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  1. 85RiverRAT

    Boat Batteries

    X2 for Interstate.
  2. 85RiverRAT

    My 1969 Camaro.

    Cars and Coffee is a fun time. We went down there with the Camaro and T-Bird, in Nov. 2023. We got to work on getting out on a more regular basis.
  3. 85RiverRAT

    Nasty Metro

    Great Labor Day Cruise 2004!
  4. 85RiverRAT

    Nasty Metro

    Beautiful 67'. Looks great! Here is mine. I have chronicled my work on the car down in the custom section. https://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/threads/my-1969-camaro.261943/ https://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/threads/my-1969-camaro.261943/
  5. 85RiverRAT

    Nasty Metro

    Great recollection! Sounds to be about the right timeframe. Turning out at the light, and then just blasted down El Toro. I think too, he might have u-turned and came back up the other direction and burp-ed it a little. The metro stands out, and on a different occasion, I remember a brown/green...
  6. 85RiverRAT

    Nasty Metro

    I used to see that car a lot. I remember it leaving Fuddruckers one time, pretty epic departure.
  7. 85RiverRAT

    Toddler parents chime in.

    Luckily, we don't have this problem just yet. 3yrs old, in 8 hours of daycare every day. He is gassed by the time we get him home. That and a consistent bedtime routine sets the tone for going to sleep. Brushing his teeth, Bubble bath, PJ's, quick book, and he goes down like sack of rocks...
  8. 85RiverRAT

    Hallett 270 Sighting Phoenix

    @FROGMAN524 was it this one? Just posted in FB, Hallett Owners Group, he is in Pheonix AZ. I believe this is the previous RDP Boat.
  9. 85RiverRAT

    RIP Jerry Barron

    Rest In Peace Jerry. God Speed. 🙏🍻
  10. 85RiverRAT

    DOD Delete in CA questions

    Jasper Engines DOD-delete. Very specific range of motors. https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/aftermarket/devices/eo/d-391-2.pdf
  11. 85RiverRAT

    DOD Delete in CA questions

    Following. My 2010 Sierra motor grenade-ed, and I had to preplace it, never really learned what killed it. I bought the RANGE because of the lifter tick. Disabling the AFM/DOD helped the noise some, but I still lost the motor somewhere along the way. I kept using the RANGE on the new crate...
  12. 85RiverRAT

    Chevelle What?

    It is certainly interesting to see how far 3D printing has come, and to show case the technology. An out-of-this-world build like this could inspire some unique one-off parts in a personal build. Kindigit does 3D printing and it is pretty tasteful.
  13. 85RiverRAT

    Howard 288 Build

    I think I saw this boat on Instagram. Laschoolpolice, delivering presents, and then reposted by Howard Boats. What a cool event. The boat looked great!
  14. 85RiverRAT

    2017-2019 Escalade/yukon/tahoe

    I've got the 2018 Yukon XL 6.2L 10speed. Zero issues with it. Very capable. We also have a 2015 Tahoe 5.3L that does launch ramp duty, and it does just fine back and forth to the ramp. Others have stated about the shorter wheelbase on the non-XL models. Having a longer draw braw on the Tahoe...
  15. 85RiverRAT

    Smells That Take You Back To Your Childhood

    "Smells like the river" that is a favorite of mine as well. The dog shit that we had to pick up before dad mowed the lawn. We had dog shit duty. I still gag to this day doing that. Fresh cut grass is a good one, also gasoline in a tin jerry can, and the hot lawn mower off gassing after being...
  16. 85RiverRAT

    Hanging Christmas lights - high roof

    https://www.lowes.com/pd/Plastic-Gutter-Shingle-Clips/5001602463 My .02$. I've started using this 👆. The eves on my tiny porch are almost out of my reach, even at the top of my ladder, the landscaping slopes away at a big angle, hard to get a good footing. Also, my HOA (Condo tract), went and...
  17. 85RiverRAT

    Wood Flooring / LVP Flooring Labor cost ?? So Cal

    I just got a Home Depot quote this afternoon for my house, and looks like $4.30/sqft for LV. Leveling and griding is listed as extra.
  18. 85RiverRAT

    Havasu Launch Ramp Recommendation

    We'd did our dadless solo trips to the Havasu Marina. Lots of dock, and wind protection, allowed me to get the boat secured while the rest of the party waits and then boards at the dock. Same getting out. I didn't have help either with the truck/trailer, I had to do it all myself. Rivera...
  19. 85RiverRAT

    Tell us what happened? I met a Celebrity…..

    I few of my more notable, I am sure there were others, lots of backstage concert stuff. - 'Skipper' Alan Hale Jr. My dad tells me we met/saw him at one of the Boat Shows in the 80's, maybe Fred Hall? - 'Mountain Man' Duck Dynasty star Tim Guraedy, @ LA Roadsters. - Hasslehoff, his daughter was...
  20. 85RiverRAT

    The OFFICIAL song of RDP?

    Redneck Yacht Club! :cool: