Bullhead bully
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  • Paul, This is Randy from Utah, (M33) we were with you on river run on April 13, give me a call when get a min(801)597-2885, Thanks
    No BS, let me know when you decide to sell. I sold my boat last year and have been looking for a 32 DW. If you don’t mind me asking, what are the details on the hull? Jeff (949) 413-4770
    Bullhead bully
    Bullhead bully
    I don’t know what your timeline is. I have more than one boat so it anytime any boat could be for sale. Haven’t really concentrated on that since it’s so new I’m just tweaking in the final details on the boat.

    The details on the hull. Full composite standard lip from Doug Wright. Finished weight complete no fuel 4720 pounds
    Bullhead bully
    Bullhead bully
    Other than that there’s a ton of details that go with the build. If you want to talk about it that would be fine. My number is 909-721-0411
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