Just reading thru this thread today. Wondering how everyone is fairing with insurance these days 2024?. I have an insurance company here taking pictures of the whole house and under each sink for water leaks. In all my years I havent had an instance company show up and do this?
I was with...
Great topic and lots to think about. I was with farmers last 12 years. No claims at all over the years. I am in a high fire area. Top of a hill in Poway. No real brush around. House is newer closed eves and clay roof. Sprinklers In the houses. Farmers canceled me. :(. Went to fair...
Thanks again Englewood again for the referal. I didn't want to mention your name without asking. But shes been great to deal with and hope we can get this resolved. I just wanted to put this out on RDP for future people that have a need for a good attorney.
I am in a real estate spat with a few people for a house I invested in and sold. Its a shake down for money basically. But I put out a post on RDP to ask if anyone had a lead on a kick ass pit bull no nonsense real estate attorney. I got a reply from an inmate with a nice referral and some...
Hidden Shores Home for Sale
R38 Top row of the R section at Hidden Shores in a Cul-de-sac. I have been in this park for 7 years now and its been a fun time. This is the kinda place you could leave you garage open for days and nothing will happen. The park rules keep people in line.
I am...
Thanks Everyone for the thoughts. Probably some buyers remorse here. He made a comment to my partner who was also the selling agent / designer that he heard he from a neighbor he over paid by a million dollars. I don't want to buy back the house as I am trying to get ride of all my...
I am looking for an attorney to help me with a insurance coverage issue. I also need someone that handles construction defects? Looking for someone what specializes or deals with this type of thing on a regular basis and has a little bit of Pit bull in them.
I bought a home and it was...
We’re going to all the spots during the day for food on the water. Any suggestions for good food we can pickup bring back to the house or Catering? Chef? Mostly breakfast and dinners.
We are doing dinner at Cha Bones one night. I think we also have a taco guy coming one night
Thanks for all the feedback. I’ll probably build a 2x4 plywood box over everything. Try and use full sheets and screw it together. I agree out of site out of mind. We’ll make it some Work to get to and see the stuff. I like the vibration alarm idea as well. I will make day one a long day...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I am taking a flat bed with side rails to keep out there and use to haul materials around in Tennesee. Otherwise I would always use a enclosed trailer to haul stuff in this case. Glad we all think the same about trying to park in safe places and back loads into...
I will have a truck and trailer with job boxes and tools in them. I will wrap everything so no one knows what Im hauling. Im looking for safe places I can stop and feel safe with my load while I rest.. Someone mentioned the Loves stops. Any other suggestions for people that have made the...
Yes hit it with the ivermectin and zink asap! Dose it properly! For your weight. I just had it and took the meds and zinc, vit C as soon as I started to feel bad. Knocked it down right away. Still had it but it was manageable.
It was bad ass if you ask me. But if you watch the news video they actually flew under a wire stretched across the stadiaum. That could have been very ugly. Hard to believe they all flew under the wire and not one of them hit it!! Looks like they cleared it by a couple feet
Pretty big.. I need to renovate 5 homes on the property. All older homes that have been neglected for years. Good bones but need new roofs and a ton of wood replaced as well as plumbing electrical and windows replaced. Houses were built 20 and 30 years ago. Also landing or building 10 new...
RD Brain trust,
I have a large construction project coming up out of my area. (Tennessee Knoxville, Gatlinburg area) I need to rebuild/ renovate several homes on a property as well as put in a bunch of utilities (water, sewer, electrical) and land several small tiny homes. The whole success...
I to used to like watching 60min. Not anymore!!
From what I read in some of the posts. I thought the issue was there releasing more water then they need to. I have a place at the lower river and each summer for years there was always sandbar and sand for the kids. Last few years little to...
Have a picture of the tower? What side faces your house? If you wake up very early does it work better? Might be a user load issue? I know at my house early am things work better then as people wake up it slows down. I’m on a microwave link..