Ecommerce shopping carts??


Raging Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Anyone have a favorite company to work with? We recently rebuilt our site and the programmer heavily pushed paypal, we went with it and now hate it. Not easily modified at all, we can't seem to be able to let customers register for a discount, offer free shipping codes, nothing.

Any suggestions?

Performance Boat Candy

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2010
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Anyone have a favorite company to work with? We recently rebuilt our site and the programmer heavily pushed paypal, we went with it and now hate it. Not easily modified at all, we can't seem to be able to let customers register for a discount, offer free shipping codes, nothing.

Any suggestions?

It depends on how customized you want your shopping cart. As I'm sure you know there are two types of shopping carts out there: hosted and non-hosted.

Hosted carts are good if you don't want to rent server space or buy your own server and you want a cart with some templates where you can easily pop in your own content...however, making any customizations to the hosted cart is expensive and you will need to hire a developer or leverage the cart providers development resources...both can be expensive depending on the level of customization.

Non-hosted carts typically don't have a lot of user interface templates and require a lot of development, which tends to get expensive very quickly. We use a non-hosted cart for Performance Boat Candy, but it's a real pain sometimes paying for graphics and developers...especially if you don't know HTML.

Non-hosted carts: X-cart and Digi-shop (which we use)

Hosted carts we have heard are good but haven't used: Volusion, Sum Effect software (hosted version of Digi-shop cart)

Hope this helps a little.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I have a question for people here that conduct any type of business on the internet. How many of you are aware of cyber liability insurance or currently carrier this coverage? It seems like when I bring it up to my clients it is the first time they have ever heard about it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
I have a question for people here that conduct any type of business on the internet. How many of you are aware of cyber liability insurance or currently carrier this coverage? It seems like when I bring it up to my clients it is the first time they have ever heard about it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Never heard of it. Whats it for??


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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It is a policy that can include some of the following types of coverage. I think the two most important parts are that it covers loss of income if your website goes down and data breach.

- Disclosure injury, including lawsuits alleging unauthorized access to or dissemination of the plaintiff?s private information. (Can be extended to outsourced data processing and data storage services.)

- Content injury, including suits arising from intellectual property infringement, trademark infringement, and copyright infringement.

- Reputational injury, including suits alleging disparagement of products or services, libel, slander, defamation, and invasion of privacy.

- Conduit injury, including suits arising from system security failures that result in harm to third-party systems.

- Impaired-access injury, including suits arising from system security failure resulting in your customer?s systems being unavailable to its customers.

? First-party cyber crime expense (optional) for:

- Privacy notification expenses, including the cost of credit-monitoring services for affected customers, even when state law doesn?t require notification.

- Crisis management and reward expenses, including the cost of public relations consultants.

- E-business interruption, including first-dollar extra expense.

- E-theft and e-communication loss, extended to networks outside of your company?s system.
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Grobe Bruste Bitte
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
Dont ever use paypal for your shopping cart on a website. IMO, its amature, not professional and a major pain in the ass for both the customer and you.

We have been using ecwid. It works for us. Pretty simple and easy to use. May not be the best but its free and works. If your using paypal right now, it will definetely work for you.
