Jay Photoglou is Throwing a party for Gretchen Rossi!!!

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Man Eater
Dec 20, 2007
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You better not

I bet I'd look damn good deceptively sickly...with my bic'ed melon and make-up enhanced gray complexion...I'll keep a puke bucket at my side and demand generous hand outs.

In turn, I'll donate $5.00 to a cancer charity and keep MY fingers crossed for winning the pompus title of "Woman of the Year."

Look out Gretchen, you've got competition.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Man I've tried... I've really tried to read this thread and care..

I always make it about 2 lines into a post and then wander off.. LOL

PizzaGirl and Ain't missbehavin. I got your PM's.. Quite honestly I don't care.

You guys take this shit waaaayyyy too seriously. I didn't bother reading the posts.. Again I don't care.

Stop focussing on each other. Focus on Jay and Gretchen, because at the end of the day..

Nobody really cares about Jay or Gretchen and their pseudo celebritism.. (I think I just made up a word) so you oughta to remember, nobody really gives 2 shits about either of you.


Ultra26 # 1

2007 Ultra 26 Shadow
Nov 7, 2007
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Man I've tried... I've really tried to read this thread and care..

I always make it about 2 lines into a post and then wander off.. LOL

PizzaGirl and Ain't missbehavin. I got your PM's.. Quite honestly I don't care.

You guys take this shit waaaayyyy too seriously. I didn't bother reading the posts.. Again I don't care.

Stop focussing on each other. Focus on Jay and Gretchen, because at the end of the day..

Nobody really cares about Jay or Gretchen and their pseudo celebritism.. (I think I just made up a word) so you oughta to remember, nobody really gives 2 shits about either of you.


:champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :p


Man Eater
Dec 20, 2007
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This is why he is our King. :thumbsup:thumbsup

Now go away, you trashy little beavers.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2009
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What can I say? Ain't misbehavin' must be related to Gretchen with all that tall tale tellin'. Like Jay, you can't believe everything you read about me or everything a blogger with an ax to grind has to say. I wasn't fired, I quit and I never did anything more than shake up a notorious non-tipping customer's soda :p. Just like Jay isn't a stalker and a nutcase no matter how many times Gretchen screams it from the rooftops.

Enough for now, I mostly came here to find out Jay's version of the facts. I agree, probably time to close down the thread since it isn't about boating anymore. Boats aren't for me, I get seasick.

Sure, Pizza. You said you worked for Dominoes for 12 years! One slip up with a soda? Ya, right! Do you really think a columnist would risk a law suit by printing a lie?

As is your MO, when you are outed, you deny it and do everything in your power to get sites closed down when you start to feel the heat. Now you are saying you came here to see what Jay's side of the story was? Then why didn't you just read his comments instead of plugging yourself for votes to get on the show? By the way, the voting closed, you lost.

You are so obvious, Pizza, and you don't care about Jay or anyone else so stop patronizing him. Now you want the entire thread closed because - why? "It isn't about boating anymore." Well folks, here is Pizza at her finest. Doesn't get her way so she tries to get he doors closed to cover her tracks.

I say keep this place open for business as usual and everyone just move on. Maybe Pizza will disappear since she knows too many people know her schtick and I think she just proved it to all of you.

She used YOU Jay, plain and simple.

Yes, I said I was leaving but do ya'll see what I mean? Maybe you don't care and I can't blame you. But Pizza doesn't want any of you to find out ALL the negativity she has spread about Jay - do you Pizza? But maybe, just maybe Jay and his friends do. :champagne::champagne:

None of you know me from Adam so you can think what you like. I don't know Gretchen - never, EVER, have I met her. I live 800 miles away! Do I think she is hot? Hell yes! So did Jay. But I have known Pizza for four years now, or should say, have experienced Pizza's antics just like hundreds of others who are sick of her and sick of her hurting and using people, just like she is using Jay.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2009
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Man I've tried... I've really tried to read this thread and care..

