As a test, I would try temporarily bypassing the oil cooler by taking oil lines off and connecting them together. You may need some misc fittings and a short piece of 12an hose. Then cap the oil fittings on the oil cooler. Change the oil again, and take it for another 15-20min ride at 60mph...
This full set of gauges includes: 2-5/8" Mechanical gauges for Boost, Water psi, Oil psi. Electric Water Temp, Oil Temp, Volts, & Fuel. 4-5/8" Tach 8000rpm, 3-3/8" GPS Speedo 160mph with wire harness-antenna-recall switch. $500 plus shipping.
I had a similar issue when trying to fire a class one motor that had sat for 25 years. Make sure the crank position sensor that mounts to the bellhousing is getting the correct signal from the 4 tabs/notches on the flywheel. It will not fire without that signal.
Before this gets beat to death with speculation and assumption. It actually just ran out of fuel and got swamped from boat wakes in the main channel.
The crack on the deck was from how it came to rest on the rocky bottom surface.
The plugs were pulled during the recovery to drain the water...
Nice. Glad I could help. That old saying "buy once, cry once" really hits home when it comes to rebuilding XR & SC uppers multiple times VS upgrading to the SCX.
Let me know if you have any questions about swapping the drives and helmet.
The lower gears will make some noise when the lower is not bolted to the upper, since there is no preload on the pinion gear.
Jumping wakes while on throttle is exactly what will break clutch shafts. This is how I broke my first XR in 20 hours, the other 2 lasted 40 hours, and the SCX upper...
You wouldn't be able to see much with the caps off if the clutch shaft broke. Did the drive go into nuetral when it broke?
When you took the lower off could you spin the drive shaft and/or prop shaft? I've eaten quite a few lower gear sets and there was alot of metal on the plug magnet. Your...
If something went "bang" and the drive went into nuetral, I would at least have the upper disassembled and inspected. The lower gears wear out and start to pit, but typically they dont break. I have broken 3 XR uppers before switching to the SCX. The XR clutch shaft in the upper is another...
#2 on the trim indicator is about nuetral on mine as well. I run at 3 when cruising normally. But, I trim up to 4.5 or 5 when accelerating to lift the nose and take a set. Once the boat is packing enough air around 90-100+, I have found that bumping the trim down to 3.5 or 4 pulls the best...
Agreed. I've ran a 0, -1, & -2 and found the -1 to be the sweet spot. The -1 is about 1-2mph faster than the 0. The -2 ran about the same mph but felt a little a too loose over 100mph, and slipped getting on plane. Also, mine does not have tabs or a drive extension box.
You burned 120-150gallons of fuel to go from the Springs to Pirates and back to the Springs? That seems like a crazy amount of fuel unless you are running wide open the whole way.
I've done that run in my Mach 26 countless times with about the same power. 800+ish HP just EFI, 509ci w/3.3...
When I spoke with Dean of Adrenaline at the 2018 Boat Show in Pomona, he said the F26 top was retooled for the 26 Savage wrap around windshield. At that time, he said the Mach 26 top would remain unchanged since it is a classic design. Not sure if they are still building these hulls or not...