Nice to see dogs can go for a quit ride. Unlike some....I think i would kill this yapping thing:champagne:
Lexi barking at windshield wipers 2 - YouTube
then there's the tough one. LOL
Pom and The Car Horn - YouTube
Good morning Brian.. Lol
LOLCar horn one is real humourous..:blah:....If he fell off that table and broke his leg....I know what it costs to fix it....and after the check cleared, that steering wheel would be planted up that stupid chick's ass...bnag
Morning was 7.5 hrs ago, Dave...
Too cute.
That is hilarious. Post it again in about a year after that pup is almost fully grown.
Nope thanks only German shepherds for usYou can have the 2 noisy/yappy Pomeranian that live next door to me.