F*&K Verison.... T-Mobile??????


A/B Team Liaison
Sep 18, 2007
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Anyone on here have them or have recently had them? I know in the past they were not that good, but someone told me that they have really stepped up their service and they are great now. Anyone have any personal experience with them? I am so over Verizon it is not even funny. T-Mobile is offering $99.00 unlimited everything Voice, Text, & data. My current unlimited plan with Verizon is $119 and that does not have any data. If I wanted to step up to data, they want $159.99/mo. $50.00 per month for data? No way!

Not only that, just as a heads up to anyone on Verizon, if you get any of the spam text messages, chances are they are from international callers and will not be included with your texting plan. Each and every text message you get from international, you will be charged with. They also will not block numbers or credit your account for them. Not only that, I found out today that since I have the address book backup, since I don't have data, every time the phone logs onto their server, I am charged data air time for that as well. :swearI thought that logging into their server was part and parcel of their monthly backup charge? :drillsergeant:

Sorry, rant over :bash:

Miss Perfect

Junior Member
Sep 20, 2007
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At least you get text messages. I have Sprint and don't get half of my texts until days later. I think that pretty much all the companies out there suck. Good luck!


Sep 21, 2007
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At least you get text messages. I have Sprint and don't get half of my texts until days later. I think that pretty much all the companies out there suck. Good luck!

Really? I'm with Sprint and I've been pretty happy with them. They seem to have gotten better over the last year as well here. Now my BB on the other hand, I have mixed reports on.

Try Sprint Danny. They have offered the $99 everything plan. And our service has been good so far.

I was ready to leave them when I was with Nextel ( And they sucked balls ) but they took great care of me to stay when the teo merged. :thumbsup


now its recording
Sep 24, 2007
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e has and hates t mobile. she won't get service in our back yard but she will have it at the bottom of the grand canyon. she has some sort of blackberry that she always complains about too. been through at least 4 of them.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Really? I'm with Sprint and I've been pretty happy with them. They seem to have gotten better over the last year as well here. Now my BB on the other hand, I have mixed reports on.

Try Sprint Danny. They have offered the $99 everything plan. And our service has been good so far.

I was ready to leave them when I was with Nextel ( And they sucked balls ) but they took great care of me to stay when the teo merged. :thumbsup

I have Sprint for work and AT&T for personal phone. I really like AT&T. I HATE Sprint. I NEVER get calls, the 2 way (nextel portion) will all of a sudden for no reason, NOT work, and then Ill get a random voicemail 4 hours later yet never had a missed call and the phone had never left my desk which has full service!

My ex 3 years ago had T-Mobile and they REALLY sucked! But, that was 3 years ago. Still dont trust me though.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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I believe T-Mobile roams onto att/cingular's sites, so the service should be the same as att/cingular.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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I have t-mobile..overall it's ok, but they told me that I will have signal everywhere att&t has because they use their towers..but I do not.
When i had att&t i had way better service.T-mobile I lose service in and out all the way to the river.(kinda when ya need it most).
Overall it's ok,but I think att&t is better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Tmob doesn't have the cash to modernize their network, the same with sprint. the small start-up (kricket, metro, clearwire) are making some pretty HUGE claims about how fast their 4g networks are but they don't deliver and are still in the initial roll out phase. you wont have nation-wide coverage. it is doubtful they will ever become a major player.

ATT and Verizon are the two key players right now.

may people complain about good coverage while "out and about" but say covergae at their home sucks. ATT is rolling out a new "personel micro cell" that will plug into your cable modem and route cell calls to your own little cell site at home. look for it probably before x-mas to be out.

right now, ATT and verizon are in a battle for network supremacy. there really is not much to battle over for a voice call. it is either clear, doesnt drop, or not. data is another thing. the difference is SPEED. verizon is talking 4g, ATT is using 3g. IN REALITY, verizon is in the inital phases of rolling out a 4g service, it is probably 18months from serious avalability. in my opinion, their 3g is not as good as ATT 3g.ATT has been doing 3g for several years now and maximizing on that. maybe down the road verizons 4g will be the way to go, but i highly doubt ATT is just going to lay still and be out manuvered.

