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  1. C

    Classified documents from Biden's time as vice president discovered at Penn Biden Center,

    Do you really think this is accurate Roger? Not even you are that fucking dumb
  2. C

    No wonder 530 and the Establishment hate Gaetz and gang 🤣

    Maybe they hate him because he is a child molester? Just sayin
  3. C

    Nazi scumbags

    I wouldn’t want that two-bit whore in front of my tree in my house, she prob smells like piss
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    Nazi scumbags

    Yep, I’m anti-fascist, I hope all Nazis burn in hell
  5. C

    Nazi scumbags

    I fuck around all the time, no problems so far. Have a good night
  6. C

    Nazi scumbags

    Not making fun of those with Down’s syndrome, I’m making fun of you, if you have Down’s I’ll lay off
  7. C

    Nazi scumbags

    Ok put down the crack pipe now bud, you can’t even type a proper fucking sentence
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    Nazi scumbags

    I know Bill likes em young, just like Donald
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    Nazi scumbags

    You spell “you’re” like “yore” and I’m the dumb one huh. I know 4-word letters are tough for you, keep trying hard Corkie
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    Nazi scumbags

    Congrats guys! Excellent growth today. Keep it up
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    Nazi scumbags

    Nope, just hate Nazi pedophiles
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    Nazi scumbags

    He does seem like a supreme asshole, you are right
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    Nazi scumbags

    Put down the bong Roger and go to bed. You are talking gibberish
  14. C

    Nazi scumbags

    Not reaching at all. Scroll up, it’s exactly what happened. I posted an article. He came at me. I’ve been around asshole bullies my whole life. I don’t back down from shitheads like Roger.
  15. C

    Nazi scumbags

    Roger seemed pretty quick to come to Gaetz’ defense didn’t he
  16. C

    Nazi scumbags

    Ha! Good one. I haven’t met you yet. Are you Eva and Roger’s Adolph, or the other way around?
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    Nazi scumbags

    It’s funny in a sad way, that Nazi douches like Roger don’t mind that politicians like Gaetz are pedophiles, just because he shares the same political views that Matt does.
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    Nazi scumbags

    I thought maybe since Greenberg confessed that maybe Roger was Gaetz’ new wingman
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    You Knew It Was Coming

    Guessing she has way more gold medals than you so you should prob STFU Roger 🤣
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    Nazi scumbags

    Great GIF I gotta bring that out when meetings go sideways at work hahahaha