Search results

  1. shueman

    good morning inmates

  2. shueman

    Any guitar aficionados on RDP

    That bass is an Eppi likely an auction item …
  3. shueman

    RIP Jerry Barron

  4. shueman

    What’s a Daytona mini worth?

    It’s worth what someone will pay IMO
  5. shueman

    Need help getting rid of a FREE BOAT

  6. shueman

    Matt Gaetz, NEW "AG"

    Crazy !!
  7. shueman

    To all my Veterans Brothers and Sisters…….😎

    Proud to have served US Army
  8. shueman

    Wow, Hardest spam attack yet

    Where’s RD been hiding these days ?
  9. shueman

    R.I.P. Fernando Valenzuela

    RIP :(
  10. shueman

    Happy Birthday RiverDave

    Happy B’day !!
  11. shueman

    Looking for a website that posts real estate for sale near lakes?

    Lakehouse.com is another
  12. shueman

    Big Cat Poker Run

    Boaters Paradise !!
  13. shueman

    ☆☆ Happy Birthday Ziggy! ☆☆

    Happy B’day Zig !!
  14. shueman

    School me on kid’s personal floatation devices

    All kids wear PFDs on our boats if under 18
  15. shueman

    Yellowstone Season 6

    No Costner so it’s DOA
  16. shueman

    What was the first boat you single skied behind?

    1961 Glaspar Avalon 75 Evinrude @Ski-land in Perris Ca
  17. shueman

    Trump parade this weekend June 15

    Permits approvals?
  18. shueman

    NBA legend Jerry West dead

  19. shueman

    2024 Lower River Outboard Run

    Best run / water for sure