OC Daytona
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  • My God, doing some searching and unless your are stealing photos you are Tom who is Scott Cuks customer, I have the same photos of your motors that went in the Daytona some geeze, 15 years ago, WOW small world isnt it. Now I recognise or know of you :cool:
    OC Daytona
    OC Daytona
    Those motors are on their 22nd summer, still going strong but I gotta fix some intake gasket leaks and thinking about updating the heads to AFRs
    Not So Fast
    Not So Fast
    I think I know Travis, he's my son haha, as is Brett his twin, both California LEO's. In fact Trav is running the SBSO lake force now, hes the man in charge and Brett his twin is in the CHP office now that hes off road duty. My oldest Cory, is still in the OC, lives up by Cooks Corner.

    OC Daytona
    OC Daytona
    Hey Bobby, sorry I just saw this reply from you from August 😁 Great job you did with your sons. Travis used to detail my Daytona for me many years ago. Always did a great job on it. I've met Brett at the gym a couple of times. My friend John used to train MMA with him. Great kids.
    I'm still mainly in Kommiefornia in Mission Viejo, but getting closer to being in LHC full-time. Hopefully in 2-3 year.

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