COVID 19 Facts Vs. Fiction


Extreme Mist
Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
I’ve been reading a lot of posts here and on Facebook and there seems to be a lot of misinformation everywhere. I’m hoping this post can shed some light and create awareness to the situation that might even save a few lives.

I started following the Coronavirus situation in Wuhan very closely starting around mid January. The information coming from mainstream media sources has been extremely limited and in many cases very misleading. The Chinese government blocked their citizens from communicating what was really happening on the public internet and in public media sources. In China if you publicly speak about what is going on you will be jailed or worse. The whistleblower doctors trying to expose the truth about Coronavirus are all dead as are many public health officials who have tried to create awareness (This can be fact checked and verified through multiple proven reliable media sources).

Many Doctors and concerned citizens have been uploading videos of the crisis in China and statements of their personal accounts on the dark web. As someone who has spent countless hours viewing those videos and reading statements I can say with confidence that the crisis in China is far worse than any of us could imagine.

The infection rate and mortality rates being reported from China are completely bogus. There are likely millions of people infected who aren’t being reported because they haven’t been allowed to test for the virus or haven’t experienced symptoms significant enough to warrant testing. The mortality rate is also bogus, China has experienced a mass die off of elderly citizens and people with underlying health conditions as a result of the Coronavirus but the cause of death is being recorded as something else, the deceased are immediately cremated which has prevented world health agencies from conducting their own research to determine the real cause of death.

Italy and South Korea appear to be the first nations being transparent with their infection and mortality rates. Both countries have publicly stated the numbers they are reporting are much lower than the actual numbers because they don’t have the resources to test and diagnose every case. Sadly, one of Italy’s leading authorities on Coronavirus succumbed to the Coronavirus two days ago.

Current estimates project 97% of people infected with COVID 19 will fully recover, 15% of the people infected will require intensive care and 3% will die.

The United States currently has 100K intensive care hospital beds. If 10% of the population contracts COVID 19 5.5M people will require intensive care and 1.1M people will die assuming the people infected are able to receive proper medical treatment.

The United States does not have the medical resources required to handle a full outbreak of this virus if we were to allow it spread the way we allow influenza to spread. The 100K intensive care beds we currently have are already close to capacity and we will not be able to care for 1.1M people in a matter of weeks. As a point of reference Italy has 50% more intensive care beds per capita than the US and has a reported mortality rate of nearly 7%. This is why we’re seeing the response we are seeing now. If we do not take extreme measures to prevent the spread of this virus our healthcare system will collapse and the mortality rates will far exceed the current projections.

There are many people stating that COVID infections will taper off when the weather warms up. Research is ongoing and there is some evidence that supports the virus does not survive as well in warmer temperatures and high humidity. There is also evidence to support that the virus is still deadly and contagious in warm climates, Australia is in their summer and they are struggling to contain the spread of the virus.

There are many people stating once someone recovers from the virus they are fine and won’t contract it again. This is false, there are now a growing number of people being reinfected with the virus after fully recovering from the virus. The antibodies our bodies produce after viral infection are what prevent us from being reinfected, the antibodies in COVID are short lived and only last 2-3 weeks meaning a person is just as susceptible to infection 3 weeks after recovering as they were prior to being infected.

At this point there is still far less known about this virus than there is known. What we do know is that this virus is a death sentence to our elderly and people with compromised immune systems. The precautions we are taking are challenging and inconvenient but if we do not take them we will see a casualty rate none of us have ever seen in our lifetime and everyone of us will see many people we are close to die much sooner than they should.

Please be safe and please take this seriously. Millions of peoples lives depend on it.

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Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
IMO They didn't shut down the schools so the kiddos could have a vacation. It was meant to slow this down via mass gatherings or just simple contact. Adults going to crowded stores trying to "Save" thier families will unwittingly invite problems.
Me, My kiddo is out of school, I'm staying home and hiding my family. Thank god I have the resources. No panic, just the same thing I do on busy holidays to protect me and my own.


