BEWARE- OCM Lake Havasu- Offshore Custom Marine


Aug 18, 2015
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AKA- Offshore CROOK Marine

Tim and Ruby McDonald of OCM are scammers and crooks. All the stories you've heard and read are not rumors, they are legit scammers and thieves. I have first hand account.

Long story short-
I dropped off my 29' twin commander on May 7th to OCM on consignment. Heard from Tim in Mid June that boat was sold and waiting for marine survey, paperwork approval from bank, etc. (ALL paperwork had been signed INCLUDING titles to boat and Trailer since May that are in MY name.)
Every Time I called it was another excuse after excuse. Deadline to pay passed, they tried to delay with fake wire transfer, then a bounced check. As of today My boat is missing and I HAVE not been paid.

DO NOT do any business with OCM, they will cheat, steal or screw you over. They may have once been a legitimate business, but as of now have fallen off the deep end of the lake. Rumor has it they also used MY boat title as collateral on ANOTHER debt they owe. This is coming from law enforcement and attorneys, not from the streets. Tim lies more than any person I have ever met. Do not believe a word they say.

I know no one likes seeing a 1st time poster post like this. I am not a river or lake regular, or a River Daves member. But I am trying to get the word out and confirm any rumors you may have heard or read. I'd hate to hear of another person being a victim after me.
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The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Terrible news, l hope it all works out for you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Wonder how long it will take before this gets locked.

With all the rumors and law suits against OCM, still wonder why people use them.

Advantage 1

Dec 31, 2008
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Got me to look at their website. They have some nice looking boats.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I don't know. Where there's smoke there's usually fire.

Hate to see it since Tim seems like a nice guy. But like the saying goes: if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck and looks like a duck.....it's probably a duck.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Here we go again. Get ready assclowns [emoji2]

In before lockdown


Sep 25, 2007
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Not a good deal. Best of luck to all parties for a quick resolution.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to steer clear of the place


Aug 18, 2015
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This post is a call out, look out and mostly a warning. But if anyone knows where this boat is please message me or contact the police.

I do not know Christipher Collins, however I do know he was successful in getting paid off. 1 year later!

I would have never dropped off the boat with OCM if i would of heard just one of the stories. I was recommended from a friend who did several high $ transactions with 0 issues. (Luck guy)

Here is the NSF notice on my mobile banking, I was notified days earlier that it was a bogus check. As you can see, I desperately need my money.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Some cocksucker wrote me a check for $300 that bounced. Two years later I still get shit from the bank when I deposit checks.

59K Fuck, I would be P I S S E D.

Can't you do a HIN search and find out where your boat is current registered, if it changed hands?

Good luck.


View attachment 427942 I
This post is a call out, look out and mostly a warning. But if anyone knows where this boat is please message me or contact the police.

I do not know Christipher Collins, however I do know he was successful in getting paid off. 1 year later!

I would have never dropped off the boat with OCM if i would of heard just one of the stories. I was recommended from a friend who did several high $ transactions with 0 issues. (Luck guy)

Here is the NSF notice on my mobile banking, I was notified days earlier that it was a bogus check. As you can see, I desperately need my money.


2007 Ultra 27 Shadow
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
I have not had any dealings with OCM directly, but I will say this. Others come on here and keep saying this guy is a great guy and these are rumors or nice first post etc. Well last weekend I was with somebody(highly respected on these forums and in Havasu) and is a business owner and when he gets two phones calls and a couple text from his Canadian customers asking him to keep an eye out on his business neighbor I would say something is not right. Pretty much the story I got is that he would sell boats and pocket the money and live his lifestyle and stretch it out. Then he would say he wired money, but seemed to always be one digit off on the wire and say it should of went through and tell the customer I will have to get with the bank and have them investigate. Then he would stretch it out till it gets close to a court date and he would settle out and send a check and then the check would come back and bounce. Again, not complete details in my post, but I would have to say there is some serious issues with Tim and OCM and it is not rumor or just some unhappy customer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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If all this is factual it sounds like you have enough to report it stolen and call in the heavy hitters. Hopefully its insured.

Why would a guy think he could get away with this is my only question?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
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Looks like someone got them an old fashioned typewriter to type up those fake wire confirmations.......:yikes:p

AKA- Offshore CROOK Marine

Tim and Ruby McDonald of OCM are scammers and crooks. All the stories you've heard and read are not rumors, they are legit scammers and thieves. I have first hand account.

Long story short-
I dropped off my 29' twin commander on May 7th to OCM on consignment. Heard from Tim in Mid June that boat was sold and waiting for marine survey, paperwork approval from bank, etc. (ALL paperwork had been signed INCLUDING titles to boat and Trailer since May that are in MY name.)
Every Time I called it was another excuse after excuse. Deadline to pay passed, they tried to delay with fake wire transfer, then a bounced check. As of today My boat is missing and I HAVE not been paid.