I always make it about 2 lines into a post and then wander off.. LOL

PizzaGirl and Ain't missbehavin. I got your PM's.. Quite honestly I don't care.

You guys take this shit waaaayyyy too seriously. I didn't bother reading the posts.. Again I don't care.

Stop focussing on each other. Focus on Jay and Gretchen, because at the end of the day..

Nobody really cares about Jay or Gretchen and their pseudo celebritism.. (I think I just made up a word) so you oughta to remember, nobody really gives 2 shits about either of you.


Thanks RD....I appreciate your and your guests time and I aplogize for the intrusion and drama. Looks like it's been going on for awhile here but I wanted to at least set the record straight for those who MIGHT care.... Jay?

You guys have a great, safe summer.....You rock!

That Guy

Rack em'
Sep 24, 2007
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Pizza Girl is playing you all like a fiddle. Don't buy into it. She can dish it about Gretchen and Jay but lies through her teeth about her own life. Laid off my ass!! She was fired and collected unemployment benifits. (Care to see her own admission post, where she said she was taking the summer off until her benefits ran out? There is an article in the OCR that confirms she was fired from Dominoes Pizza! Pizza gave up her own two young sons, sent them to live with their father to free up her time to devote to her Housewives Stalking and reporting addiction but said she did so for the best interest of her kids. Pizza, care to have all your self admission and hypocritical posts outed? We have all of them archived like the one I mentioned, delivering pizzas. The Housewives fans reported her stalking habits and how she wrote constantly on any forum she could find about which Housewife she delivered to, if they tipped, what they were doing, what their homes looked like, etc. She showed up at court hearings between two Housewives particants - a custody case between a family she didn't even know, and another couple with an alledged assault charge. Who does that?!

I sincerely apologize to all you folks here at RD's but this shit has to stop. Pizza Girl is known to infiltrate any and all websites to stir up shit. She is a woman who has ruined the lives of many innocent people, minor kids are her forte' - no one is off limits and some of you will eventually be targeted if she feels threatened or crossed. There are articles that confirm my allegations and ones you all should be made aware of.

You can check her posts out on TWOP under her Pizza Girl and Kirsty5 persona and FORT under her Pizza Girl persona. Pizzasquirrel, Melinduh, Agent007, Christy5 is her OCR persona's that we know with certainty.

My sincere apologies but someone has got to stop this wench from hurting anymore people, especially the kids who's lives she has affected in a mighty way. 999 people of ot 1000 will confirm what I am saying. : swear

Enough said, I wish you all luck and hope you get back to your site as you once knew it. I am signing off, and out. I hope you heed the warning.

You're kidding right....this group will chew her up and spit her out and then ask her for naked pics of herself....:deadhorse::bsflag:


Man Eater
Dec 20, 2007
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Ehhh..I'll go ahead and speak for the group and say we really dont want to see her naked.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Man I've tried... I've really tried to read this thread and care..

I always make it about 2 lines into a post and then wander off.. LOL

PizzaGirl and Ain't missbehavin. I got your PM's.. Quite honestly I don't care.

You guys take this shit waaaayyyy too seriously. I didn't bother reading the posts.. Again I don't care.

Stop focussing on each other. Focus on Jay and Gretchen, because at the end of the day..

Nobody really cares about Jay or Gretchen and their pseudo celebritism.. (I think I just made up a word) so you oughta to remember, nobody really gives 2 shits about either of you.




All in...
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Man I've tried... I've really tried to read this thread and care..

I always make it about 2 lines into a post and then wander off.. LOL

PizzaGirl and Ain't missbehavin. I got your PM's.. Quite honestly I don't care.

You guys take this shit waaaayyyy too seriously. I didn't bother reading the posts.. Again I don't care.

Stop focussing on each other. Focus on Jay and Gretchen, because at the end of the day..

Nobody really cares about Jay or Gretchen and their pseudo celebritism.. (I think I just made up a word) so you oughta to remember, nobody really gives 2 shits about either of you.


