Been hit twice in my long boating life, both times by inexperienced operators. Once floating in a wakeless zone hit at high speed, and then by a girl that her boyfriend was letting her drive. I hate to say it but I think licensing is needed??
It's not a man thing, it's an individual thing. I have seen plenty of women also that are Jack Ass's while I've been dating, if you think that we have corned the market on this bad acting you are sorely mistaken! :D
I'm thinking of doing a little more boat pooling, get small groups of boaters and take turns taking your boat out and share the fuel cost getting to the lake and while on the lake. Can't hurt?:D
Talk to the shop about using a lower grade color like PPG Omni and then clearing with PPG Deltron, this will save you a few bucks and will still last a long time. :hmm:hmm
I have done this a few times on some garage jobs with good results! :thumbsup
Topless and Kilr with the same advice!! What is the world coming too? Next your are going to tell me that there isn't really any Gobal Warming!!! :lmao
>> Bottle of Merlot
>> A man asked a waiter to take a bottle of Merlot to an unusually attractive woman sitting alone at a table in a cozy little restaurant.
>> So the waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, 'This is from the gentleman who is seated over there.' ..and indicated...