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  • Thanks, one guy flaked and another is supposed to come by today for estimate. 1(562)965-3280. thanks again zach
    I'll ask some of my guys that live close by. We are pretty busy at the moment, But I'll see if they need a side job.
    Yeah it happens just wish I had been drinking lol I have a cracked wrist with torn tendons to my pinky and index finger, lost all feeling to my right hand but its starting to come back as the swelling goes down. I'm glad to hear Scott is doing ok and you guys recovered the boat. But thats just part of the being part of the "Boating industries" you help eachother out and I would exspect the same if it was my boat. Shoot me your email and I'll send some photos it looked pretty gnarly ripping out a chunk of skin and meat to the bone. lol
    Hey Buddy, we got the boat out. Sorry about your wrist man. Looked pretty nasty. What was the total injury on that thing?

    Anyways. sunday morning we had a bunch of people lift the boat onto the trailer. Then use a jeep with a winch and heavy straps to pull the trailer and boat to shore. Pain in the ass, but it was more organized and less booze to get the job done.
    I brough the schiada back with me to work on her a bit. Since she is back, I will probably take her to the Irvine V-drive event. I have been the past 3 years and it is a great event.
    Hey Andrew! It's Anne...It was good to see you at Foxes! You mentioned one of your v-drive videos was blank, who did you call to get a new one?
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