Vintage Jawa CZ motorcycles
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
I was right with you until the end when you called it "a death sentence for the elderly." That is more than a bit extreme. But what this event is doing to the world's economic system is going to have devastating effects on 100% of the population. This Kung Flu is merely a sniffle compared to the heart attack that the world's banking system has in store for it.
They better send people back to work and kids back to school at the end of the month, or the lights are gonna go out everywhere, and bullets are going to be the coin of the realm.

Havasu Hangin'

Lord of the Drinks
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score

These new flu strains are not new. The last pandemic affected 61MM in 2009, and had a similar incubation period and mortality rate (estimates are in the CDC report)

No sports events were shut down. No toilet paper hoarding. Yet, we all survived.

People need to stop panicking. There will be more new viruses to cross species. Is the way we are acting now the new norm? Let’s hope not


Laveycraft Nuera 2750
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Good write up Boozer. A lot of peeps here are in denial and/or ignorant to seriousness of COVID, kinda like the president was until a week ago.
Unfortunately the government has failed to get the proper number of tests out, which in turn is causing an inaccurate, very under reported number of cases and deaths. What a lot of the naysayers don’t understand is that many people are being good responsible preppers buying extra TP, water, medicine, etc..in advance because they plan to hunker down before or after virus hits, instead of treating it like normal flu and working thru it or going out and trying to buy stuff while infected and possibly spreading the virus.
Everyone should know by now it’s not the end of world, but COVID is definitely a NEW and very bad thing and it’s important that people pull their head out and prepare so it gets controlled and ends sooner than later. Look what’s happened everywhere that waited and didn’t take it seriously.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
I’ve been reading a lot of posts here and on Facebook and there seems to be a lot of misinformation everywhere. I’m hoping this post can shed some light and create awareness to the situation that might even save a few lives.

I started following the Coronavirus situation in Wuhan very closely starting around mid January. The information coming from mainstream media sources has been extremely limited and in many cases very misleading. The Chinese government blocked their citizens from communicating what was really happening on the public internet and in public media sources. In China if you publicly speak about what is going on you will be jailed or worse. The whistleblower doctors trying to expose the truth about Coronavirus are all dead as are many public health officials who have tried to create awareness (This can be fact checked and verified through multiple proven reliable media sources).

Many Doctors and concerned citizens have been uploading videos of the crisis in China and statements of their personal accounts on the dark web. As someone who has spent countless hours viewing those videos and reading statements I can say with confidence that the crisis in China is far worse than any of us could imagine.

The infection rate and mortality rates being reported from China are completely bogus. There are likely millions of people infected who aren’t being reported because they haven’t been allowed to test for the virus or haven’t experienced symptoms significant enough to warrant testing. The mortality rate is also bogus, China has experienced a mass die off of elderly citizens and people with underlying health conditions as a result of the Coronavirus but the cause of death is being recorded as something else, the deceased are immediately cremated which has prevented world health agencies from conducting their own research to determine the real cause of death.

Italy and South Korea appear to be the first nations being transparent with their infection and mortality rates. Both countries have publicly stated the numbers they are reporting are much lower than the actual numbers because they don’t have the resources to test and diagnose every case. Sadly, one of Italy’s leading authorities on Coronavirus succumbed to the Coronavirus two days ago.

Current estimates project 97% of people infected with COVID 19 will fully recover, 15% of the people infected will require intensive care and 3% will die.

The United States currently has 100K intensive care hospital beds. If 10% of the population contracts COVID 19 5.5M people will require intensive care and 1.1M people will die assuming the people infected are able to receive proper medical treatment.

