I've met and talked to a few over the years. A friend's mom managed the band Sepultura so got to hang with those guys. Met Alice Cooper at an Office Max of all places. Super nice guy. Mike Tyson bought me a soda out of the vending machine at my old place of work years ago. He was waiting for...
Not infamous, but in the early 2000s, a girl who sat in the cube directly behind me, murdered her husband. It was one of those, "you would never think someone like her would do something like that" deals you always here on the news. I guess everyone has their limits.
All good things come to an end.....
For those without FB, the infamous Hole in the Rock in Rock Creek is no longer. The front part and/or bridge, if you will, fell into the water.
We had a cat growing up that would bring her kills inside. She was proud of her trophies. A complete badass. Today, no cats, but there is a neighborhood cat, we call it the beefcoon because it looks like a cross between a racoon and mountain lion when it passes our cameras at night. I don't...