RD I know you Sux but lately yous a Rockin the house! :champagne::champagne:


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Sure, Pizza. You said you worked for Dominoes for 12 years! One slip up with a soda? Ya, right! Do you really think a columnist would risk a law suit by printing a lie?

As is your MO, when you are outed, you deny it and do everything in your power to get sites closed down when you start to feel the heat. Now you are saying you came here to see what Jay's side of the story was? Then why didn't you just read his comments instead of plugging yourself for votes to get on the show? By the way, the voting closed, you lost.

You are so obvious, Pizza, and you don't care about Jay or anyone else so stop patronizing him. Now you want the entire thread closed because - why? "It isn't about boating anymore." Well folks, here is Pizza at her finest. Doesn't get her way so she tries to get he doors closed to cover her tracks.

I say keep this place open for business as usual and everyone just move on. Maybe Pizza will disappear since she knows too many people know her schtick and I think she just proved it to all of you.

She used YOU Jay, plain and simple.

Yes, I said I was leaving but do ya'll see what I mean? Maybe you don't care and I can't blame you. But Pizza doesn't want any of you to find out ALL the negativity she has spread about Jay - do you Pizza? But maybe, just maybe Jay and his friends do. :champagne::champagne:

None of you know me from Adam so you can think what you like. I don't know Gretchen - never, EVER, have I met her. I live 800 miles away! Do I think she is hot? Hell yes! So did Jay. But I have known Pizza for four years now, or should say, have experienced Pizza's antics just like hundreds of others who are sick of her and sick of her hurting and using people, just like she is using Jay.

F.Y.I. Pizzagirl squirl etc.. and I have never exchanged an E-Mail, So I am lost on how she has used me. So please don't start more rumors. I think I have had enough rumors for a LONG time.


Retired And Loving It.
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I've read 1225 of these posts over the past few days. I didn't even know who "Gretchen Rossi" was, until I saw a spot over on "The Dirty" last week.

But now that I have SOME idea (no, I still won't watch the show) who she is and what this is about, I have an idea to put an end to it.

I'm taking up a collection for air-fare, hotel rooms and meals so we can send Brown, Bilgie and JBB to Newport for a week or so. No plan. No ideas. No instructions. Just send them there and leave them to do whatever they think is best.

When they're done, there won't be enough left of the "OC" to make ANYONE want to watch a show about it.

So please be generous. If I don't get enough in donations, it'll have to be one way bus tickets, a Motel 6 in Santa Ana and a couple of 50% off coupons for Domino's.



Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I've read 1225 of these posts over the past few days. I didn't even know who "Gretchen Rossi" was, until I saw a spot over on "The Dirty" last week.

But now that I have SOME idea (no, I still won't watch the show) who she is and what this is about, I have an idea to put an end to it.

I'm taking up a collection for air-fare, hotel rooms and meals so we can send Brown, Bilgie and JBB to Newport for a week or so. No plan. No ideas. No instructions. Just send them there and leave them to do whatever they think is best.

When they're done, there won't be enough left of the "OC" to make ANYONE want to watch a show about it.

So please be generous. If I don't get enough in donations, it'll have to be one way bus tickets, a Motel 6 in Santa Ana and a couple of 50% off coupons for Domino's.


We're in for $100.


Commercial Banker
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Originally Posted by Pizza Girl
Enough for now, I mostly came here to find out Jay's version of the facts. I agree, probably time to close down the thread since it isn't about boating anymore. Boats aren't for me, I get seasick.

And who made you think you were the H.N.I.C. of t his party?

Wow.....just realized you deleted all your posts.....hmmmmm

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I've read 1225 of these posts over the past few days. I didn't even know who "Gretchen Rossi" was, until I saw a spot over on "The Dirty" last week.

But now that I have SOME idea (no, I still won't watch the show) who she is and what this is about, I have an idea to put an end to it.