The United States does not have the medical resources required to handle a full outbreak of this virus if we were to allow it spread the way we allow influenza to spread. The 100K intensive care beds we currently have are already close to capacity and we will not be able to care for 1.1M people in a matter of weeks. As a point of reference Italy has 50% more intensive care beds per capita than the US and has a reported mortality rate of nearly 7%. This is why we’re seeing the response we are seeing now. If we do not take extreme measures to prevent the spread of this virus our healthcare system will collapse and the mortality rates will far exceed the current projections.

There are many people stating that COVID infections will taper off when the weather warms up. Research is ongoing and there is some evidence that supports the virus does not survive as well in warmer temperatures and high humidity. There is also evidence to support that the virus is still deadly and contagious in warm climates, Australia is in their summer and they are struggling to contain the spread of the virus.

There are many people stating once someone recovers from the virus they are fine and won’t contract it again. This is false, there are now a growing number of people being reinfected with the virus after fully recovering from the virus. The antibodies our bodies produce after viral infection are what prevent us from being reinfected, the antibodies in COVID are short lived and only last 2-3 weeks meaning a person is just as susceptible to infection 3 weeks after recovering as they were prior to being infected.

At this point there is still far less known about this virus than there is known. What we do know is that this virus is a death sentence to our elderly and people with compromised immune systems. The precautions we are taking are challenging and inconvenient but if we do not take them we will see a casualty rate none of us have ever seen in our lifetime and everyone of us will see many people we are close to die much sooner than they should.

Please be safe and please take this seriously. Millions of peoples lives depend on it.

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You can’t write an article and claim it as fact and then make random statistics from thin air.

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Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I was right with you until the end when you called it "a death sentence for the elderly." That is more than a bit extreme. But what this event is doing to the world's economic system is going to have devastating effects on 100% of the population. This Kung Flu is merely a sniffle compared to the heart attack that the world's banking system has in store for it.
They better send people back to work and kids back to school at the end of the month, or the lights are gonna go out everywhere, and bullets are going to be the coin of the realm.

In a nut shell how I feel about this.
If it’s course isn’t ran out when kids go back to school in a couple weeks that’s when I’m invoking plan B.


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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Switzerland has the highest rate of wealth per capita in the world.
Their numbers of death to date are far higher per capita than ours here in the US of A.
Trump is not in charge over there. Can anyone explain the death toll so far. They have very good medical. Did they hold back the testing?
Prove me wrong.
Stop Blaming Trump. It makes one look like a child.


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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The results of this panic(virus) is going to have a far greater impact than the virus itself. Look at the amount of layoffs that are going to happen which will lead to people with out health care, child care, jobs, homes, ect.. it(the virus) of course, is going to lead to deaths as does every one of the millions of viruses anyone can contract on any given day or time. The majority of these are going to have far more impact on the elderly or anyone with a compromised immune system, its inevitable.... what we dont need is the mass hysteria and panic that is going to be the collapse of the US, not just the US but of the world!! Look around you, how many people do you know that can sustaine a semi-normal life without having to go to work on a daily basis to take care of everyday needs, food, housing, health care.. and let go back to this- if this is absolutely as terrible as people are making it seem how come none of us know anyone immediately that has the actual virus? Can you name one? There maybe A COUPLE people on this site that do. My point being, dont take this "virus" lightly but also dont blow it out of proportion and make it worse than what we already deal with on a day to day basis, because in the long run that's what's going to hurt us the most. We have enough problems keeping our economy stable and our lives and families in good will, we don't need it to be self inflicted!!

That being said, stay smart people, dont listen to everything you hear, do what you can and have to do, to keep your family happy and healty. But dont add fuel to the fire as it hasn't got to the point of panic and dismay YET!!!

