Credit Card Fraud


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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So I get the call this morning, we have all been there at one point. "Hi please call us back, we are verifying a charge on your card". Shit happens every time I step out of my state with Wells.

OK, so what is weird is this is a card I have, never used, sits in my safe. Never used even once. I keep it as an emergency card.

Operator gets on the phone, starts rattling off charges in Brazil! $3,000, $1,250.....the list goes on and on!

So what makes this so scary is that:

A: I never used the card! Not online, not in person!
B: Why the hell did they take so long to notify me?
C: This data breach had to come from THEIR database. Or a person on the inside!

Costly stuff either way/ I know it happens every minute of the day. But you would think that they would have notified me sooner.

The kicker is, she says she is sending me a new card. I'm like, ok, and she tells me the credit limit is $1,000. I'm like WTF. You are missing a zero. This card has a 10k limit on it. She says, "well, since it had fraud the limit is reduced".

Shaking my head........


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
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You sure it wasn’t a fraud call and now they have all your info. It’s not likely to have compromised card not being used like you said.

I’ve been getting fraud Amex emails lately wanting me to verify the charge online and enter my info. Ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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You sure it wasn’t a fraud call and now they have all your info. It’s not likely to have compromised card not being used like you said.

I’ve been getting fraud Amex emails lately wanting me to verify the charge online and enter my info. Ha ha ha

I hear ya, no it was a voicemail left since I dont answer out of state calls.

I called back the number on back of my card. I never gave the card number either or any of my details. But I agree with ya, been getting a ton of those "scam" calls also!


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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Does your wife know the combo to the safe?;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2013
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I frequent Wells Fargo, same branch for 20 years, a month ago making my deposit, a teller that knows me asked for my I.D. Huh, I said, just leaving $ with you, not taking anything. Sorry, can't accept your deposit without your I.D. she repeated, don't have it with me but to help you fill in your form, heres my CDL #xxxxxxxx. Deposit millions in the business account yearly, been in that branch with the same people 100 times a year. Wells wants to be the Wallmart of banking, no interest in personal service, "that's all they have to sell is service". and are taking all decision making/judgement away from their employees. Told the manager whom I've know for 20 years, this may be the last straw, she just shrugged and apologized. Guess the good news is they all wanted to know how my day was going..........lol

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I frequent Wells Fargo, same branch for 20 years, a month ago making my deposit, a teller that knows me asked for my I.D. Huh, I said, just leaving $ with you, not taking anything. Sorry, can't accept your deposit without your I.D. she repeated, don't have it with me but to help you fill in your form, heres my CDL #xxxxxxxx. Deposit millions in the business account yearly, been in that branch with the same people 100 times a year. Wells wants to be the Wallmart of banking, no interest in personal service, "that's all they have to sell is service". and are taking all decision making/judgement away from their employees. Told the manager whom I've know for 20 years, this may be the last straw, she just shrugged and apologized. Guess the good news is they all wanted to know how my day was going..........lol
That is a new federal requirement, especially if you deposit cash.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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I frequent Wells Fargo, same branch for 20 years, a month ago making my deposit, a teller that knows me asked for my I.D. Huh, I said, just leaving $ with you, not taking anything. Sorry, can't accept your deposit without your I.D. she repeated, don't have it with me but to help you fill in your form, heres my CDL #xxxxxxxx. Deposit millions in the business account yearly, been in that branch with the same people 100 times a year. Wells wants to be the Wallmart of banking, no interest in personal service, "that's all they have to sell is service". and are taking all decision making/judgement away from their employees. Told the manager whom I've know for 20 years, this may be the last straw, she just shrugged and apologized. Guess the good news is they all wanted to know how my day was going..........lol

Yea, I think that all started with the Cartels and money laundering. People would just walk in and deposit cash to accounts, and keep it under the flag amount. Hell, I used to pay my boat stoarge to the owner that way. Just deposit to his account. Not any more! I agree, Wells is a pain in ass, but they are convenient.

Just to clarify. this Mastercard was completely separate from Wells. Which was even more strange. I dont have any other accounts with this company.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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I had the same thing with my Wells card. I never once used it but it was active. It stayed in my file drawer as an emergency card as I bank with B of A.

Wells sucks In my opinion , I left them for good including my broker last month.

