Search results

  1. Mikemo_SDS

    Howard 288 Build

    The best prop for your boat is a Max 5 ST 28” 15 1/4” dia. I have tried a lot of different props and helped friends with your same package.
  2. Mikemo_SDS

    Anyone races RC cars? Rabbit hole....

    Raced a lot of 1/8th nitro off road for a lot of years. Raced for Jammin, Kyosho, ODonnell, Losi, Mugen. Traveled a lot. Met a lot of friends from all over the world. Now I race a little in the winter time. Still have some sponsors but just race to have fun with friends.
  3. Mikemo_SDS

    Howard 288 Build

    Closer to $60k extra.
  4. Mikemo_SDS

    2017-2019 Escalade/yukon/tahoe

    The 5.3 would pull it just fine. 6.2 will do great. My wife’s previous 2013 2wd Tahoe pulled my old 26’ Nordic out of the water fine once I put some BFG Ko2’s on it. Never had engine issues with any of my Chevy trucks, but I change oil every 5k like the engines life depends on it!
  5. Mikemo_SDS

    Howard 288 Build

    Looks awesome!
  6. Mikemo_SDS

    Shore Hitch

    There is scratches in mine after a couple uses but that’s in the sand. Can’t see them when in use. Awesome product from awesome people!
  7. Mikemo_SDS

    Shore Hitch

    I have both. Just trying to promote a family business that I like.
  8. Mikemo_SDS

    Shore Hitch

    Great seeing you too! Awesome day with great people.
  9. Mikemo_SDS

    Shore Hitch

    Yes it does. Super easy to use at the sandbar and wet sand. Little harder to get in the dry, hard sand but my kids can still use it and it’s half the weight of the other spike.
  10. Mikemo_SDS

    Shore Hitch

    We went out Friday on Havasu with Shore Hitch and a few other boats to shoot some media for them with Tommy Gun and his crew. Awesome day of boating with some new friends and the Shore Hitch family. I really love the product and what they represent. It is super light, looks great and works good...
  11. Mikemo_SDS

    Howard 288 Build

    You guys are artists!! I was blown away when I got to see my boats being taped in the mold! To be able to visualize the design and then execute it inside out and tape it while hanging in the mold upside down! And a left and right side!!
  12. Mikemo_SDS

    Howard 288 Build

    No, the molds do not have lines for guides. There are patterns though. The tricky part is how they are executed! It is awesome to see how great the people are that gel coat!
  13. Mikemo_SDS

    New ICB 28GTB Advice

    I don’t like blue either. Might have trouble getting ahold of Gene. Besides, that’s insider information I gave you.
  14. Mikemo_SDS

    New ICB 28GTB Advice

    There is a brand new blue Howard 288 w/ 600 for sale right now. 89mph cruise at 70 loaded no problem. If your only hang up on the Howard is wait time, this solves it. Also, 18 month lead time won’t actually be that long. Some people won’t be ready to lay down the cash when their number is...
  15. Mikemo_SDS

    New ICB 28GTB Advice

    This is the saddest thread. Everyone saying they want to go slow. Wow.
  16. Mikemo_SDS

    Need 32-36p prop for single eng daytona

    I might be interested in this? What brand and type?
  17. Mikemo_SDS

    Tow service on Lake Elsinore.

    They say an SCX is 2” higher than a Bravo. So if you removed a 1” spacer, you are 3” higher than previous setup.
  18. Mikemo_SDS

    Tow service on Lake Elsinore.

    Back lake behind the wake board lake is the best jet skiing in Cali!
  19. Mikemo_SDS

    Generator Load Bank questions

    I have multiple customers that run into wet stacking after 200 hours or less of unloaded runtime on stand by gensets that are 10-250kw. We provide a service that load tests your standby genset at 25, 50 and 85% load for 2 hours annually.
  20. Mikemo_SDS

    Insurance for twin 1350’s ?

    Negative. My brother in law's boat. I spent a lot of time in it!