The aftermath of this "over panic" is what we will really see, and what is really going to hurt us in the end!! JMHO

And as for the "I read it on the "dark web" FFS you can also buy harvested organs, stolen children, and a hell of alot more on the "dark web" so if that's what you are looking at for truth, well..... it is shit like this why everyone is in mass hysteria and panic.. again FFS.. SMH..
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Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The left leaning MSM in the U.S. just took down the U.S economy and placed future generations more in debt.
This is the exact reason 2A should never be breached. It is the last and final strong-hold.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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My brother passed away in hospital at 78 when he was treated for pneumonia back in 2001.He was a strong man, I thought he'd live to 90. He was a very tough cookie, survived many mishaps including crashing a airplane. He spent little over a week in the hospital and was ready to go home on the weekend. He wanted to get TFO of there but doctors told him to stay a few days longer for observation. He died on Wednesday, according to the doctors, he got a superbug from the hospital. So, problem with viruses, it's a hit and miss surviving an unknown strain. Fuck China or who ever spread this COVID-19, looking forward to see what curtails to slow it down..


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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The left leaning MSM in the U.S. just took down the U.S economy and placed future generations more in debt.
This is the exact reason 2A should never be breached. It is the last and final strong-hold.
Left leaning mainstream media? It's my opinion that the majority of all media is controlled by the people that also control all the money in this country. They are way above any public office, including the president, and remain unseen and untouchable by any of us mere mortals.

Anybody that doesn't adhere to their agenda is labeled (by the media) as a tin foil hat wearer, which turns other members of society against them.

The Second Amendment runs strong and deep, and all parties know it. Will they test it? I doubt it.

Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk


Extreme Mist
Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
You can’t write an article and claim it as fact and then make random statistics from thin air.

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What statistics are from thin air? You shouldn’t make an accusation like that without backing it up.

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Jonas Grumby

The Skipper
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
IMO They didn't shut down the schools so the kiddos could have a vacation. It was meant to slow this down via mass gatherings or just simple contact. Adults going to crowded stores trying to "Save" thier families will unwittingly invite problems.
Me, My kiddo is out of school, I'm staying home and hiding my family. Thank god I have the resources. No panic, just the same thing I do on busy holidays to protect me and my own.
Shutting down the schools for San Bernardino City is total bullshit, they are still feeding the kids, in SB 100% of the kids get free meals, they are having the full staff come in and the kids can come twice a day for their free food, what god damn sense does that make? the same huge group of parents and kids coming twice a day. The school should just stay open.
The school board is just playing politics, they still get their funding if they offer the food. The illegals and poor will still flock to the school for free food. And SB has a ton of them.
I would think food time is the best time to catch the flu.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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All of the ER nurses and doctors I know think the rest of the population is stupid. Also guess what? One of the busiest ER's in the county has been slow!

Everything needs to be business as usual.

All the dumbfucks need to turn off the news.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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All of the ER nurses and doctors I know think the rest of the population is stupid. Also guess what? One of the busiest ER's in the county has been slow!

Everything needs to be business as usual.

All the dumbfucks need to turn off the news.

family friend is a Dr and said just be smart and don’t overreact. Limit exposure to those at risk and those sick, but don’t stop everything and stay inside all day.
if you have a cough and no nasal congestion - call the dr. If you don’t have any symptoms then just be smart and don’t panic and overreact. The goal is to limit spread and keep grandma and grandpa from getting sick


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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My friend is a nurse at UCSD and they and she have been treating the very first cases in the USA. Two nurses are now positive with it there. Which is not a great sign considering they have had the most time with it and highest level of ppe for it.

she flat said that if you are healthy you are gonna live and not need a Ventilator. But if you are old, a smoker, asthma you are gonna be in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Good write up Boozer. A lot of peeps here are in denial and/or ignorant to seriousness of COVID, kinda like the president was until a week ago.
Unfortunately the government has failed to get the proper number of tests out, which in turn is causing an inaccurate, very under reported number of cases and deaths. What a lot of the naysayers don’t understand is that many people are being good responsible preppers buying extra TP, water, medicine, etc..in advance because they plan to hunker down before or after virus hits, instead of treating it like normal flu and working thru it or going out and trying to buy stuff while infected and possibly spreading the virus.
Everyone should know by now it’s not the end of world, but COVID is definitely a NEW and very bad thing and it’s important that people pull their head out and prepare so it gets controlled and ends sooner than later. Look what’s happened everywhere that waited and didn’t take it seriously.

