Yeah, that's the attitude you're known for!
The Talladega rule applies get out of line you go to the back of the pack, you're not cutting in front of me!
I don't care for the little thin koozies with the bottom open, because I like to put a couple of ice cubes in the bottom of the koozie, solves the warm last few sips! 🍻
Just made another trip on the I-10, up Chiraco Summit and on to Blythe, question nice new lanes with signage truck lanes. Trucks are the same assholes they have always been guy doing 5 MPH in the left lane trying to pass a guy doing 3 MPH.🤬🤬🤬🤬
When does the enforcement start?
Been traveling...
Hey, I was Red Haired, now just red headed! So Fuck you guys that want to pick on the Gingers 😜
The only thing that saved me in school was I was one of the bigger kids.
I haven’t received my royalties from the Shit Happens poster! When this subject came up many years ago I had 3 copies, 1 for the River place, 1 for the garage and 1 for my field office. Sky skier said if I would send it to him he would duplicate it, so I think he sold a bunch of them. When it...
Welcome to the OC! The boy sure has grown, remember meeting your family at the restaurant in Chandler, great bunch of people. The Wife and I are Orange High Grads, and lived there after we married for another 13 years until moving to So. County.
When my 2017 Sierra collapsed the lifter in no. 5 and bent the push rod, at 103,000 miles. I went the same route new lifters replaced the push rod, and had the heads gone through, and the belts, hoses, water pump. I'm at 152,000, with fingers crossed.
A couple of years ago my Wife's bank account was hit for $2000.00, a Venmo transaction to a woman in Missouri? Thought the money was gone, called the bank not a lot of help, then the woman in Missouri emailed and said I don't know why you sent this, and returned the $$$$🤔
I used to change out the Sears Die Hards before the 3rd year, after one left me in the River and the Wife thought it was funny taking a picture of me being towed in by a jet ski! Switched to Optima's first one lasted 7 years, next one I had problems but the retail place brought it back to life...