Buds obstacle course. Do you think you could do it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Maybe (big Maybe) right after I graduated the fire academy, I definitely COULDN'T have done it in 12min that's for sure, if I completed it, it would have been around 30min is my guess. Today it would take me days🤣

This video gives you a lot of appreciation for what they go through to keep us safe and free. 🇺🇲


arch stanton

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Not on my best day but maybe if I had a week to do it and a month to prepare


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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In my "prime", 20ish years ago, I could have at least finished. Now, I'd probably get to the top of the cargo net, throw up, and pass out...maybe.

What's really sobering to think about, there are some guys on this board that did that course for training. American badasses.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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Have done some of those same obstacles in the Army when I was young. It was called the Confidence Course. Today? Nope.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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The seal/swcc guys are supposed to go to that guys course since the video hit 10k likes, I have looked to see if it's happened yet but no video yet. I figure those navy guys are going to destroy his course.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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When I was younger I probably would have killed myself trying to complete that obstacle course. Now that I'm older, and wiser, I could absolutely do that in 12 minutes... probably more like 7 minutes honestly. Wouldn't even break a sweat


Jan 9, 2010
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That looks awesome. I'd say right out of high school with ease under his time. Mid-life (perspective here... I'm not that old... lol) could do it with a ton of breaks. Then I got back into lean muscle and endurance training late 30's and would have handled it probably better than I would have right out of high school (ton of body weight hanging exercises, and long distance runnnig)... 12 minutes would have been possible based on the stuff I was doing at the time. But today 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 I'm not a slob by any means, but I'm pretty sure my shoulders would explode after the first couple rope obstacles, my back would give out after the second or third drop, and my lungs would have left the building about 3/4 through... Aint nobody got time for that!

Much respect for our military and everything they do!

Driven is a good way to describe them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Not a chance. Not even at my physical peak playing 12-15 hours of full court basketball weekly. The guys that do this are amazing athletes with the end game of being a warrior.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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I did a Spartan race 7yrs ago. Thought I was gonna die the whole time.

Zero chance I could do a buds course now.

20yrs ago probably but it wouldn’t be fast or pretty.


That Guy.....
Mar 22, 2011
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I have watched so many videos online and wondered if I could have done it in my prime. Working out, hiking, swimming, etc use to be almost as good a sex. I loved the pain and challenge.

Now in my 40's, its a success if I get my cloths on and brush my teeth without feeling pain.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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End of High School - 50/50.
Age 28 was my peak - Easy.
Today...... Give me a week and I'll be ready to ..... watch someone else.
In high school, I swam 3-5 miles a day, and was lifting weights 5-7hrs a week. My cardio was phenomenal...
When I was 28, just before my wreck, I was in the gym 10-14hrs a week. Strong, but heavier than I am now, and didn't do any cardio. Any one of the obstacles, not a problem...3rd or 4th in series, winded and crying.

47 now. More injuries than I can count. Gym 3-5 hours a week, a stubborn gut, but doing some cardio.
I'm stubborn as hell. I'd finish, but may take a day. Between puking and rest breaks, maybe before sundown 🤣


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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In high school, I swam 3-5 miles a day, and was lifting weights 5-7hrs a week. My cardio was phenomenal...
When I was 28, just before my wreck, I was in the gym 10-14hrs a week. Strong, but heavier than I am now, and didn't do any cardio. Any one of the obstacles, not a problem...3rd or 4th in series, winded and crying.

47 now. More injuries than I can count. Gym 3-5 hours a week, a stubborn gut, but doing some cardio.
I'm stubborn as hell. I'd finish, but may take a day. Between puking and rest breaks, maybe before sundown 🤣
That's my issue, I wouldn't even attempt it today because I wouldn't let it beat me no matter how long it took. When in the academy the instructors worked hard to make everyone puke. Several didn't, me included 🙄..... well at least the instructors think I didn't. They were riding my ass for a few weeks saying shit like "today's the day" or while running in full turnouts and a steel SCBA tank on our backs while pulling hose "you're gonna throw up before this evolution is done".... I always said "not gonna happen sir, not today, not ever". Well, I wasn't gonna let them know they eventually beat me (the last month in wildland drills, doing the Tulare hose lay) and I ended up throwing up and swallowing it so they wouldn't know, fuck them, they didn't need to know they got the better of me. I won in a way I guess. Every one of them shook my hand on graduation day and said we couldn't beat you. However I told myself that the next academy I'm in I'm gonna puke on the first day and get it out of the way🤣, that was way to difficult to deal with on top of everything else. I'm too prideful and stubborn sometimes, guess you could add dedication in there as well.

The Tulare lay, must be completed in 10min. One man hose lay

We couldn't call for time, all we got was a 2min warning. I completed the drill in 6:43, I believe I was number 5, number 1 was under 5min and he was fresh out of the Marine Corps. And we had to do it on dirt that was mud once the drill started. I honestly thought they forgot to tell me when 2min was remaining and I was more than 10min, no concept of time.

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Aces & Eights

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
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When I was 21, just out of college as a Div 1 track athlete, and going into the police academy, I would’ve been close to the record for that course.

Now as I approach age 60 and all broken down and worn out I’m not sure I could complete any part of the course. I wouldn’t even want to try that bewlshit, that’s for youngsters full of pith and vinegar.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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That's my issue, I wouldn't even attempt it today because I wouldn't let it beat me no matter how long it took. When in the academy the instructors worked hard to make everyone puke. Several didn't, me included 🙄..... well at least the instructors think I didn't. They were riding my ass for a few weeks saying shit like "today's the day" or while running in full turnouts and a steel SCBA tank on our backs while pulling hose "you're gonna throw up before this evolution is done".... I always said "not gonna happen sir, not today, not ever". Well, I wasn't gonna let them know they eventually beat me (the last month in wildland drills, doing the Tulare hose lay) and I ended up throwing up and swallowing it so they wouldn't know, fuck them, they didn't need to know they got the better of me. I won in a way I guess. Every one of them shook my hand on graduation day and said we couldn't beat you. However I told myself that the next academy I'm in I'm gonna puke on the first day and get it out of the way🤣, that was way to difficult to deal with on top of everything else. I'm too prideful and stubborn sometimes, guess you could add dedication in there as well.

The Tulare lay, must be completed in 10min. One man hose lay

We couldn't call for time, all we got was a 2min warning. I completed the drill in 6:43, I believe I was number 5, number 1 was under 5min and he was fresh out of the Marine Corps. And we had to do it on dirt that was mud once the drill started. I honestly thought they forgot to tell me when 2min was remaining and I was more than 10min, no concept of time.

I have a friend that ended up working for the fire academy he graduated from. He had a speech problem that probably was the reason he could not hire on, and he was also 30ish at the time. So, they hired him on. Pretty cool really. At 40, he'd do the training courses with the 20yo's, and try to stay top three. Motivated the hell out of the newbies 🤣 He's over 50 now, so barks louder I guess.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Maybe in 25min 50 years ago, now it made me tired just to watch.

I'll say this about that guy, he had a couple of advantages because of height, but over all his size was a big disadvantage. I thought he did really well considering.

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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At no point in my life have I ever trained to complete that course, (some of that looks like it took some skill) but in the 7th grade our middle school had a pretty fun obstacle course we enjoyed. It seems like big guys would have a harder time on that type of course, they never could do the middle school course, but us skinny guys used to slay it. They tore it out after someone fell and gut busted up.

That was fun to watch, thanks for sharing.

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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That's my issue, I wouldn't even attempt it today because I wouldn't let it beat me no matter how long it took. When in the academy the instructors worked hard to make everyone puke. Several didn't, me included 🙄..... well at least the instructors think I didn't. They were riding my ass for a few weeks saying shit like "today's the day" or while running in full turnouts and a steel SCBA tank on our backs while pulling hose "you're gonna throw up before this evolution is done".... I always said "not gonna happen sir, not today, not ever". Well, I wasn't gonna let them know they eventually beat me (the last month in wildland drills, doing the Tulare hose lay) and I ended up throwing up and swallowing it so they wouldn't know, fuck them, they didn't need to know they got the better of me. I won in a way I guess. Every one of them shook my hand on graduation day and said we couldn't beat you. However I told myself that the next academy I'm in I'm gonna puke on the first day and get it out of the way🤣, that was way to difficult to deal with on top of everything else. I'm too prideful and stubborn sometimes, guess you could add dedication in there as well.

The Tulare lay, must be completed in 10min. One man hose lay

We couldn't call for time, all we got was a 2min warning. I completed the drill in 6:43, I believe I was number 5, number 1 was under 5min and he was fresh out of the Marine Corps. And we had to do it on dirt that was mud once the drill started. I honestly thought they forgot to tell me when 2min was remaining and I was more than 10min, no concept of time.

I'm sure the Ice cream truck compounded the drill. I've never seen a Firefighter turn away from Ice cream. I weighed 145-150 lbs in 1988 when I had to do this madness. It about killed me. We did not have grass, we have freshly turned soil that became a mud pit. Back when hazing was part of the gig.

Thankfully affirmative action denied me a full time CDF job and my attitude trashed my chances with BLM or I'm sure my life would have been different. I did however love my time as a Paid Call FF with CDF RivCo station #7, many of my crew made careers and achieved great things with Cal Fire. I was just too punk rock for that job.
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Jukebox Hero
Aug 12, 2014
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This is one of many reasons people should be respectful to one another. There's a chance the guy with his kids or grandkids, can toss you from the dockdagon ;)
Funny you say that as he is a very unassuming guy and you would never know that he was on seal team 6 for 19 years. I've seen him put someone down on the ground before anyone new what was going on.
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Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Funny you say that as he is a very unassuming guy and you would never know that he was on seal team for 19 years. I've seen him put someone down on the ground before anyone new what was going on.
There is a short story that popped up from Field Ethos that you might enjoy reading that is about exactly this. It is well written and entertaining. I'm a huge fan of this book, I find it to be just what men need in their life. I'm not a paid advocate of the magazine, just a fan. I get it both in print and digitally and I like that the two are mostly unique. The print stories are longer format and equally as good. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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I've had to do these multiple times in the Army. Ft Hood had one that we had to do for Air Assault that had many of the same things in this course.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I would Pay someone to take my test ! 😂 A hard days work and a piece of a$$ will just about do me in!


Catchy Custom User Title
Sep 24, 2007
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Wow, I'm an outlier in these post. I'm not great at much, but at 51 years old I'm still super fit and in better shape than I was in my early 30s. Not only could I do it, I'd beat a lot of the new recruits.

My agility is not quite where it used to be; breaking something if I did screw up on the course would be my biggest fear these days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2015
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When I was younger, sure but now that bell would be ringing pretty early on.