So now Trump is God?
You idiots, . are right on cue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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My friend is a nurse at UCSD and they and she have been treating the very first cases in the USA. Two nurses are now positive with it there. Which is not a great sign considering they have had the most time with it and highest level of ppe for it.

she flat said that if you are healthy you are gonna live and not need a Ventilator. But if you are old, a smoker, asthma you are gonna be in trouble.

Isn't that the case anyways . When your old ? Or have unhealthy habits ?


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
I’ve been reading a lot of posts here and on Facebook and there seems to be a lot of misinformation everywhere. I’m hoping this post can shed some light and create awareness to the situation that might even save a few lives.

I started following the Coronavirus situation in Wuhan very closely starting around mid January. The information coming from mainstream media sources has been extremely limited and in many cases very misleading. The Chinese government blocked their citizens from communicating what was really happening on the public internet and in public media sources. In China if you publicly speak about what is going on you will be jailed or worse. The whistleblower doctors trying to expose the truth about Coronavirus are all dead as are many public health officials who have tried to create awareness (This can be fact checked and verified through multiple proven reliable media sources).

Many Doctors and concerned citizens have been uploading videos of the crisis in China and statements of their personal accounts on the dark web. As someone who has spent countless hours viewing those videos and reading statements I can say with confidence that the crisis in China is far worse than any of us could imagine.

The infection rate and mortality rates being reported from China are completely bogus. There are likely millions of people infected who aren’t being reported because they haven’t been allowed to test for the virus or haven’t experienced symptoms significant enough to warrant testing. The mortality rate is also bogus, China has experienced a mass die off of elderly citizens and people with underlying health conditions as a result of the Coronavirus but the cause of death is being recorded as something else, the deceased are immediately cremated which has prevented world health agencies from conducting their own research to determine the real cause of death.

Italy and South Korea appear to be the first nations being transparent with their infection and mortality rates. Both countries have publicly stated the numbers they are reporting are much lower than the actual numbers because they don’t have the resources to test and diagnose every case. Sadly, one of Italy’s leading authorities on Coronavirus succumbed to the Coronavirus two days ago.

Current estimates project 97% of people infected with COVID 19 will fully recover, 15% of the people infected will require intensive care and 3% will die.

The United States currently has 100K intensive care hospital beds. If 10% of the population contracts COVID 19 5.5M people will require intensive care and 1.1M people will die assuming the people infected are able to receive proper medical treatment.

The United States does not have the medical resources required to handle a full outbreak of this virus if we were to allow it spread the way we allow influenza to spread. The 100K intensive care beds we currently have are already close to capacity and we will not be able to care for 1.1M people in a matter of weeks. As a point of reference Italy has 50% more intensive care beds per capita than the US and has a reported mortality rate of nearly 7%. This is why we’re seeing the response we are seeing now. If we do not take extreme measures to prevent the spread of this virus our healthcare system will collapse and the mortality rates will far exceed the current projections.

There are many people stating that COVID infections will taper off when the weather warms up. Research is ongoing and there is some evidence that supports the virus does not survive as well in warmer temperatures and high humidity. There is also evidence to support that the virus is still deadly and contagious in warm climates, Australia is in their summer and they are struggling to contain the spread of the virus.

There are many people stating once someone recovers from the virus they are fine and won’t contract it again. This is false, there are now a growing number of people being reinfected with the virus after fully recovering from the virus. The antibodies our bodies produce after viral infection are what prevent us from being reinfected, the antibodies in COVID are short lived and only last 2-3 weeks meaning a person is just as susceptible to infection 3 weeks after recovering as they were prior to being infected.