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Yea, I think that all started with the Cartels and money laundering. People would just walk in and deposit cash to accounts, and keep it under the flag amount. Hell, I used to pay my boat stoarge to the owner that way. Just deposit to his account. Not any more! I agree, Wells is a pain in ass, but they are convenient.

Just to clarify. this Mastercard was completely separate from Wells. Which was even more strange. I dont have any other accounts with this company.
Also, if you have a certain percentage of cash deposits to credit card transaction deposits, they will give you a couple months to find a new bank before they close you down.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2013
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Hell, I used to pay my boat stoarge to the owner that way. Just deposit to his account. Not any more! I agree, Wells is a pain in ass, but they are convenient.
only reason I keep them, customers can deposit directly into our account from anywhere in the country at thousands of locations, just not cash unless you are the account principal.

That is a new federal requirement, especially if you deposit cash.
First question I asked of the manager, she didn't know. hmmmm


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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I’ve had both CC’a hacked multiple times. It’s a pain in the ass. I have everything on auto-notification on every purchase. Catch it on the first occurrence, cancel and get a new one. They usually charge a small one first so it’s not as bad.

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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only reason I keep them, customers can deposit directly into our account from anywhere in the country at thousands of locations, just not cash unless you are the account principal.

First question I asked of the manager, she didn't know. hmmmm
I use to pay my monthly insurance bill directly into a brokers account at US Bank with cash. A couple of months ago, they came out with the new requirements of showing id when doing the transaction. Another new thing is a lot of Hispanics would go to markets/check cashing biz and send money back home. You did not have to have any ID before to do so. Now you have to have ID and I believe it’s $500 max.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2016
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The card number/info was likely part of a data breach on their end. As we’ve seen many times, data breaches are not disclosed for years. It is very hard for anyone to actually be able to secure their personal information. We are all dependent on the governments and corporations to properly secure personal information. You could transact in cash 100%, have only a landline for phone, zero debt, blah, blah, never use the Internet. We’re all screwed to various extents. The reality of the electronic data storage age. Credit card companies are so accustomed to fraud, they reverse the charges and issue new card with barely a few questions. I’ve never had a credit limit reduction because of fraud though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Batches of card number are for sale on the web, without looking very hard. It probably wasn't even a breech at Well Fargo.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Batches of card number are for sale on the web, without looking very hard. It probably wasn't even a breech at Well Fargo.

How would they get the number? Random Generation? And then they would need my zip code or CVV nunber.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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All it takes is one bad employee some where, I mean how many companies are evoked in very cc transaction? I can see at least 3. Point of sale, processor, cc company. That's only the obvious ones. I am sure there are middle men and 3rd parties. One crook, and flood gates open.


Essex Affectionado
Aug 4, 2014
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Always have a backup card. If I get any fraudulent activity, I call to shut that one down and use another till the replacement comes in.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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About a year ago..

About dinner time, I hear the house phone ring, which I never answer, because its always telemarketers... answering machine comes on, I hear the recording of BofA asking me about charges and states the last four numbers of a credit card...

So I check my wallet, nope, I dont have a card with those last 4 numbers... Must be scammer...

Next morning I get an email from BofA, similar to message, but I am working and swamped....

Finally that evening.. I call BofA, (1-800 number on the back of my credit card)... Talk to a service rep about... Give her all the details... She confirmed the calls/emails where legit and from BofA, but couldnt figure out why I didnt have the card mentioned..

To shorten this long story.. One of my credit cards was about to expire. BofA had shipped me a new replacement Credit Card, that I had never received. It was stolen the day it was shipped... Had charges on it that pm..., most likely a postal employee stole it.

Which is why i didnt have it yet.....

I have had alot of problems with stolen cards over the years, because I travel on business alot.


RDP Inmate #94
Sep 24, 2007
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The wife and I travel a lot for both work and vacations. We have an issue about every 18 months. The key here is to use your credit card. Stay away from using your ATM. There are extensive protections on CC's. Your ATM has almost none. You hear about these CC companies promising all this help with fraud, and that you are not liable. um, yea, that is not their choice, that is federal law. they are just choosing to use it as a marketing point. If something goes wrong with your ATM, you are hosed and have no recourse.

if you want to play is safe at all, just use your ATM card in actual ATM's. Everything else plastic should be on a CC and pay it off at the end of the month.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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I haven't had a problem with my Canadian cards in 10 years. Ever since we adopted chip and pin, like Europe.