DO NOT do any business with OCM, they will cheat, steal or screw you over. They may have once been a legitimate business, but as of now have fallen off the deep end of the lake. Rumor has it they also used MY boat title as collateral on ANOTHER debt they owe. This is coming from law enforcement and attorneys, not from the streets. Tim lies more than any person I have ever met. Do not believe a word they say.

I know no one likes seeing a 1st time poster post like this. I am not a river or lake regular, or a River Daves member. But I am trying to get the word out and confirm any rumors you may have heard or read. I'd hate to hear of another person being a victim after me.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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I have not had any dealings with OCM directly, but I will say this. Others come on here and keep saying this guy is a great guy and these are rumors or nice first post etc. Well last weekend I was with somebody(highly respected on these forums and in Havasu) and is a business owner and when he gets two phones calls and a couple text from his Canadian customers asking him to keep an eye out on his business neighbor I would say something is not right. Pretty much the story I got is that he would sell boats and pocket the money and live his lifestyle and stretch it out. Then he would say he wired money, but seemed to always be one digit off on the wire and say it should of went through and tell the customer I will have to get with the bank and have them investigate. Then he would stretch it out till it gets close to a court date and he would settle out and send a check and then the check would come back and bounce. Again, not complete details in my post, but I would have to say there is some serious issues with Tim and OCM and it is not rumor or just some unhappy customer.

LOL the Bernie Madoff of boating.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Time for DS to move the Wednesday night event to another location. No way would I want to be associated with OCM. Perception is reality today, and my perception is OCM is not legit and it takes lawsuits to see your cash if they sell your boat.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Sometimes running a message board sucks, and it's instances like this where I have to make decisions that are often unpopular for the members, for the complaining party and yes even for the business owner.

One of the reasons this board has been successful over the years is that I do my best (not saying it's always the case but I always try) to moderate the forum "consistently." That includes threads like this, and whether or not the companies advertise or not. It has no bearing on whether we delete the content, lock the threads, etc..

A few months back I had to watch Tim @ OCM get absolutely dragged through the mud because some scumbag attorney called a local newspaper out here and ran an article that was 1/2 truths at best. I drove down to Tim's office and he showed me when they generated the titles, and had all the proof he needed to defend himself from the get go.. Tim elected to not say anything (against my advice by the way) and once the owner had provided the actual paperwork required the funds were sent the exact same day. As it turned out that owner was actually trying to avoid taxes, and try to stick Tim with the bill for them, and he was just going to tarnish his business and cost him $$ if Tim didn't take it in the ass.

Things are not always as they seem on the internet is the point of that story above. The only reason I didn't delete the last one is because it was in the damn paper, and I didn't feel that I could tell people that they couldn't talk about what was in the local paper.

I'm not going to delete this thread for the simple reason that I didn't catch it quick enough.. Had I seen it in the first few minutes it was posted I would've whacked it without thinking twice. Now that a few have seen it though, I believe it would hurt the credibility of the forum, and people would draw incorrect conclusions about questionable situations.

I am locking this thread, and I would ask that in the future for people to please remember the FORUM RULES that have been on here since day 1, and were placed there for good reason. I'll refer back to the story I told above.. Or the countless times I saw people do things like that back on previous boards in the marine industry before this one.


Rules relevant to bashing businesses

If you have a problem with a mfg / dealer / biz from either business dealings in the past, present etc. Then handle it in Private! Via a PM, E-Mail, Phone Call, Lawsuit etc.. Whatever the problem maybe, it is between YOU and THEM, not the rest of the world.

I have never been a fan of people using the internet to "leverage" what they want out of a business, nor have I ever been a fan of someone trying to hurt anothers livelihood through the use of an online message board. "Flaming/Bashing" the businesses that choose to participate in this site is not an option.

The participation of manufacturers & dealers on my website is far more important to me then some guys need to publicly lambast them.

I do hope that Tim will make a response to this, or that his attorney will demand a retraction, which they didn't do in the Christopher Collins case.



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Just for future reference of this thread and people searching the internet via google etc..

I gave Tim McDonald and OCM the benefit of the doubt that he would pay.

He did not Honor any of the agreements. The seller has not been paid, and now is being forced to meet the seller at the Bank at monday with the cops. Over the course of three days there was countless excuses and guarantees, but zero dollars.

You can read the entire story of what I witnessed personally here.




Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Just for future reference of this thread and people searching the internet via google etc..

I gave Tim McDonald and OCM the benefit of the doubt that he would pay.

He did not Honor any of the agreements. The seller has not been paid, and now is being forced to meet the seller at the Bank at monday with the cops. Over the course of three days there was countless excuses and guarantees, but zero dollars.

You can read the entire story of what I witnessed personally here.



What happens with the cops there? If he doesn't pay, he gets arrested?