At this point there is still far less known about this virus than there is known. What we do know is that this virus is a death sentence to our elderly and people with compromised immune systems. The precautions we are taking are challenging and inconvenient but if we do not take them we will see a casualty rate none of us have ever seen in our lifetime and everyone of us will see many people we are close to die much sooner than they should.

Please be safe and please take this seriously. Millions of peoples lives depend on it.

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So..... What your saying is this virus that nobody knows a hell of a lot about changes the way our entire immune system works (anitbodies don't die off or are unable to be reproduced after just a couple weeks) and it is re-infecting some without a mutation (what every other known pathogen does where people exhibit the symptoms multiple times a year). Sounds super credible, specially with zero references in your post to back any of it up.

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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These new flu strains are not new. The last pandemic affected 61MM in 2009, and had a similar incubation period and mortality rate (estimates are in the CDC report)

No sports events were shut down. No toilet paper hoarding. Yet, we all survived.

People need to stop panicking. There will be more new viruses to cross species. Is the way we are acting now the new norm? Let’s hope not

I’m confused by your math. 61 million infected, 12k deaths. That’s .02 percent mortality rate. That mortality rate isn’t even in the ballpark.

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2 Girls, 1 Wallet
Sep 25, 2007
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Coronavirus was first identified in the 1960’s.
Prevalent in mammals.
Your dog’s “shots” include a Coronavirus vaccine.
Coronavirus is one of 200 viruses that make up what is called the “common cold”.
COVID-19 stands for COrona VIRus ID’d in 2019.
It is either a mutation of the existing virus or a variation passed to humans from another species.
It started in Wuhan China which has a fish market known for exotic meats. Bat soup perhaps?
Based on the above, you may already have decent antibodies to fight this variation without major complications.

My wife and one of my daughters had all the symptoms of it back in December. I have had a cough for over a month now but nothing more than that.
I work from home, groceries get delivered since the dawn of Instacart and we rarely attend large gatherings. We are probably representative of most of the US.
Concerned, yes. Paranoid, no.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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OP hasn't responded....

Virus got him....


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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So much for the facts... LOL...

Watching the daily CDC briefings. Pretty much it comes down to most people that are going to get sick are going to have a bad case of "the flu". There is no treatement for the COVID virus, you have to wear it out. All the medical establishement can do is treat the symptoms. In fact they said if you are healthy with no other underlying health issues, just stay home and don't even come in for a test because there simply isn't much anyone can do for you.

Personally I had all the symptoms back in December, dry cough, sore throat, high fever, body aches. Went to the doctor back then and they said nope it wasn't influenza and just let the illness take its course. Took about a week to get over everything and the cough held on for about three weeks. Was it this strain of COVID? Who knows, but I have my suspisions.


Laveycraft Nuera 2750
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
So now Trump is God?
You idiots, . are right on cue.
Where in the hell did you get that idea? President Trump may think he’s a god, but his comments and handling of the COVID have been idiotic, just like your post....:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Where in the hell did you get that idea? President Trump may think he’s a god, but his comments and handling of the COVID have been idiotic, just like your post....:rolleyes:

he wanted the cdc to go to china to get a handel on it. they refused entry way back in January .
he stopped flights from certain areas , he was called a racist.
he has done everything he could . why didn't the last president have precautions.?
fucking pathetic with your blame the president bullshit . grow the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2013
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Fact or Fiction: To date I haven't heard of a single prison inmate in this country that has tested positive for Coronavirus. Is the health care in the prison system better than what's available in the private sector?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Fact or Fiction: To date I haven't heard of a single prison inmate in this country that has tested positive for Coronavirus. Is the health care in the prison system better than what's available in the private sector?

Health care comes after you get sick not before.

Lack of confirmed cases in prison population isn't suprising since they are defacto quarantined.


