sweet Jesus thats an area where I'd never think that'd go down. I will state that there has been some sort of en campment forming right up that way walking distance. For those that know area the tents are up Avocado by medical buildings where road ends. CDM would be the last spot I'd think of this.... right after Carmel... it says a lot.x.com
No where is safe in CA......
Since when? It was forming by the bus station during COVID and up to middle of 2023, but Newport passed new laws to get it cleaned up. It wasn’t there in Dec, Feb, or May when I visited for a few weeks. Is it back?Sweet Jesus thats an area where I'd never think that'd go down. I will state that there has been some sort of en campment forming right up that way walking distance. For those that know area the tents are up Avocado by medical buildings where road ends. CDM would be the last spot I'd think of this.... right after Carmel... it says a lot.
That second paragraph is a big one. My inlaws live across the street so I sent the story to my MIL. They aren’t as flashy as some of the people in their neighborhood, but definitely flashy enough. Big rings, Jewlery, Gucci this, Prada that…..just a giant target these days. It’s why I don’t wear watches, and why my wife doesn’t wear her engagement/wedding ring unless it’s a special occasion. Only the Qualo rings for us.RIP…so sad
Back around Christmas time, Chino PD had a huge presence at all the shopping areas. They had the LED signs stating so and would constantly see the cars driving around the shopping centers. They took it pretty seriously.
I have stopped wearing any jewelry by myself really. Only to big events or a date night now. It’s not worth the attention that it could attract. I won’t wear my grandmothers ring anymore because it’s irreplaceable.
Wife doesn't wear any jewelry anymore either with the exception of ear rings, gold with small CZ stones. We wear our rings for family functions and that's it, not even for anniversaries, just not worth it.RIP…so sad
Back around Christmas time, Chino PD had a huge presence at all the shopping areas. They had the LED signs stating so and would constantly see the cars driving around the shopping centers. They took it pretty seriously.
I have stopped wearing any jewelry by myself really. Only to big events or a date night now. It’s not worth the attention that it could attract. I won’t wear my grandmothers ring anymore because it’s irreplaceable.
Lots of tents off Jamboree by Fletcher Jones. Wanted to walk the hiking trail last week, but did not feel safe.Sweet Jesus thats an area where I'd never think that'd go down. I will state that there has been some sort of en campment forming right up that way walking distance. For those that know area the tents are up Avocado by medical buildings where road ends. CDM would be the last spot I'd think of this.... right after Carmel... it says a lot.
It started during covid when everyone was sitting outside eating at restaurantsDamn, I'd never thought of it as getting that bad, where you couldn't or wouldn't want to wear watches or wedding bands. You don't hear much of this going on in Phoenix, but it probably happens there too. Sadly, this probably only made the news because of where it happened.
Thugs from LA, all 3 in custody. They will do no less than 20-50 years each in O.C.
Smash n grabbers, been caught and released a bunch of times by LA DA Gascon.Caught 3 in LA after a chase. Very tan folks.
RIP lady tourist! These guys are scumbags.... come to think of it the list of people that don't annoy me anymore is getting shorter and shorter........Smash n grabbers, been caught and released a bunch of times by LA DA Gascon.
These are people who annoy me.
They should be put to death! Take a life give your life FJB!!!!!Thugs from LA, all 3 in custody. They will do no less than 20-50 years each in O.C.
Folks in LA are moving here to the OC to escape the crime. Close to being done with the Freeway expansions and yet stop and go traffic yesterday...nearly all day.Thugs from LA, all 3 in custody. They will do no less than 20-50 years each in O.C.
Just build more gallows and actually fix the problem. I said it. Not many have the stones to agree. If the punishment actually fit the crime, The crime would go down. And it doesn't matter what color they are.So in the new CA budget prison funding was cut to provide more funds for "social programs" this is such a circle jerk of epic proportions. Shifting money from prisons to social programs just keeps these programs in business. Build more prisons, end no cash bail, repeal prop 47.
Oh thanks... I split the scene 9 months ago. Good to hear... couldn't believe they were letting that happen in that particular community lol.Since when? It was forming by the bus station during COVID and up to middle of 2023, but Newport passed new laws to get it cleaned up. It wasn’t there in Dec, Feb, or May when I visited for a few weeks. Is it back?
No shit, wow. I have an idea I know exactly where you're talking about along that creek that feeds into back bay. Good spot to store em.Lots of tents off Jamboree by Fletcher Jones. Wanted to walk the hiking trail last week, but did not feel safe.
Across street from my building in CDM I got new folks from Hollywood during Covids peek few years back. The guy became a close friend buying home from my good buddy. He told me he decided it was time to bail on LA when tanks showed up on his street... he'd had enough. OC folk used to call it White Flight in earlier days my ex tells me when LA folks abandon to OC in 80s.Folks in LA are moving here to the OC to escape the crime. Close to being done with the Freeway expansions and yet stop and go traffic yesterday...nearly all day.
We have new neighbors across the street and this was exactly what he said. They had to sell two houses to purchase this one and now has the Mother in Law living with them. LA's crime is helping to drive up property values here it seems.
Man that is so true.... Laguna loves them some homeless. Stuffed em up into Canyon. Their property values have quadrupled since I bought there and now the North Laguna fat cats aren't too wild about that philosophy much like we are all seeing in other Blue areas of US... "not on my lawn" is in full effect finally.Years ago when I lived in CDM if the cops saw a homeless person they would put them in the cop car and drop them off on the laguna beach border.
We stayed at Newport dunes last weekend. Did the back bay loop quite a few homeless while riding the bikes. Guard was definitely up.No shit, wow. I have an idea I know exactly where you're talking about along that creek that feeds into back bay. Good spot to store em.
Yep, Compton gang membersThugs from LA, all 3 in custody. They will do no less than 20-50 years each in O.C.
They obviously didn't know how to use a compass, they were in a Republican DA's territory, not gasconsThugs from LA, all 3 in custody. They will do no less than 20-50 years each in O.C.
So what’s up with Saturday at the bar? Is that part of the cartel comment that was posted earlier?Joeys is a restaurant
Heard on KFI the couple was here vacationing from New Zeland or somewhere like that. In any event that's fuked up.
You just Vinned yourself.Heard on KFI the couple was here vacationing from New Zeland or somewhere like that. In any event that's fuked up