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  1. ChumpChange

    Stolen trailer out Fullerton, Ca Sunday night 11/24

    Well that escalated quickly!
  2. ChumpChange

    Low flow toilets, WTF

    @whiteworks I’m a buyer! Make it happen. We were thinking about this on our last road trip and if we could stuff a couple in the Moho. I smuggle BlueBell ice cream every time I leave the state.
  3. ChumpChange

    Chrome shop?

    When I first got into commercial real estate financing, I quickly realized I couldn’t finance anything near Batavia Ave with all the chrome shops in the area. So much contaminated soil.
  4. ChumpChange


    I’m pretty sure Dave would ban me if I posted a picture of what I am the most proud of. 😉
  5. ChumpChange

    I sure miss commuting on the Pass

    Amazing what can fit in an Altima. Good thing it wasn’t a Sentra or he would’ve been 7’3”.
  6. ChumpChange

    Another "What's this tool?" thread

    There will be no sitting down on the job in this shop!
  7. ChumpChange

    How do you do your turkey?

    I watch football.
  8. ChumpChange

    Are you the oldest member on RDP?

    We wouldn’t have to ask the question if that’s what we were looking for.
  9. ChumpChange

    Are you the oldest member on RDP?

    @riverroyal seems pretty old. Get off my lawn! Okay Boomer.
  10. ChumpChange

    Las Vegas Grand Prix

  11. ChumpChange

    Are you the oldest member on RDP?

    Who here has lived the longest? Claim your prize.
  12. ChumpChange

    Cheer Comps

    First dance competition this weekend. We are at a performance dance studio so this generally doesn’t happen but one of the teachers owns the competition company and asked for a couple classes to do their last performances in June at this event. Supposedly our routines will be completely...
  13. ChumpChange

    CA Small business bank recommendation

    It’s all about the banker and direct support staff, especially in commercial and corporate banking. I’ve worked at good banks and worked at bad banks. I’ve seen bad bankers work at good banks and give them a bad name and I’ve seen good bankers work at bad banks and give them a good name. When...
  14. ChumpChange

    House in the foothills being raided by the feds today

    At least they brought the big truck for the Skater.
  15. ChumpChange

    House in the foothills being raided by the feds today

    This is EXACTLY what happens in these situations.
  16. ChumpChange

    House in the foothills being raided by the feds today

    It’s like driving on a cloud. A very fast cloud.
  17. ChumpChange

    Gladiator II

    Hollywood is a bunch of freaks. So Denzel tells people he kissed a guy and it was cut. But it never happened. What’s the point of this? Freaks! https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/didn-t-happen-ridley-scott-160517281.html Jussie Washington? Denzel Smollett?
  18. ChumpChange

    Misc items

    His location says Glendora.
  19. ChumpChange

    RDP member average age 11/19/24

    Funny just the other day I was thinking to myself, I wonder who is the oldest member on RDP.
  20. ChumpChange

    Another fall from grace??? Black Diamond Fleet

    One business owner has two kids and then the two kids each have three kids and now you have six pigs at the trough trying to pull a bunch of money out of the business while still needing to pay for acquiring the business. Some businesses just get too thin. Six grandkids think they could still...