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  1. Selkirk_D

    Wife is finally done with Cali!

    I’m a Callie native, born and raised. Sadly the Lefties ruined what was once the greatest state in the Nation. We escaped Commiefornia in 2018 and moved to Utah. Utah is a great state with some quirks, but I’d pick it over AZ. St. George is more like AZ in the summer, still cool in winter...
  2. Selkirk_D

    Spectra Emblems - Casting

    Awesome thanks!
  3. Selkirk_D

    WTB Spectra 20 emblem??

    I’ll take 2 if/when available
  4. Selkirk_D

    Spectra Emblems - Casting

    Nice work! Like literally every other Spectra owner out there, I could use a pair for my 78 Spectra 20 restoration.I’d be happy to pay you for the trouble.