I’ve been reading a lot of posts here and on Facebook and there seems to be a lot of misinformation everywhere. I’m hoping this post can shed some light and create awareness to the situation that might even save a few lives.
I started following the Coronavirus situation in Wuhan very closely starting around mid January. The information coming from mainstream media sources has been extremely limited and in many cases very misleading. The Chinese government blocked their citizens from communicating what was really happening on the public internet and in public media sources. In China if you publicly speak about what is going on you will be jailed or worse. The whistleblower doctors trying to expose the truth about Coronavirus are all dead as are many public health officials who have tried to create awareness (This can be fact checked and verified through multiple proven reliable media sources).
Many Doctors and concerned citizens have been uploading videos of the crisis in China and statements of their personal accounts on the dark web. As someone who has spent countless hours viewing those videos and reading statements I can say with confidence that the crisis in China is far worse than any of us could imagine.
The infection rate and mortality rates being reported from China are completely bogus. There are likely millions of people infected who aren’t being reported because they haven’t been allowed to test for the virus or haven’t experienced symptoms significant enough to warrant testing. The mortality rate is also bogus, China has experienced a mass die off of elderly citizens and people with underlying health conditions as a result of the Coronavirus but the cause of death is being recorded as something else, the deceased are immediately cremated which has prevented world health agencies from conducting their own research to determine the real cause of death.
Italy and South Korea appear to be the first nations being transparent with their infection and mortality rates. Both countries have publicly stated the numbers they are reporting are much lower than the actual numbers because they don’t have the resources to test and diagnose every case. Sadly, one of Italy’s leading authorities on Coronavirus succumbed to the Coronavirus two days ago.
Current estimates project 97% of people infected with COVID 19 will fully recover, 15% of the people infected will require intensive care and 3% will die.
The United States currently has 100K intensive care hospital beds. If 10% of the population contracts COVID 19 5.5M people will require intensive care and 1.1M people will die assuming the people infected are able to receive proper medical treatment.
The United States does not have the medical resources required to handle a full outbreak of this virus if we were to allow it spread the way we allow influenza to spread. The 100K intensive care beds we currently have are already close to capacity and we will not be able to care for 1.1M people in a matter of weeks. As a point of reference Italy has 50% more intensive care beds per capita than the US and has a reported mortality rate of nearly 7%. This is why we’re seeing the response we are seeing now. If we do not take extreme measures to prevent the spread of this virus our healthcare system will collapse and the mortality rates will far exceed the current projections.
There are many people stating that COVID infections will taper off when the weather warms up. Research is ongoing and there is some evidence that supports the virus does not survive as well in warmer temperatures and high humidity. There is also evidence to support that the virus is still deadly and contagious in warm climates, Australia is in their summer and they are struggling to contain the spread of the virus.
There are many people stating once someone recovers from the virus they are fine and won’t contract it again. This is false, there are now a growing number of people being reinfected with the virus after fully recovering from the virus. The antibodies our bodies produce after viral infection are what prevent us from being reinfected, the antibodies in COVID are short lived and only last 2-3 weeks meaning a person is just as susceptible to infection 3 weeks after recovering as they were prior to being infected.
At this point there is still far less known about this virus than there is known. What we do know is that this virus is a death sentence to our elderly and people with compromised immune systems. The precautions we are taking are challenging and inconvenient but if we do not take them we will see a casualty rate none of us have ever seen in our lifetime and everyone of us will see many people we are close to die much sooner than they should.
Please be safe and please take this seriously. Millions of peoples lives depend on it.
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I started following the Coronavirus situation in Wuhan very closely starting around mid January. The information coming from mainstream media sources has been extremely limited and in many cases very misleading. The Chinese government blocked their citizens from communicating what was really happening on the public internet and in public media sources. In China if you publicly speak about what is going on you will be jailed or worse. The whistleblower doctors trying to expose the truth about Coronavirus are all dead as are many public health officials who have tried to create awareness (This can be fact checked and verified through multiple proven reliable media sources).
Many Doctors and concerned citizens have been uploading videos of the crisis in China and statements of their personal accounts on the dark web. As someone who has spent countless hours viewing those videos and reading statements I can say with confidence that the crisis in China is far worse than any of us could imagine.
The infection rate and mortality rates being reported from China are completely bogus. There are likely millions of people infected who aren’t being reported because they haven’t been allowed to test for the virus or haven’t experienced symptoms significant enough to warrant testing. The mortality rate is also bogus, China has experienced a mass die off of elderly citizens and people with underlying health conditions as a result of the Coronavirus but the cause of death is being recorded as something else, the deceased are immediately cremated which has prevented world health agencies from conducting their own research to determine the real cause of death.
Italy and South Korea appear to be the first nations being transparent with their infection and mortality rates. Both countries have publicly stated the numbers they are reporting are much lower than the actual numbers because they don’t have the resources to test and diagnose every case. Sadly, one of Italy’s leading authorities on Coronavirus succumbed to the Coronavirus two days ago.
Current estimates project 97% of people infected with COVID 19 will fully recover, 15% of the people infected will require intensive care and 3% will die.
The United States currently has 100K intensive care hospital beds. If 10% of the population contracts COVID 19 5.5M people will require intensive care and 1.1M people will die assuming the people infected are able to receive proper medical treatment.
The United States does not have the medical resources required to handle a full outbreak of this virus if we were to allow it spread the way we allow influenza to spread. The 100K intensive care beds we currently have are already close to capacity and we will not be able to care for 1.1M people in a matter of weeks. As a point of reference Italy has 50% more intensive care beds per capita than the US and has a reported mortality rate of nearly 7%. This is why we’re seeing the response we are seeing now. If we do not take extreme measures to prevent the spread of this virus our healthcare system will collapse and the mortality rates will far exceed the current projections.
There are many people stating that COVID infections will taper off when the weather warms up. Research is ongoing and there is some evidence that supports the virus does not survive as well in warmer temperatures and high humidity. There is also evidence to support that the virus is still deadly and contagious in warm climates, Australia is in their summer and they are struggling to contain the spread of the virus.
There are many people stating once someone recovers from the virus they are fine and won’t contract it again. This is false, there are now a growing number of people being reinfected with the virus after fully recovering from the virus. The antibodies our bodies produce after viral infection are what prevent us from being reinfected, the antibodies in COVID are short lived and only last 2-3 weeks meaning a person is just as susceptible to infection 3 weeks after recovering as they were prior to being infected.
At this point there is still far less known about this virus than there is known. What we do know is that this virus is a death sentence to our elderly and people with compromised immune systems. The precautions we are taking are challenging and inconvenient but if we do not take them we will see a casualty rate none of us have ever seen in our lifetime and everyone of us will see many people we are close to die much sooner than they should.
Please be safe and please take this seriously. Millions of peoples lives depend on it.
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