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  1. havasuhusker

    Almost that time!!! Boat Prep....What are you doing to prep or upgrade?

    New batteries (bought, need to install), yearly service, wash/wax and need to get a gel repair done
  2. havasuhusker

    Childhood toys.

    Thank you for the little trip down memory lane!
  3. havasuhusker

    Not sure what to title this thread………

    First, congratulations!! Second, I pray that your daughter and the baby are healthy since it seems the delivery has been difficult.
  4. havasuhusker

    10 Wonderful Years

  5. havasuhusker

    Proud Dad moment...ASU flight program grad take 2

  6. havasuhusker

    NASCAR Phoenix

    I'll be there Thurs-Sunday
  7. havasuhusker

    What Attracts People To Kamala?

    In my circle of family and friends, it's TDS combined w/believing everything they hear on the news.
  8. havasuhusker

    Tell us what happened? I met a Celebrity…..

    I've met and talked to a few over the years. A friend's mom managed the band Sepultura so got to hang with those guys. Met Alice Cooper at an Office Max of all places. Super nice guy. Mike Tyson bought me a soda out of the vending machine at my old place of work years ago. He was waiting for...
  9. havasuhusker

    Ranch Dressing

    My wife makes it homemade. Tastes so much better than the bottled stuff.
  10. havasuhusker

    Worst Road Ever!!!

    I effing hate that road. I have to drive like 40-45 in some parts because of that damn rolling road when towing to and from Powell.
  11. havasuhusker

    Tint question

    I'm here in the valley. I have it on my F250. It's made a noticeable difference.
  12. havasuhusker

    Who quad tows?

    He obviously didn't ask RDP for towing cross country advice.
  13. havasuhusker

    Buyer’s Remorse

    All you can eat China Buffet!
  14. havasuhusker

    Slickest ramp yet

    Take off Eh!
  15. havasuhusker


    7 Mary 3 & 4 - one of my all time fav shows
  16. havasuhusker

    You ever cross paths with a infamous criminal?

    Not infamous, but in the early 2000s, a girl who sat in the cube directly behind me, murdered her husband. It was one of those, "you would never think someone like her would do something like that" deals you always here on the news. I guess everyone has their limits.
  17. havasuhusker

    Lake Powell Today

    All good things come to an end..... https://www.facebook.com/share/p/s8zznbRipqWeCHVo/?mibextid=oFDknk For those without FB, the infamous Hole in the Rock in Rock Creek is no longer. The front part and/or bridge, if you will, fell into the water.
  18. havasuhusker

    Penny the cat...

    We had a cat growing up that would bring her kills inside. She was proud of her trophies. A complete badass. Today, no cats, but there is a neighborhood cat, we call it the beefcoon because it looks like a cross between a racoon and mountain lion when it passes our cameras at night. I don't...
  19. havasuhusker

    PHX Peeps….Hows Angry Crab

    I don't have much to compare it to. However, my family likes it. Good tasting food. Fun environment. Messy!!!