There was a few of his friends had busses in the area, and because of all the fuel leaking my dad being the closest he went in and shut off the propane and power switches off to their busses
It was not Capps family RV, my dad was with John Capps(John, Betty and my Dad park their busses next to each other) and they had just walked from their busses a 1/4 mile away, on the way to the stands they walked where the plane crashed seconds before. When they reached the top of the grand...
My Dad sent me this right after it happened, luckily all the safety teams were already there to make sure everyone was safe. He said it took seconds for them to get into the crash site
Yeah it’s Dino’s Git Down in GlenDale Az. Haven’t heard numbers from this year, but this year seemed larger than last year and last year they reported 9000 C10’s and Square bodies. 249 vendors and 18 of the 20 vendor rows look like this all day long. It’s become so big that people are unavailing...
That’s Griffin Steinfeld, he’s built all kinds of 2000+ horsepower shit in the past. His sister is Hailey Steinfeld, she’s been in a f*ck load of big movies over the last 20 years