Laveycraft Nuera 2750
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
he wanted the cdc to go to china to get a handel on it. they refused entry way back in January .
he stopped flights from certain areas , he was called a racist.
he has done everything he could . why didn't the last president have precautions.?
fucking pathetic with your blame the president bullshit . grow the fuck up.
Get a “Handel” on yourself....:rolleyes:
President Trump fired the pandemic team at the NSC and chopped CDC budget so who was he going to send to a country that everyone knows isn’t going to let us in Anyway? Cheap talk.
President Trump banned flights from Asia: Good. Banned flights from Europe, except the UK: WTF? UK is Europe so it’s half-assed and ineffective ban with door still not closed.
President Trump has known about COVID since Dec and the US had cases in January yet today the proper number of tests still aren’t getting out to the public, or being reported. in fact the number of tests reported have dropped off from the previous week. WTF?
FYI The previous president did have a pandemic team in place, President Trump fired them In 2018.
I don’t blame President Trump for COVID, but I do know he’s done a horrible job dealing with it, in fact he’s done nothing to deal with it but spit out a bunch of chin music!
President trump says everything’s being taken care of and moving very fast but we haven’t seen any change or been given any direction from our Commander in Chief. If it wasn’t for the states, counties and other organizations taking the lead and issuing precautions and cancelling events, classes, etc.. we’d all be infected by now.
President Trump is always quick to point out how HE is the reason for low unemployment, strongest military ever, booming stock markets & best economy ever, etc...well he inherited a country that was already in good condition unlike his predecessor, and now in the very first test of his leadership, the President Sadly enough looks and sounds like a deer in headlights. Bu,bu, bu....I’m not to blame. Rant over, I’m out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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Get a “Handel” on yourself....:rolleyes:
President Trump fired the pandemic team at the NSC and chopped CDC budget so who was he going to send to a country that everyone knows isn’t going to let us in Anyway? Cheap talk.
President Trump banned flights from Asia: Good. Banned flights from Europe, except the UK: WTF? UK is Europe so it’s half-assed and ineffective ban with door still not closed.
President Trump has known about COVID since Dec and the US had cases in January yet today the proper number of tests still aren’t getting out to the public, or being reported. in fact the number of tests reported have dropped off from the previous week. WTF?
FYI The previous president did have a pandemic team in place, President Trump fired them In 2018.
I don’t blame President Trump for COVID, but I do know he’s done a horrible job dealing with it, in fact he’s done nothing to deal with it but spit out a bunch of chin music!
President trump says everything’s being taken care of and moving very fast but we haven’t seen any change or been given any direction from our Commander in Chief. If it wasn’t for the states, counties and other organizations taking the lead and issuing precautions and cancelling events, classes, etc.. we’d all be infected by now.
President Trump is always quick to point out how HE is the reason for low unemployment, strongest military ever, booming stock markets & best economy ever, etc...well he inherited a country that was already in good condition unlike his predecessor, and now in the very first test of his leadership, the President Sadly enough looks and sounds like a deer in headlights. Bu,bu, bu....I’m not to blame. Rant over, I’m out.
This logic is idiot.

what exactly did Obama’s panel do to prevent this post swine flu. Not a damn thing. You can never lead by committee panel. And that was all it was. Just a bunch of empty suits that made zero impact on anything. Go cry about it some more but your god Obama let 20k Americans die on his watc

Havasu blue label

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2018
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Good call voltage Stop swinging on trumps ball sack he made some bad calls dose not mean he is not a good president

LHC Kirby

LifeTime Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Get a “Handel” on yourself....:rolleyes:
President Trump fired the pandemic team at the NSC and chopped CDC budget so who was he going to send to a country that everyone knows isn’t going to let us in Anyway? Cheap talk.

Actually . . . . .

But the president has proposed cuts to the CDC in past budgets that Congress did not enact. It’s misleading at best to claim Trump “slashed funding,” when his proposals haven’t taken effect. For instance, Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal would have reduced CDC funding by $750.6 million, compared with what was enacted for fiscal 2019 (see the “program level” line in the linked document). But Congress passed, and Trump signed, a budget that increased CDC funding by $420 million.