Deleted Account

We are deploying VzW 4G first quarter '10 in SoCal...:thumbsup And man are we busy doing the prep work!:D


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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I have t-mobile..overall it's ok, but they told me that I will have signal everywhere att&t has because they use their towers..but I do not.
When i had att&t i had way better service.T-mobile I lose service in and out all the way to the river.(kinda when ya need it most).

total lie. T mobile DOES have their own towers. it is true that ATT and Tmob are 2g roaming partners, so if Tmob does not have coverage in hawaii, for example, the phone will roam to ATT and most likely be transparent to the user. but to say "we use all their towers" is completely untrue. in fact, after the cingular/ATT merge, Tmob BOUGHT the cingular towers and cingular/ATT became one and ran off the ATT network. that network has been EXTENSIVELY upgraded.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I have cingular, and it's expensive as shit!! Stacy and I probably spend 250 a month on phone bills.. I dunno though I don't pay them, you'd have to ask her.

All I know is she's always complaining about the bill.

Verizon kicks ass as far as cell service in my opinion. My parents had it, and that phoen would freakin work anywhere. Many occasions I'd pull a # out of my phone and use my pops phone to make the call.



The Other White Meat
Dec 20, 2007
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I worked for T-Mobile for 2 years...

T-mobile is decent for the money. They keep their service cheap because they don't put anything back into their network. They don't have the latest devices and by the time their 3G is running at full speed AT&T and Verizon will be cranking out 50 mbps LTE.

T-Mobile does have a roaming agreement with AT&T however, I look for AT&T to pull the rug out from under them in the near future due to the ridiculous price cuts. T-Mobile has cut their rates so low no one can compete price wise. If AT&T were to cut their prices to T-Mobile rates and continue to spend what they are spending on their network AT&T would go bankrupt in a very short amount of time.

I wont knock T-Mobiles service if you just want to make phone calls and send text messages it's fine. If you want to do anything more then that stick with Verizon or AT&T.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Isn't Verizon supposed to be putting the smack down on AT&T right about now, and getting the iPhone?


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
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ive been with tmoble for almost 10 years. signed with them about 4 months after they came to california. i have watched them grow. i have 4 lines with them and could not be happier. i have att for biz phone and everywhere i do not get att service i have tmobile and vice versa. its great. the only thing i will complain about tmobile is there phone selection is crappy. att and verizon have the best phone selection. tmoblie from what i here though is really try to step up there phone selection game to keep up with att and verizon. crappy phone is there number one complaint.


The Other White Meat
Dec 20, 2007
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Isn't Verizon supposed to be putting the smack down on AT&T right about now, and getting the iPhone?

Have you seen the latest Verizon commercial? iDont.... Says it all.

Verizon wont be getting an iPhone anytime soon. Rumor has it Apple wont build a CDMA iPhone. Verizon will get an LTE iPhone. Don't expect Verizon to be running full LTE until sometime in 2011.


Ex-So Cal.
Oct 1, 2007
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I was with Verizon for 4+ years with 2 lines.. I thought they were damm good until Verizon decided to play wiith there local towers during there merge. Could NOT get service form the phone or there techs...Went to AT&T and to be honest WAY better service over Verizon..I do alot of traveling and it makes a huge difference knowing I can pick up the phone and use it..But like anything else it comes done to personal preference..

Big Warlock

Dec 21, 2007
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Sprint is the worst by far. They couldn't get shit done!! Nothing ever worked. We dumped them and went to AT&T and are happy with the service. Not sure what we pay but I will find out.