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Arrested is a possibility for sure. Without knowing every detail, and without repeating everything in every thread, Tim at OCM could be facing a number of Fraud/Larceny charges. It all really depends on how the state statutes read, and the paper trail (seems to be lengthy) that can be submitted as evidence against him in court.

At a minimum, Tim at OCM is on the hook for Civil Liabilities in which case 29 Commander should be able to recover the money for the boat plus other expenses and possibly damages.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
What happens with the cops there? If he doesn't pay, he gets arrested?

Nope. It's still a civil matter. However if he doesn't show up he will have problems that aren't a civil matter according to 29'Commander. I'm not sure what that entails.



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Not to dig up a dead horse, but wouldn't there be a possibility of seeking federal prosecution since this investigation transverses state lines and may or may not have involved federally insured and protected financial institutions? Why "Settle" for something at the state level if it could be pursued on a federal level? This is a case I would think the FBI may be interested in at least looking at. I'm not taking anything away from the Detectives currently working on this case at LHCPD. I am merely thinking outside the box and doing so with limited information.



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Just for future reference of this thread and people searching the internet via google etc..

I gave Tim McDonald and OCM the benefit of the doubt that he would pay.

He did not Honor any of the agreements. The seller has not been paid, and now is being forced to meet the seller at the Bank at monday with the cops. Over the course of three days there was countless excuses and guarantees, but zero dollars.

You can read the entire story of what I witnessed personally here.




I was born at night, But not last night. You don't have countless people bringing up fraudulent dealings for no fucking reason. I'm glad your eyes were finally opened...too bad it's at the expense if someone else. I

've been PC about the whole thing but come on man. Like I said I know many many many boat dealers that have been selling for over 30 years without any of this shit. One time Shame on you, two times shame on me. 3, 4, 5, 6??? You'd have to be a fucking idiot to think everything is fine there.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
No idea what the charges are or to be blatantly honest whether or not there ever was any actual wires.. He just provided numbers and said they were confirmation numbers.. Then a number he claimed to be a fed wire #. That again went to nowhere..

The seller claims the check was a counter deposit and rejected because of NSF.

Tim claims he cancelled the check at the sellers request.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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No idea what the charges are or to be blatantly honest whether or not there ever was any actual wires.. He just provided numbers and said they were confirmation numbers.. Then a number he claimed to be a fed wire #. That again went to nowhere..

The seller claims the check was a counter deposit and rejected because of NSF.

Tim claims he cancelled the check at the sellers request.

Where's the stroke emoji???

Cray Paper

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2012
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Seen all this happen before. Guys like this have politician personalities and are generally likable. They are however, thieves, liars and one of the lowest forms of human on the planet. They use their company bank accounts as their personnel accounts just to feed their personality quirk that's needs them to be alpha in the room. They don't give a shit about who's money they steal. Seen it first hand with a guy just like this, his name was Jim M.

robby dmax

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2012
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Seen all this happen before. Guys like this have politician personalities and are generally likable. They are however, thieves, liars and one of the lowest forms of human on the planet. They use their company bank accounts as their personnel accounts just to feed their personality quirk that's needs them to be alpha in the room. They don't give a shit about who's money they steal. Seen it first hand with a guy just like this, his name was Jim M.

I have also seen it first hand with a local boat shop in town..didn't give a shit about anything but himself..sad deal people are like that:(


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Nope. It's still a civil matter. However if he doesn't show up he will have problems that aren't a civil matter according to 29'Commander. I'm not sure what that entails.

Dave, not completely sure how this would operate in the states BUT, what if he is at this moment shifting assets to other party's to set himself up for bankruptcy.

This would stop l presume any civil applications to take moneys from him (or anyone else for that matter) at this point in time. What legal protection has the owner of the 29 Commander got, could they take the boat back from whoever brought it and let the purchaser take action from his end to recover his money.

Not completely sure how your system works on this, please educate me.:thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Dave, not completely sure how this would operate in the states BUT, what if he is at this moment shifting assets to other party's to set himself up for bankruptcy.

This would stop l presume any civil applications to take moneys from him (or anyone else for that matter) at this point in time. What legal protection has the owner of the 29 Commander got, could they take the boat back from whoever brought it and let the purchaser take action from his end to recover his money.

Not completely sure how your system works on this, please educate me.:thumbup:

I'll educate you. Like trick marine and national liquidators and others that are well known the douche bags that fuck others walk away with up to millions for limited liability. Civil suits can take years and years. Criminal charges result in a few years usually. But in the end those that are our money get no vasoline.

Problem is every coming to the defense because usually these guys are "nice people"....yea, no shit, theirs con artists. So in the end, those out money RARELY see a cent.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
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I'm so sorry to hear all this. Some people just need a good old fashion ass whooping!!! Kinda seen the dude around town and he puts off a pretentious persona, what a douche!!!