Facebook Censorship?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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I posted this JOKE yesterday on my Facebook page (Copied from this great site) and this JOKE was censored! WTF!!!! I could not believe it! This is where we are heading?? F them!



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Why is ANYONE still using Facebook? Serious question. If you're not an extremist socialist Dem that supports these billionaire oligarch's, why would you ever participate in FB thus helping and furthering their agenda? I see no reason to use twitter or FB.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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I hear you Tank…but if all us right minded folks protested and walked away, isn't that giving the extremist socialist a win by silencing us? I would much rather be a pain in their side and continue to bring these injustices out so ALL can see. Plus most of my like minded friends are still using FB, and until there is a better substitute to FB, (Parlar is Twitters) I will continue to voice my opinion and try to inform...What better place to post Meme's from RDP's Dungeon!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Why is ANYONE still using Facebook? Serious question. If you're not an extremist socialist Dem that supports these billionaire oligarch's, why would you ever participate in FB thus helping and furthering their agenda? I see no reason to use twitter or FB.
I do not have a FB account, however, do receive news from Twitter. While Twitter is regulated, it takes a few hours for the nazis to delete or flag a post. Unless you are the current POTUS that is. The Parler platform is too far right for me, but a good secondary source of information. So outside of far right or far left news services, where does one obtain non bias current events? My television does not tune in to any news outlets so that is not a viable option for me.


Jun 1, 2012
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I deleted Facebook after our trip to Florida. Not only did they moderate our posts, they blocked me from sharing a news article about rioting in Portland.



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I hear you Tank…but if all us right minded folks protested and walked away, isn't that giving the extremist socialist a win by silencing us? I would much rather be a pain in their side and continue to bring these injustices out so ALL can see. Plus most of my like minded friends are still using FB, and until there is a better substitute to FB, (Parlar is Twitters) I will continue to voice my opinion and try to inform...What better place to post Meme's from RDP's Dungeon!!!!

I would not consider it a win for them at all if every person that was NOT for a marxist socialist state walked away from their platform. I would think it would hurt them where it counts - financially. There are other platforms such as Parlor and there is an up and coming FB counter option as well but I can't remember the name right now. I just don't see the need for FB or Twitter at all. But it's easy for me because I've never had an account on either. So easy for me to say fuck them. But I think, if I was on there and saw the blatant agenda driven censorship, I wouldn't have a problem leaving. As much as I post on RDP or have posted on OSO for 20 years, if I was being censored or saw friends being constantly censored I would 100%, with out a doubt walk away.

I do not have a FB account, however, do receive news from Twitter. While Twitter is regulated, it takes a few hours for the nazis to delete or flag a post. Unless you are the current POTUS that is. The Parler platform is too far right for me, but a good secondary source of information. So outside of far right or far left news services, where does one obtain non bias current events? My television does not tune in to any news outlets so that is not a viable option for me.

I read news off of my news feed which is about 90% leftist. I also watch Tucker Carlson and OAN and I've been listening to Ben Shapiro a lot more recently since Regor and I discussed him lately on one of these threads. Oh, and frankly, I see a lot of news links here on RDP. But there is ENDLESS good pod casts that cover current events and you can get news via the internet direct from the sources webpages if you don't have TV. I think in this day and age, no matter where you get your news source, you need to read between the lines. Unless you are watching direct current event news coverage such as the BBC or OAN where the reporter is purely reporting facts of incidents and circumstances void of opinion, you have to weigh through it for message.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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If you don't know Facebook censors then you may be part of the problem.
If you don't mind Facebook censoring you/others then you may be part of the problem.
If you don't see the value in leaving Facebook because they censor you/others then you're not part of the solution.

Thinking that you can make Facebook change by staying on Facebook only makes Facebook stronger because they can still count you as a member. While they censor you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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As soon as someone comes up with a "New' FB, I'm gone. I'm not part of the problem. this is the first time this has happened to me,...What Exit...if you have a better FB please enlighten me. Until then I will keep educating people about FB's deeds. I know I can't change FB, never thought that, but I will be a little thorn in their side...


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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As soon as someone comes up with a "New' FB, I'm gone. I'm not part of the problem. this is the first time this has happened to me,...What Exit...if you have a better FB please enlighten me. Until then I will keep educating people about FB's deeds. I know I can't change FB, never thought that, but I will be a little thorn in their side...

Don't sweat it 4czn, you're on the right path. Keep giving em hell and waking up the sheep!!! 👍