California Water For Food and People Movement


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Dec 19, 2007
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BREAKING! Today South of Delta Central Valley Project farmers have received a 10% increase in their water allocation. Instead of being shorted by 60% of the irrigation water they need to continue growing this nation's food, USBR will now short them by 50% instead. While farmers can always find a use for additional water, the end of June is too late to receive this news as there is not enough time left before the cold weather arrives to shotgun in a crop. Here is a map of SOD farms which literally encompass the nation's breadbasket. If you ate today, chances are you ate something that was produced right here. Receiving half of the water promised by the government with their issued contract is outrageous, especially following two record-setting wet years in a row.

Source here: https://mavensnotebook.com/2024/06/...upply-allocation-for-south-of-delta-ag-to-50/


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Agreed, especially when 80% of it is exported. Seems like a blatant misuse of resources
This picture below looks like a major waste of resources if you ask me. Growing food no matter where it ends up is not in my opinion.

Over 16 million acre feet has been allowed to bypass the pumps and drain into the sea so far this water year. It would have taken a fraction of that to be pumped and stored to give farmers 100% of the irrigation water they need to continue securing our nation's food independence. This outflow super exceeds what is needed to prevent saltwater intrusion. No fish have ever recovered from this practice of emptying reservoirs to the ocean. This water will not be used to recharge groundwater for SGMA compliance, to arrest subsidence that is causing our vital infrastructure to sink, to dilute the contaminates that degrade drinking water quality, to recharge wells, or to lower water bills. It was added to the supposedly catastrophic rising sea level instead. Everybody loses: families, farmers, fish, and the environment.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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8/7/2024: The draconian water restrictions, which take effect January 1st, are supposed to lead to the conservation of 400,000 to 500,000 acre feet of water a year by 2040. It will be done by ratcheting down indoor water use to a scant 42 gallons per person per day, with fines of up to $10,000 a day for suppliers who exceed water budgets. According to the non-partisan Legislative Analyst's Office, water rates will skyrocket, supplier fines will be passed on to customers, and the benefits of spending billions to implement the water scarcity rules do not outweigh the costs. Now let's contrast that with last month's wasted oceanic outflow.

For July 2024 alone, when outflows are at their summer lows, enough water to meet the needs of 6,328,800 for a year, still free flowed through the Delta and became unusable ocean saltwater. The amount of outflow super-exceeded what was necessary to prevent saltwater intrusion into the Delta, a necessity nobody disputes. The one-month outflow of 632,880 acre feet, is more water than the new "Making Conservation a Way of Life" rules could save in a whole year. But that policy only reaches a savings of 400,000 to 500,000 acre-feet with 100% statewide compliance, and is very likely to be about half that amount or less.

That's because, according to the EPA, the average American uses 18.5 gallons per day for flushes, 15 gallons for a load of wash, 11.6 gallons to shower (over allotment already), 10.9 gallons for faucets, and 1 gallons for the dishwasher (per person per day). Left out of that equation are many things like drinking water, mopping, wiping down counters, houseplants, crafts, toddlers in potty training, sick family members, cooking, and so much more. People are going to use whatever they need to live and run a household. They'll pay through the nose for it too.

One acre foot = 325,851 gallons.
Average indoor use statewide currently is 85 gallons per person per day. This chart is based on those figures.

Sources here: https://cdec.water.ca.gov/dynamicap...Nums=23&dur_code=D&End=2024-07-07&span=31days



Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2013
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Don't even get me started…been screaming about the Marxist BS on water for years here in Commiefornia. Its all about the narrative of global warmongering!
This was less than two months ago at SHASTA! Ill be be there again in two weeks….Commiefornia has the most corrupt government in all the union. Commiefornia is the biggest exporter of AG in the world. Commiefornia is exporting its water on a scale never seen before in order to compensate for its communist short comings…driving business out of the state.

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