496 ho are awesome motors. If the boat is well taken care of im sure the motor is as well. Dont have a answer for your question but look to see if the fuel pump has been updated and not orginal.
I think some people of have gotten used to some stocks just being a cash machaine for the past couple years. Everyone became investors and traders while setting at home with 12 36 packs of toilet paper. These folks dont know how fast a market can change and they just keep buying the dips due to...
I pulled today. Ive been thinking of doing it since Trump took office. Its been a great last few years and I think some stocks need to cool down. I just dont see catalyst for enthusiasm at the moment.
Im a AMD fan as well as NVDA. I was rolling back into AMD hoping to see a 20% bounce off the 100 but nope. Pulled today to break even. Market has been good for awhile now. Folks are taking profits. Interesting to see tomorrow.
Showed up yesterday about an hour before it closed. They just let us in with out paying whiich was nice. Walked it in like 10 mins then off too dinner. Wife had a tough time with it cause shes so used to the sandshow. Thought there was a good turn out at the HP car show.
I would drop the cash up front and just put it on their weekly check. First week might be tough for the workers to front the money but they will figure it out. Workers dont want hotel cards or food cards. They will sleep 4 to a room and pocket the rest which is what they want. Workers working...
With the watches no one is professionals here if you think they are real have them checked. Im big into luxury watches and i have some doubts with what I see.. If you are able to open them up and take a picture of the movement it would be alot easier to see if its real or not.
With the way you over analyze things/pick apart, best just to keep what you got. Everyone has read how good your truck model and year is in the 1000's of ford gasser truck posts. Why get rid of it for an extra 10k in your pocket? Seems to me it would be best to just keep it. No matter what you...