In the past, we've sold Casale V-drives to a number of "wheel stand show cars", and "off road racing vehicles" too .
Very strong and flexible method to transfer power in a different direction .
Make a Police report on what you did, and what has transpired so far .
LIEN the property, and go back to work for those who are willing to pay .
When the paperwork catches up with reality, your business did not suffer (too much), but you are on solid ground to get "payment with damages", or a...
Your photos do not show how much of the "blades" are above and outside of the casting hub .
A "2A" impeller would have both ends of the blades extending beyond the impeller hub area .
This piece may have been "tricked up", and has only the outer diameter larger that the hub circle, which...
Had I known there may have been a "boat registration problem", I would have brought down a couple of my "Arizona dealer tags" to loan out to the boats .
People in the business, like Billy, Steele, Connolly, even River Dave, can get "Az dealer plates", and they are only $5.00 a year to re-new ...
Brace it up the load above, cut the hole (over sized for furring/window mounting methods).
Fit in pieces of 3/8" wall 4" X 4" or 4"X 3" angle iron .
Once the pieces are "tack welded in place", remove the metal, and weld the hell out of every corner .
Drill and counter sink for wood screws...
"The west coast boat business is just like any other service business" . As said by a number of RDP "experts" .
Who here still wants to get into the west coast custom boat building business ? "Fun and adventure" !
I have a well thought out business plan;"Custom boats and daycare", all in the...
Without a printed and signed contract, this is just two idiots arguing on a cliff .
A signed contract tells everyone what they are required to do, and by what time span in the progress of the build .
Only idiots use "I said, and you said, here-say", without a printed, signed contract .
I'm still trying to be there on Saturday .
With the heater on in the garage all day, I worked on more of the wiring, and the switch panel .
This started out with an oil pressure gauge here, and then progressed to this becoming a volt meter, and the oil and temp gauges going into another...
That's the original plan .
I don't know how much will be done by then .
Don't have a drive shaft, a complete drive line cover, nor the seats .
Lots of little details for the motor, before install .
Have not bent up fuel lines from the filter to the pump, from the pump to a regulator, and...
[/ATTACH] Still haven't taken a photo of the steering installed .
But put the throttle (with adjustable stops) together, got it installed .
Passenger foot rest and fire extinguisher mount, in and tight .
Ran the forward wiring thru the tube to the terminal strip .
Got the Up/DOWN in, and...
Enjoying the view in your photo, I would say; "Tropical Tease" . I like blue ! (not the boat, the girl)
"Rum, ice and everything nice" (kind of long)
"Savanna Sachet" (Southern style)
"Dixie Cups" HA HA
Sorry, I'm tired and need sleep .