Search results

  1. Marko

    Bimini top

    Maybe in Havasu, in PHX. It's 1800.
  2. Marko

    Bimini top

    Got a price from seam dreams about 2 months ago for a Bimini for a 21-ft Howard and she said $5,000. I thought she was kidding but she wasn't. 😱
  3. Marko

    Hydromotive 22p prop

    Hydromotive HC-CL22R-Q-IV Right hand, 22pitch. $375.00
  4. Marko

    [WTB] Bravo 1 prop

    I meant next Friday....the weekend of the outlaw deal at Sundance. I mentioned that in the text. Sorry for the mix-up but I'll be there Friday.
  5. Marko

    [WTB] Bravo 1 prop

    Every time I find one on marketplace they never respond!
  6. Marko

    Anyone going to Phx. from Havasu?

    I need a prop brought from Havasu to the Phx. area. You don't need to deliver it to my house, I can come get it. Anyone??
  7. Marko

    [WTB] Bravo 1 prop

    He wants $800 for a USED prop! Not reasonable IMO. :(
  8. Marko

    [WTB] Bravo 1 prop

  9. Marko

    [WTB] Bravo 1 prop

    48-831910-22p Anyone?
  10. Marko

    Looking for a prop.

    Need a Bravo 48-831910 -22p Anyone have one laying around?
  11. Marko

    Clean lowered dually

    https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1001062341608650/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks Not mine but I know a lot of you guys are looking for these. Looks pretty clean.
  12. Marko

    Oil Cooler

    1/2" NPT, No leaks. $175.00 In Phx.
  13. Marko

    Interior shops in PHX?

    I talked with him. He was 3 months out. I found a guy clser to home. Thanks
  14. Marko

    For All Those That Grew Up In Phoenix, We Lost A Good One

    Friends since the 70's. He was an icon. On my way to the funeral now. I'm sure I'll see some old familiar faces. :(
  15. Marko

    LOL😂😂, Country music....

    Not a real oldie but a cool song.
  16. Marko

    LOL😂😂, Country music....

    It's funny....when I was 16 (1972) I was a union apprentice for a couple of drywall taping crews. They worked me like a rented mule. Had to load both trucks with all the mud for 10 houses every morning then unload and mix em up at each house. Had hair down to the middle of my back so these guys...
  17. Marko

    LOL😂😂, Country music....

  18. Marko

    LOL😂😂, Country music....

  19. Marko

    LOL😂😂, Country music....

  20. Marko

    LOL😂😂, Country music....

    A great cover of Johnny Paychecks classic.