Markets don't like this instability.
DEI is a win
Doge is a win, hopefully 100% of the savings come out of the first budget - we'll see.
Treating tariffs like a tip at a restaurant you can add or remove at a whim fucks with long term investments all over the globe.
The amount of work...
Buddies and I cogitated long into many nights about this and came to the conclusion VHD & and VHS are basically two different bands with the same name, and both good.
Way to much bread for my broke ass.
Lawns were getting 5, plus a bone or two tip if you were nice and clean.
Snow removal a full sidwalk. steps and driveway 8 (hoping for a 2.0 tip)
Cheap old fuckers always wanted you to do snow for a 5 er.
Mom made us take care of the widow...
Carb/Cafe/Smog/ price cost are the culprits
Smaller displacement turbos, lighter weights, tighter engine quarters.
The advent of Direct injection made it much harder to keep things alive with enormous pumping pressure, (basically diesel pressures) unfilterable abrasive soot (without a...
Did they buy protection though?
I didnt see that, but Im working and cant get all the news instantly.
Or does this let Taiwan become a a sacrificial facility if Xi rolls in?
Another commit from TSMC is a good start but a drop in the bucket on this journey.
Ive got a 50 year old scar on my pinky from starting cox 049's.
In one place they call it a jet, in another they say it's a rocket.
What is it? Whats it run on?
Model rocketry was a class in 7nth and 8th grade. The good old days.
Back then it was universally accepted that B's are a waste of time.
Nobody built rockets with B's (except totally new guys that didnt know any better)
The local hobby shops didnt even carry the engines. It went A,C, D.
D was...
That's a great idea.
If American made products could be built with American components, parts and materials it could work, until that time comes, it wont.
The best you can do (for something not comically simple) is partially American.
Until you can build American products with American parts...
For sure expensive to start up, but once complete you become immune from temporary leaders using your business as lever for domestic policy.
Each country gets the manufacturing base its own business supports.