Search results

  1. TAF

    1983 20 ft Daytona V-drive

    "Its not an Eliminator" looks very similar to Howard and Spectras. 565 ci. twin turbos, Casale V-drive, 3 speed trans. Don Zig mag. $15,000. new stainless 3 blade prop & prop shaft. TAF / Rob 480-628-1619 Phx area
  2. TAF

    NHRA at Firebird Chndler / PHX, AZ

    Anyone going this weekend? It'll be a flip flops and beer :champagne: kinda weekend. Anyone headed on to Vegas or Pomona next month?
  3. TAF

    Octoberfest in Big Bear?

    Anyone going this year? I'm headed back up there for the first time in 21 years. Anyone I should watch for :D or avoid Sat 22nd ?:rolleyes:
  4. TAF

    Crown King, AZ Annual Chili Cook-off

    Any one up for a quad / rhino ride from the back of Lake Pleasant (Phx, AZ) to Crown King to eat some chili and drink in the beer garden in the forest this Sat? Many of us are camping Fri PM and heading up the back trail Sat AM.
  5. TAF

    Sanger hydro w/ motor $20,000.

    As seen racing at NJBA / IHBA drags in 8.0 sec bracket $20,000.
  6. TAF

    I'm back!!!

    Been way too long since I've been able to visit here. I'm at the IHBA World Finals dragboat races in PHX, AZ. Be here hang'n in da pits all week. Rocket98's laptop is coming in very handy....hope to post some pics of boats later. I've missed seeing all you guys this past summer... haven't seen...
  7. TAF

    Official Grizwald Aquatic Towing thread!!!

    Feel free to post up every and all pics of your boat being towed by Gus' Eliminator:bowdown: Brian I believe I texted you some I took w/ my phone but can't down load myself. We can start a roll call of past victims too. 1. Outdrive1 2. TAF
  8. TAF

    Great big Thanks to NdaWinds!!!!

    Thank you so much for the great hospitality :champagne: and help this past weekend. You guys have an awesome house and great party room. My kids had an absolute blast being included in the fun. Scott and Deb, those hamburgers Sat night were incredible!!! Scott assisted NJBA officials Thus / Fri...
  9. TAF

    CNN.com reports on Lion, Tigers, and.........

    Photochic called to say they just took in 3 more big cats terribly malnurished from neglect:swear. CNN and other TV shows are reporting the story. If any one is financial able to help :hmm In Sync Exotics help pay to feed these unfortunate creatures please do. CNN.com Thanks in advance.
  10. TAF

    I had a dream......................

    I had a scary dream that I was attacked by a black panther :eek: ...............about 2 hours after waking up from a bad dream about my fist :swear being chewed up by a lioness. What's that all about?:confused: After a while of trying to figure it all out:hmm I realized I had tried calling...
  11. TAF

    Happy Birthday Photochick!!!

    O.K., Happy Election Day Photochick:thumbsup:D
  12. TAF

    Happy Election Day Photochick!!

    And Happy :eek::hmmyou know what else. Hope its as memorable as the last:beer Everyone get out and vote!!!!! If you don't know who to vote for just ask Photochick;)
  13. TAF

    Manzanita Speedway, PHX this Sat.!!!!

    Winged sprint cars are racing and I'm taking my son because he got straight "A"s in 6th grade of this past first quarter Congratulations Kapsule Kidd:thumbsup;):D
  14. TAF

    Classic rockband in Queen Creek, AZ

    A friend's buddies band :thumbsup is playing at The Gym sports bar on Hunt Hwy. in Queen Creek (Johnson Ranch / Copper Basin area) this Sat. night 09/06 http://www.myspace.com/spankmusicrocks I plan on being in attendance.:beer Yeah, I know it's beyond BFE!!!!!!!!!!!!:skull:swear
  15. TAF

    Good Morning Inmates.............

    I hope I didn't step on anyones toes w/ that intro. It's Crazy 8's Friday!!! Hi Brad :thumbsup:D Today is 8/8/8 I hope JBB didn't go MIA on us:hmm Hopefully he's only been happily & inappropriately detained by any one of those photo models he's always teasing us w/:drool
  16. TAF

    1977 18 ft. Spectra jetboat

    '77 18ft. Spectra w/ Berkley Jet For Sale.... $4500 1977 Spectra 460 BBFord Built By Lakes Only on Hotboat Forged Pistons Mild head porting 10qt. oil pan 780 marine carb Berkley JE pump with diverter (rebuilt by Tuff Enuff) ProComp marine guages (Installed By Tuff Enuff) 2...
  17. TAF

    Whats everyone doing for Columbus Day?

    I use to always have it off and it was the same weekend my dad past :thumbsdown so I made a point to go to the lake to celebrate:D his memory.
  18. TAF

    Here we go again................

    The mass exodus :mad:of Californians to AZ:thumbsdown:eek: We need the national guard to watch our border to stop the flow of immigrants from Cali:eek::joke
  19. TAF

    Caption this.........................while it lasts

    Hmmm? Looks like someone remembered their camera sneaking a shot of the ever elusive pink Roadrunner...........Roadraper cup.
  20. TAF

    Got drunk dialed / woken up last night

    I got drunk dialed:beer and awoken last night:swear I must be getting old cause it was only 10 PM and it felt like 2AM:o Some ex-cheer leader and a tattoo'd biker dude called to inform me that she was kick'n his ass (nothing new) but at pool this time:eek: Watch out I hear she's wild at...