Doesn't look like a battery malfunction, or does it? I don't know what a Tesla fire looks like.
Best lead off man in history, by a mile. He had an amazing and long career. Rickey was always one of my all time favorites, and him talking in third person was amazing. Don't usually comment on high profile people who pass but this one sucks.
Haven't watched a single lap since Danica won the pole at Daytona. I realized that shit was fixed and nothing but the worlds fast commercial. They took the racing out of the equation years ago. The new formats punish winners for excelling all season, then give nobody's a chance to win for...
Jimmy and people like him are the reason the rest of the world does't take us seriously anymore. A grown adult crying because he didn't get his way, GTFO you're a disgrace. Who are the idiots watching this garbage???
News is a business not a service. Clicks make money, bottom line drives the narrative. I think people enjoy the drama of it all, they're conditioned by media to react. Very few people see it for what it is.
Why can't there be an admin approval for new member posts. I'm on other forums where your first couple posts needed to be approved as legit before you could post freely. Sounds like it wouldn't be a burden to admin as they're already spending time daily removing shit posts. There's gotta be a...