Laveycraft Nuera 2750
Jan 17, 2008
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Actually . . . . .

But the president has proposed cuts to the CDC in past budgets that Congress did not enact. It’s misleading at best to claim Trump “slashed funding,” when his proposals haven’t taken effect. For instance, Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal would have reduced CDC funding by $750.6 million, compared with what was enacted for fiscal 2019 (see the “program level” line in the linked document). But Congress passed, and Trump signed, a budget that increased CDC funding by $420 million.
OK spin doctor. Play your word games.
Trumps proposed cuts every year, but congress passed something different 2 of 3 years. The $420 million increase in funding was pushed thru by the house and came after Trump cuts the previous year.
So if one day you have $1 in funding and next day someone takes $2 from you, but on 3rd day gives you back $2 and says I increased your funding from previous day, Has your funding really been increased? No, they only returned what was already yours And you’re almost back to where you started, minus what you could’ve done with the money taken.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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OK spin doctor. Play your word games.
Trumps proposed cuts every year, but congress passed something different 2 of 3 years. The $420 million increase in funding was pushed thru by the house and came after Trump cuts the previous year.
So if one day you have $1 in funding and next day someone takes $2 from you, but on 3rd day gives you back $2 and says I increased your funding from previous day, Has your funding really been increased? No, they only returned what was already yours And you’re almost back to where you started, minus what you could’ve done with the money taken.

Why are you pinning this soley on trump and not China ? Sounds just like the dem taking point .
This is what I was getting at . Trying to blame one person for all the nations troubles .
Trump is not perfect . Either are we .
But to blame the President is foolish . Even by your high standards .
He has done what he can , either mistakes and made corrections and he has hope for us al
This is no time to start pointing fingers . This is a time we as Americans need to stick together. Like always and battle through this together as patriots . Not some political finger pointing .
Have a great week . I hope you can keep the lights on for all of us .


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Laveycraft Nuera 2750
Jan 17, 2008
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Why are you pinning this soley on trump and not China ? Sounds just like the dem taking point .
This is what I was getting at . Trying to blame one person for all the nations troubles .
Trump is not perfect . Either are we .
But to blame the President is foolish . Even by your high standards .
He has done what he can , either mistakes and made corrections and he has hope for us al
This is no time to start pointing fingers . This is a time we as Americans need to stick together. Like always and battle through this together as patriots . Not some political finger pointing .
Have a great week . I hope you can keep the lights on for all of us .
WTF! Do you have DUH-RONA virus or what? Go back a read post #35 which was my response to you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I’m thinking I need to whip up some warm shrimp so I can get rid of someof this TP!!

this is so blown out and hyped up, you would think all the crazy shitting in public - Turds on the Curbs is due to lack it TP.

wash your hands and cover your cough


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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its sad people need the Government and media to lead their lives and to learn how to live...

so easily manipulated and hearded...

what happened to our society?

bunch of sheep


Havasu Hangin'

Lord of the Drinks
Dec 20, 2007
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I’m confused by your math. 61 million infected, 12k deaths. That’s .02 percent mortality rate. That mortality rate isn’t even in the ballpark.

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In that 2014 report, the CDC estimates 61MM infected with 120K-500K deaths from 2009 H1N1 (Swine Flu). Yet no one was panicking then.

Even MERS, SARS, and Ebola...all had very high mortality rates....but no one panicked (which we probably should have).

The 1918 H1N1 Pandemic (Spanish Flu) infected about 1/3 the worlds population (500MM), and killed around 50MM. Of course, the mortality rate was probably so high from the lack of treatments we have today. However, no one was hoarding toilet paper, for some reason- go figure.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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^^^ One reason why officials are concerned with COVID-19, is that it’s transmitted much more easily than the aforementioned disease.

The means of transmission is basically the same as flu

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