I'm taking up a collection for air-fare, hotel rooms and meals so we can send Brown, Bilgie and JBB to Newport for a week or so. No plan. No ideas. No instructions. Just send them there and leave them to do whatever they think is best.

When they're done, there won't be enough left of the "OC" to make ANYONE want to watch a show about it.

So please be generous. If I don't get enough in donations, it'll have to be one way bus tickets, a Motel 6 in Santa Ana and a couple of 50% off coupons for Domino's.


I'm in for $50.00, BUT, only if Ratso goes as the "leader" and brown tapes the whole trip, including all interaction with the "wives".
THAT would be reality!


Inmate #47
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
She lives very close to me, cigalert, rvrrat and chipster. Her myspace pics were taken at my kids school. I stand at that exact spot when I pick up. I could have sworn I saw her the last time I picked up at school. I almost said, “Hey are you that psycho pizza chick on RDP?” Then figured …not a good idea with my kid around. :grumble:

where's my keyes ?

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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:monkeypeeDeano!!!!!! Hows your wife and my kids??:moon:


my wifes still hot and my kids are "still" taller than you ---- :champagne: bbwwaahaaaaaaa ----- (when are you hitting up the riv again :boobeyes:) ??


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I'm trying to get the time off to go out there for Bill's (Riverbound) birthday. I have the weekend off before for an event so I'm not sure if I can swing both. If not, probably May sometime.

where's my keyes ?

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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I'm trying to get the time off to go out there for Bill's (Riverbound) birthday. I have the weekend off before for an event so I'm not sure if I can swing both. If not, probably May sometime.

no you didn't :bunny: :p ???


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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She lives very close to me, cigalert, rvrrat and chipster. Her myspace pics were taken at my kids school. I stand at that exact spot when I pick up. I could have sworn I saw her the last time I picked up at school. I almost said, “Hey are you that psycho pizza chick on RDP?” Then figured …not a good idea with my kid around. :grumble:

why not a good idea? You've been posting on the boating boards for years... She's the stalker who signed onto a website to post her .02 :D


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
She lives very close to me, cigalert, rvrrat and chipster. Her myspace pics were taken at my kids school. I stand at that exact spot when I pick up. I could have sworn I saw her the last time I picked up at school. I almost said, “Hey are you that psycho pizza chick on RDP?” Then figured …not a good idea with my kid around. :grumble:

The bridge to stocker-bithia never looked so good. :D

Stick a fork in this deal. It's done.:thumbsdown

This thing has at least 5 pages left in it. :p


Inmate #47
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
why not a good idea? You've been posting on the boating boards for years... She's the stalker who signed onto a website to post her .02 :D

Don’t get me wrong if I were alone I would have asked. When Im with my kids and I am responsible for other kids… and don’t know who or what the fukk this chick is up to… or what her agenda is… no way. :skull


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Don’t get me wrong if I were alone I would have asked. When Im with my kids and I am responsible for other kids… and don’t know who or what the fukk this chick is up to… or what her agenda is… no way. :skull

Put away any pet rabbits you may have.


Everyones favorite Bitch!
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Don’t get me wrong if I were alone I would have asked. When Im with my kids and I am responsible for other kids… and don’t know who or what the fukk this chick is up to… or what her agenda is… no way. :skull

I'll watch them! LOL:D:thumbsup


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
The bridge to stocker-bithia never looked so good. :D

This thing has at least 5 pages left in it. :p

I'd bet it's got another 20 - 30 pages left in it here pretty quick.. (next week) LOL

I don't much give a shit either way though, I read the 1st couple and the last couple and I'm having a real hard time understanding any of it.



All in...
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I'd bet it's got another 20 - 30 pages left in it here pretty quick.. (next week) LOL

I don't much give a shit either way though, I read the 1st couple and the last couple and I'm having a real hard time understanding any of it.


You are not alone my friend. There is a large hole in the middle of this that I have yet to fill. :p

Kind of like watching Obama on the TV. Just ain't gonna happen.
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