We had Verizon for many years but got into a billing / pissing contest which cost them our business. Went to Sprint and that lasted less than a year. My phone would be roaming at the Phoenix airport!!! Never could get the phone to work in Mexico. Many, many problems.

AT&T has been very good. Texting in Mexico. No problems with phone connections. Good internet. etc. etc.


Sep 25, 2008
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I have t-mobile and I get no reception at the river house and it roams until I get into town. I always turn it off so I don't get roaming charges at the river :thumbsdown

Big Warlock

Dec 21, 2007
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I have t-mobile and I get no reception at the river house and it roams until I get into town. I always turn it off so I don't get roaming charges at the river :thumbsdown

People always say you don't answer your phone.........:D


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I have verizons shared plan for me and my mother. I pay 119.99 for a shit pot of minutes and unlimited everything. When i got the blackberry they wanted to charge me 45.99 extra for data etc and i told um piss off and ended up getting it for 29.99 a month. Im happy as shit with my service. I get service 95 percent of the time im at the lake, hunting, etc. I had t-mobile(voicestreem) days and it was horrible. From my understanding it still is.

Danny, sweet talk um a little bit and they will hook you up

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Had AT&T when we first started our business and they were so bad i paid to get out of our contracts and went to Verizon, by far the best service I have had. I have almost 50 lines with them and couldn't be happier. They bend over backwards for us. If I dispute anything it is credited to my bill. Hvae had T Mobile (that was almost 10 years ago) terrible then had Nextel (for about 3 years) just a bit better than T Mobile and then AT&T and Nextel was better than AT&T. Been with Verizon for about 6 years and don't see myself ever changing.

The one difference is we have a corporate account manager which is probably a lot better customer service than Danny is getting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Had AT&T when we first started our business and they were so bad i paid to get out of our contracts and went to Verizon, by far the best service I have had. I have almost 50 lines with them and couldn't be happier. They bend over backwards for us. If I dispute anything it is credited to my bill. Hvae had T Mobile (that was almost 10 years ago) terrible then had Nextel (for about 3 years) just a bit better than T Mobile and then AT&T and Nextel was better than AT&T. Been with Verizon for about 6 years and don't see myself ever changing.

The one difference is we have a corporate account manager which is probably a lot better customer service than Danny is getting.
I would venture to say there picking on him because he looks like he is 10. Figured punk kid doesnt know what he is talking about:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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total lie. T mobile DOES have their own towers. it is true that ATT and Tmob are 2g roaming partners, so if Tmob does not have coverage in hawaii, for example, the phone will roam to ATT and most likely be transparent to the user. but to say "we use all their towers" is completely untrue. in fact, after the cingular/ATT merge, Tmob BOUGHT the cingular towers and cingular/ATT became one and ran off the ATT network. that network has been EXTENSIVELY upgraded.

Lie..not a lie?..don't really matter, I'm just going by what they said.:blah: But i do know the service is'nt as good as ATT&T which was my prior provider.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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I have verizons shared plan for me and my mother. I pay 119.99 for a shit pot of minutes and unlimited everything.

Same here on teh family dealio, I've been with them over 14 years, dating back to the brick phone days and LA Cellular. Also grandfathered in at $69 month for unlimited mobile broadband.....hells yes.


I remember at the beginning of the summer peeps were talking about AT& T losing some major infrastructure, and the iPhone coming over to Veruizon. In fact there were some posts about it on PB, with anticipated arrival date in Jan 2010. Guess not anymore?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Went to the Iphone 3 months ago and havent looked back. The thing just rocks, and AT&T has been pretty damn good. Im at about 120 a month out the door, unlimited data, 900 Mins a month. I talk a shit load, and they have an A-List where you can add your most called numbers anytime. You get free calls to them. Works damn nicely. So now, I replaced my ipod, gps, and laptop pretty much with this one device.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Danny maybe you have an old plan with verizon? Try reworking your plan. I think verizon beats everyone as far as service, But all the other providers have great phones...until the droid comes out in a few days.